
"MATANAT A" tile adhesive

Product Description

High quality nanotechnology cement based ceramic adhesive with combined polymerization, grey color, monocomponent, enriched with mixtures enhancing potential of the product usage. Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

  • This ceramic adhesive can be applied in the following areas:
  • Indoor and outdoor;
  • Adhesive bonding of facing materials onto such surfaces, as concrete, plaster, flooring plaster;
  • Gluing glazed tiles onto tile surfaces without removal of old tiles.


  • Easy preparation and use;
  • No sliding on vertical surfaces;
  • It is possible to bond ceramic and other facing tiles from top downward;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.

Application procedures

Preparation of surfaces. Please pay attention to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the surface has 5-6 mm deep cracks or pores, they should be filled with Filkret repair mixture the day before use. In addition the surface to be used should first be dampened or primed with Binmader primer.

Preparation of mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg powder slurry to 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water and mix till it is entirely homogeneous. Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application.

Application. Apply thin coat of the mixture onto the surface using flat side of trowel. Then trowel over the applied mixture with toothed side of the trowel according to the tile dimensions. It is recommended to use combined method of gluing for large-size tiles (according to this method adhesive is applied onto the surface and combed, and it is applied also onto the back side of the facing tile, whereupon the tile is pressed to the combed surface). 

Right moment for gluing the tile to the surface with applied mixture is defined by fingertip control (pressing) of the mixture. If the mixture sticks to the finger then tiles can be applied to the surface. This waiting period should not exceed 30 minutes. In case the mixture applied to the surface has been coagulated, it should be scrapped, and tiles should be laid after repeated application of the mixture and combing it with the toothed trowel. 
Prepared mixture should be used within 3 hours. We do not recommend to use the mixture after this period expired and crust is formed.
Filling of joints can be executed on walls in 24 hours after application of the mixture, and in 48 hours on floorings.

Recommendations. If at the time of applying “Matanat A” ceramic adhesive the environmental temperature exceeds limits of +50C- +300C range, required temperature should be provided. The adhesive should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. Ceramics having high moisture absorption degree should be saturated with water before use. After the useful life expiration the mixture in no case should be diluted with water or adhesive substances. After use all the hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.

Shelf Life and Method of Storage

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration cement base of the adhesive and abundance of admixtures in its composition, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add to the mixture any substances not mentioned in the method of application;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in theambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% +5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"Matanat A white" mosaic adhesive (white)

Product Description

High quality nanotechnology cement based ceramic adhesive, white color, monocomponent, enriched with mixtures enhancing potential of the product usage. Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”. High quality nanotechnology cement based ceramic adhesive, white color, monocomponent, enriched with mixtures enhancing potential of the product usage. Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This ceramic adhesive can be applied in the following areas:

  • Indoor and outdoor;
  • Adhesive bonding of glass mosaic;
  • Filling of joints;
  • Gluing of glazed tiles onto tile surfaces without removal of glass blocks and old tiles;
  • Adhesive bonding onto such surfaces, as concrete, plaster, flooring plaster.


  • Easy preparation and use;
  • Can be applied on both horizontal and vertical surfaces;
  • It is possible to easily bond ceramic, glass mosaic, glass blocks, and other facing tiles from top downward;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.

Application procedures

Preparation of surfaces. Please pay attention to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the surface has 5-6 mm deep cracks or pores, they should be filled with Filkret repair mixture the day before use. In addition the surface to be used should first be dampened or primed with Binmader primer.

Preparation of mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg powder slurry into 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water and mix till it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application.

Application. Apply thin coat of the mixture onto the surface using flat side of the trowel. Then trowel over the applied mixture with toothed side of the trowel according to the tile dimensions. It is recommended to use combined method of gluing for large-size tiles (according to this method adhesive is applied onto the surface and combed, and it is applied also onto the back side of the facing tile, whereupon the tile is pressed to the combed surface).

The right moment for gluing the tile onto the surface with applied mixture is defined by fingertip control (pressing) of the mixture. If the mixture sticks to the finger the tiles can be applied to the surface. This waiting period should not exceed 30 minutes. In case the mixture applied to the surface has been coagulated, it should be scrapped, and tiles should be laid after repeated application of mixture and combing with toothed trowel.

Prepared mixture should be used within 3 hours. We do not recommend to use the mixture after this period expired and crust formed.
Filling of joints can be executed on walls in 24 hours after application of mixture, and in 48 hours on floorings.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of MA White ceramic adhesive the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, required temperature should be provided. The adhesive should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. Ceramics having high moisture absorption degree should be saturated with water before use. In case of mosaic bonding in swimming pools it is recommended to use glass mosaic tiles having a layer of paper on their frontal surfaces. After the useful life expiration the MA White mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.

Shelf Life and Method of Storage

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration cement base of the MA White adhesive and abundance of admixtures in its composition, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add to the mixture any substances not mentioned in the method of application;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support 

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MARBLE-GRANITE" adhesive (grey)

Product Description

High quality nanotechnology cement based marble-granite adhesive, grey color, monocomponent, enriched with mixtures enhancing potential of the product usage.  Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This ceramic adhesive can be applied in the following areas:

  • Indoor and outdoor;
  • Areas of trade centers busy with pedestrian flows and heavy traffic of lorry vehicles
  • Hospitals, schools, and other working places;
  • Adhesive bonding onto such surfaces, as concrete, plaster, flooring plaster.


  • Easy preparation and use;
  • It is possible to easily bond ceramic and other facing tiles from top downward, including bonding of all types of facing materials without removal of old marble and granite panels;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.

Application procedures

Preparation of surfaces. Please pay attention to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the surface has 5-6 mm deep cracks or pores, they should be filled with Filkret repair mixture the day before use. In addition the surface to be used should first be dampened or primed with Binmader primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg powder slurry into 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water and mix till it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application.

Application. Apply thin coat of the mixture onto the surface using flat side of the trowel. Then trowel over the applied mixture with toothed side of the trowel according to the tile dimensions. It is recommended to use combined method of gluing for large-size tiles (according to this method adhesive is applied onto the surface and combed, and it is applied also onto the back side of the facing tile, whereupon the tile is pressed to the combed surface).

The right moment for gluing the tile onto the surface with applied mixture is defined by fingertip control (pressing) of the mixture. If the mixture sticks to the finger the tiles can be applied to the surface. This period should not exceed 30 minutes. In case the mixture applied to the surface has been coagulated, it should be scrapped, and tiles should be laid after repeated application of the mixture and combing with toothed trowel.

Prepared mixture should be used within 3 hours. We do not recommend to use the mixture after this period expired and the crust formed.
Filling of joints can be executed on walls in 24 hours after application of mixture, and in 48 hours on floorings.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of "MARBLE-GRANITE" adhesive the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, required temperature should be provided. The adhesive should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. Ceramic having high moisture absorption degree should be saturated with water before use. After the useful life expiration the product in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

  • The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration cement base of the "MARBLE-GRANITE" adhesive and abundance of admixtures in its composition, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add to the mixture any substances not mentioned in the method of application;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual
  • ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MARBLE-GRANITE" adhesive (white)

Product Description

High quality nanotechnology cement based marble-granite adhesive, white color, monocomponent, enriched with mixtures enhancing potential of the product usage.  Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This ceramic adhesive can be applied in the following areas:

  • Indoor and outdoor;
  • Areas of public and social infrastructures and trade centers busy with pedestrian flows and heavy traffic of lorry vehicles
  • Hospitals, schools, and other working places;
  • Adhesive bonding onto such surfaces, as concrete, plaster, flooring plaster


  • Easy preparation and use;
  • It is possible to easily bond ceramic and other facing tiles from top downward, including bonding of all types of facing materials without removal of old marble and granite panels;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.

Application procedures

Preparation of surfaces. Please pay attention to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the surface has 5-6 mm deep cracks or pores, they should be filled with Filkret repair mixture the day before use. In addition the surface to be used should first be dampened or primed with Binmader primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg of powder slurry into 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water and mix till it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application.

Application. Apply thin coat of the mixture onto the surface using flat side of the trowel. Then trowel over the applied mixture with toothed side of the trowel according to the tile dimensions. It is recommended to use combined method of gluing for large-size tiles (according to this method adhesive is applied onto the surface and combed, and it is applied also onto the back side of the facing tile, whereupon the tile is pressed to the combed surface).

The right moment for gluing the tile onto the surface with applied mixture is defined by fingertip control (pressing) of the mixture. If the mixture sticks to the finger the tiles can be applied to the surface. This period should not exceed 30 minutes. In case the mixture applied to the surface has been coagulated, it should be scrapped, and tiles should be laid after repeated application of the mixture and combing with toothed trowel. 
Prepared mixture should be used within 3 hours. We do not recommend to use the mixture after this period expired and crust formed.
Filling of joints can be executed on walls in 24 hours after application of mixture, and in 48 hours on floorings.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of QRANİYAP White adhesive the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, required temperature should be provided. The adhesive should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. Ceramics having high moisture absorption degree should be saturated with water before use. After the useful life expiration the product in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all the hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack


  • taking into consideration cement base of the QRANİYAP White adhesive and abundance of admixtures in its composition, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add to the mixture any substances not mentioned in the method of application;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"HYDROELASTIC" adhesive, resistance to water (grey)

Product Description

Nanotechnology cement based hydro-elastic adhesive, grey color, monocomponent, enriched with mixtures enhancing potential of the product usage, provides waterproofing in humid Fields of Application, and has specific adhesive force and high elasticity. Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This ceramic adhesive can be applied in the following areas:

  • Indoor and outdoor;
  • Humid areas such as swimming pools, bath houses, thermal springs, and saunas;
  • Adhesive bonding of ceramic, granite, and other large-size facing tiles onto such surfaces, as concrete, plaster, flooring plaster;
  • Gluing of ceramic and other tiles onto surfaces without removal of previously applied ceramic, granite, and marble tiles.


  • Easy preparation and use;
  • It is possible to easily bond ceramic and other facing tiles from top downward;
  • Irreplaceable hydro-elastic adhesive for places of continuous contact with water, such as swimming pools, bath houses, thermal springs, saunas, and others;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions;

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Please pay attention to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the surface has 5-6 mm deep cracks or pores, they should be filled with Filkret repair mixture the day before use. In addition the surface to be used should first be dampened or primed with Binmader primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg of powder mix into 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water and mix till it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application.

Application. Apply thin coat of the mixture onto the surface using flat side of trowel. Then trowel over the applied mixture with toothed side of the trowel according to the tile dimensions. It is recommended to use combined method of gluing for 60х60 cm and larger size facing tiles (according to this method adhesive is applied onto the surface and combed, and it is applied also onto the back side of the facing tile, whereupon the tile is pressed to the combed surface). 
The right moment for gluing the tile onto the surface with applied mixture is defined by fingertip control (pressing) of the mixture. If the mixture sticks to the finger the tiles can be applied to the surface. This period should not exceed 30 minutes. In case the mixture applied to the surface has been coagulated, it should be scrapped, and tiles should be laid after repeated application of the mixture and combing it with toothed trowel. 
Prepared mixture should be used within 2 hours. We do not recommend to use the mixture after this period expired and crust formed.
Filling of joints can be executed: on walls in 24 hours after application of the mixture, and in 48 hours on floorings.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of HİDROYAP adhesive the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The adhesive should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. Ceramics having high moisture absorption degree should be saturated with water before use. After the useful life expiration the product in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


Amount of adhesive consumed (in kg) per 1 m2 surface depends on thickness of adhesive layer applied onto the surface during the working period and dimensions of trowel teeth:

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration cement base of the HİDROYAP adhesive and abundance of admixtures in its composition, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add to the mixture any substances not mentioned in the method of application;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"HYDROELASTIC" adhesive, resistance to water (white)

Product Description

Nanotechnology cement based hydro-elastic adhesive, white color, monocomponent, enriched with mixtures enhancing potential of the product usage, provides waterproofing in wet Fields of Application and has specific adhesive force and high elasticity. Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This ceramic adhesive can be applied in the following areas:

  • Indoor and outdoor;
  • Humid areas such as swimming pools, bath houses, thermal springs, and saunas;
  • Adhesive bonding of ceramic, granite, and other different-sized facing tiles onto such surfaces, as concrete, plaster, flooring plaster;
  • Gluing of ceramic and other tiles directly onto surfaces without removal of previously applied ceramic, granite, and marble tiles.


  • Easy preparation and use;
  • It is possible to easily bond ceramic and other facing tiles from top downward;
  • Irreplaceable hydro elastic adhesive for places of continuous contact with water, such as swimming pools, bath houses, thermal springs, saunas, and others;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Please pay attention to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the surface has 5-6 mm deep cracks or pores, they should be filled with Filkret repair mixture the day before use. In addition the surface to be used should first be dampened or primed with Binmader primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg of powder mix into 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water and mix till it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application.

Application. Apply thin coat of the mixture onto the surface using flat side of the trowel. Then trowel over the applied mixture with toothed side of the trowel according to the tile dimensions. It is recommended to use combined method of gluing for 60х60 cm and larger size facing tiles (according to this method adhesive is applied onto the surface and combed, and it is applied also onto the back side of the facing tile, whereupon the tile is pressed to the combed surface).

The right moment for gluing the tile onto the surface with applied mixture is defined by fingertip control (pressing) of the mixture. If the mixture sticks to the finger the tiles can be applied to the surface. This period should not exceed 30 minutes. In case the mixture applied to the surface has been coagulated, it should be scrapped, and tiles should be laid after repeated application of mixture and combing with a toothed trowel.

Prepared mixture should be used within 2 hours. We do not recommend to use the mixture after this period expired and crust formed.

Filling of joints can be executed: on walls in 24 hours after application of mixture, and in 48 hours on floorings.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of HİDROYAP White adhesive the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The adhesive should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. Ceramics having high moisture absorption degree should be saturated with water before use. After the useful life expiration the product in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water. 

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration cement base and complex composition of the HİDROYAP White adhesive mixture, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add to the mixture any substances not mentioned in the method of application;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MA Flex" tile adhesive (grey)

Product Description

High quality nanotechnology cement based adhesive, grey color, monocomponent, enriched with mixtures enhancing potential of the product usage, resistant to instant temperature changes. Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

  • This ceramic adhesive can be applied in the following areas:
  • Places with instant temperature changes (freezing – melting);
  • Cold storehouses and ice-houses;
  • Oven facing;
  • Systems heated from below;
  • Decoration of terraces and gardens;
  • Adhesive bonding of different materials, such as floor and wall ceramic tiles, granite, fire-proof bricks, and decorative bricks onto such surfaces, as concrete, plaster, flooring plaster;
  • Gluing of new ceramic tiles onto surfaces without removal of previously applied ceramic tiles.


  • Can be used in places with instant temperature changes (freezing – melting);
  • Irreplaceable adhesive, resistant to high and low temperatures, ideal for ovens and ice-houses;
  • Easily applicable, does not require too much efforts;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. Please pay attention to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the surface has 5-6 mm deep cracks or pores, they should be filled with Filkret repair mixture the day before use. In addition the surface to be used should first be dampened or primed with Binmader primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg of powder mix into 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water and mix till it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application.

Application. Apply thin coat of the mixture onto the surface using flat side of the trowel. Then trowel over the applied mixture with toothed side of the trowel according to the tile dimensions. It is recommended to use combined method of gluing for large-size tiles applied in areas with heavy temperature changes (according to this method adhesive is applied onto the surface and combed, and it is applied also onto the back side of the facing tile, whereupon the tile is pressed to the combed surface).

The right moment for gluing the tile onto the surface with applied mixture is defined by fingertip control (pressing) of the mixture. If the mixture sticks to the finger the tiles can be applied to the surface. This period should not exceed 30 minutes. In case the mixture applied to the surface has been coagulated, it should be scrapped, and tiles should be laid after repeated application of the mixture and combing it with a toothed trowel. Prepared mixture should be used within 3 hours. We do not recommend to use the mixture after this period expired and crust formed. Filling of joints can be executed: on walls in 24 hours after application of the mixture, and in 48 hours on floorings.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of MA Flex adhesive the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The adhesive should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. Ceramics having high moisture absorption degree should be saturated with water before use. After the useful life expiration the product in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration cement base and complex composition of the MA Flex adhesive mixture, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add to the mixture any substances not mentioned in the method of application;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MA Flex white" flex tile adhesive (white)

Product Description

Resistant adhesive for stoves and icehouses. High quality nanotechnology cement based adhesive, white color, monocomponent, enriched with mixtures enhancing potential of the product usage, resistant to instant temperature changes. 
Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This ceramic adhesive can be applied in the following areas:

  • Places with instant temperature changes (freezing – melting);
  • Cold storehouses and ice-houses;
  • Oven facing;
  • Systems heated from below;
  • Decoration of terraces and gardens;
  • Adhesive bonding of different materials, such as floor and wall ceramic tiles, granite, fire-proof bricks, and decorative bricks onto such surfaces, as concrete, plaster, flooring plaster;
  • Gluing of ceramic tiles onto ceramic surfaces;
  • Adhesive bonding of ceramic and other facing materials onto horizontal and vertical surfaces from top downward.


  • Easy preparation and use;
  • Can be used easily in places with instant temperature changes (freezing – melting);
  • Irreplaceable adhesive resistant to high and low temperatures, ideal for ovens and ice-houses;

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. Please pay attention to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the surface has 5-6 mm deep cracks or pores, they should be filled with Filkret repair mixture the day before use. In addition the surface to be used should first be dampened or primed with Binmader primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg of powder mix into 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water and mix till it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application.

Application. Apply thin coat of the mixture onto the surface using flat side of the trowel. Then trowel over the applied mixture with toothed side of the trowel according to the tile dimensions. It is recommended to use combined method of gluing for large-size tiles applied in areas with rapid temperature changes (according to this method adhesive is applied onto the surface and combed, and it is applied also onto the back side of the facing tile, whereupon the tile is pressed to the combed surface).

The right moment for gluing the tile onto the surface with applied mixture is defined by fingertip control (pressing) of the mixture. If the mixture sticks to the finger the tiles can be applied to the surface. This period should not exceed 30 minutes. In case the mixture applied to the surface has been coagulated, it should be scrapped, and tiles should be laid after repeated application of the mixture and combing it with a toothed trowel.

Prepared mixture should be used within 3 hours. We do not recommend to use the mixture after this period expired and crust formed. Filling of joints can be executed on walls in 24 hours after application of mixture, and in 48 hours on floorings.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of MA Flex White adhesive the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The adhesive should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. Ceramics having high moisture absorption degree should be saturated with water before use. After the useful life expiration the product in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration cement base and complex composition of the MA Flex White adhesive mixture, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add to the mixture any substances not mentioned in the method of application;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"EKOMAT" adhesive for small and medium sized ceramic tiles (grey)

Product Description

High quality nanotechnology cement based complex mixture adhesive, grey color, monocomponent,  enriched with mixtures enhancing potential of the product usage. Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This ceramic adhesive can be applied in the following areas:

  • Indoor and outdoor;
  • Adhesive bonding of small and medium-size floor and wall ceramic tiles onto such surfaces, as concrete, plaster, flooring plaster.


  • Very efficient;
  • Easy preparation and use;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. Please pay attention to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the surface has 5-6 mm deep cracks or pores, they should be filled with Filkret repair mixture the day before use. In addition the surface to be used should first be dampened or primed with Binmader primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg of powder mix into 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water and mix till it is entirely homogeneous. Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application.

Application. Apply thin coat of the mixture onto the surface using flat side of trowel. Then trowel over the applied mixture with toothed side of the trowel according to the tile dimensions. The right moment for gluing the tile onto the surface with applied mixture is defined by fingertip control (pressing) of the mixture. If the mixture sticks to the finger the tiles can be applied to the surface. This period should not exceed 30 minutes. In case the mixture applied to the surface has been coagulated, it should be scrapped, and tiles should be laid after repeated application of the mixture and combing it with toothed trowel.

Prepared mixture should be used within 3 hours. We do not recommend to use the mixture after this period expired and crust formed. Filling of joints can be executed on walls in 24 hours after application of mixture, and in 48 hours on floorings.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of EKOMAT adhesive the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The adhesive should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. Ceramics having high moisture absorption degree should be saturated with water before use. After the useful life expiration the product in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration cement base and complex composition of the EKOMAT adhesive mixture, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add to the mixture any substances not mentioned in the method of application;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MA Kontakt" adhesive for small and medium sized ceramic tiles (grey)

Product Description

Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”. High quality nanotechnology cement based rapid-hardening adhesive, grey color, monocomponent, widely applicable, enriched with mixtures enhancing potential of the product usage. Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This ceramic adhesive can be applied in the following areas:

  • Indoor and outdoor;
  • Adhesive bonding of glass mosaic;
  • Filling of joints;
  • Gluing of glazed tile onto tile surfaces without removal of glass blocks and old tile;
  • Adhesive bonding onto such surfaces, as concrete, plaster, flooring plaster.
  • Interior and exterior spaces;
  • Adhesive bonding of small and medium-size floor and wall ceramic tiles, natural stone, cotto and decorative facing bricks onto such surfaces, as concrete, plaster, flooring plaster, in the areas to be put into operation during one day period.


  • Very simple preparation and use;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.
  • Quick hardening;
  • The joints can be filled in 4-6 hours after application of adhesive;
  • The treated area can be put into operation during one day period.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. Please pay attention to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the surface has 5-6 mm deep cracks or pores, they should be filled with Filkret repair mixture the day before use. In addition the surface to be used should first be dampened or primed with Binmader primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg of powder mix into 5.0 - 5.5 liters of water and mix till it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application.

Application. Apply thin coat of the mixture onto the surface using flat side of the trowel. Then trowel over the applied mixture with toothed side of the trowel according to the tile dimensions. The right moment for gluing the tile onto the surface with applied mixture is defined by fingertip control (pressing) of the mixture. If the mixture sticks to the finger the tiles can be applied to the surface. This period should not exceed 30 minutes. In case the mixture applied to the surface has been coagulated, it should be scrapped, and tiles should be laid after repeated application of the mixture and combing it with toothed trowel.

Prepared mixture should be used within 45 minutes. We do not recommend to use the mixture after this period expired and crust formed.

Filling of joints can be executed on walls in 4 hours after application of the mixture, and in 6 hours on floorings.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of MA kontakt adhesive the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The adhesive should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. Ceramics having high moisture absorption degree should be saturated with water before use. After the useful life expiration the MA kontakt mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water. After hardening the MA kontakt adhesive can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration cement base and complex composition of the MA kontakt adhesive mixture, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add to the mixture any substances not mentioned in the method of application;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"PENABET" adhesive for aerated concrete blocks

Product Description

Nanotechnology cement based gas concrete and/or foamed concrete adhesive, grey color, monocomponent, enriched with mixtures providing high results. Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This ceramic adhesive can be applied in the following areas:

  • Adhesive bonding and fabricating of gas concrete blocks, decorative facing bricks, gypsum counter ceiling panels, foamed concrete, and other lightweight materials having low specific weight and high level of moisture absorption.


  • The most effective adhesive that can be used both as masonry-plaster and mixture for filling of joints, and as material for bonding of light-weight tiles to surfaces in the process of laying light-weight construction materials;
  • Very simple preparation and use;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.
  • The most effective adhesive that can be used both as masonry-plaster and mixture for filling of joints, and as material for bonding of light-weight tiles to surfaces in the process of laying light-weight construction materials;
  • Very simple preparation and use;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. Please pay attention to the surface to be used before application of construction materials manufactured from foamed concrete and gas concrete: the surface should be sound, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the surface has 5-6 mm deep cracks or pores, they should be filled with Filkret repair mixture the day before use. In addition the surface to be used should first be dampened or primed with Binmader primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg of powder mix into 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water and mix till it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application.

Application. Apply the equal thickness layer of adhesive both onto the surface of the partially errected wall and onto the lateral sides of materials used to build the wall. In case the lower part has any distortion, repair the initial row using cement-and-sand slurry until it is leveled. Thereafter it is not required to align sequential rows.
Try not to permit the horizontal and vertical joints exceed maximum 3 mm during construction. Take care to fill these joints totally.

Prepared mixture should be used within 3 hours. We do not recommend to use the mixture after this period expired and crust formed.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of PENABET adhesive the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The adhesive should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After the useful life expiration the PENABET mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools devices should be cleaned with water. After hardening the MA kontakt adhesive can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration cement base and complex composition of the PENABET adhesive mixture, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add to the mixture any substances not mentioned in the method of application;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FASKER 100" adhesive for facade ceramic tiles (powder)

Product Description

Nanotechnology cement based facing tile adhesive, grey color, monocomponent, including specific polymeric additives providing high results, frost-proof, capable to bonding at high altitudes, enriched with mixtures enhancing potential of the product usage. Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This ceramic adhesive can be applied in the following areas:

  • Adhesive bonding of different-sized ceramic, porcelain ceramic, cotto tiles, marble, granite, and other natural stones, decorative bricks and other similar facing materials onto building faces at different altitudes.
  • Adhesive bonding of such facing tiles, as marble and granite, having dimensions 60 cm x 60 cm at 6 meter altitude; facing tiles having dimensions 40 cm x 40 cm at 12 meter altitude, and facing tiles having dimensions 15 cm x 30 cm at 30-50 meter altitude onto such building face surfaces as concrete, plaster, and floor plaster.


  • Can be used in different weather conditions;
  • High quality adhesive for bonding ceramic and other facing materials onto vertical and horizontal surfaces at high altitudes;
  • No sliding along vertical surfaces;
  • Easy preparation and use;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. Please pay attention to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the surface has 5-6 mm deep cracks or pores, they should be filled with Filkret repair mixture the day before use. In addition the surface to be used should first be dampened or primed with Binmader primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg of powder mix into 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water and mix till it is entirely homogeneous. Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application.

Application. Apply thin coat of the mixture onto the surface using flat side of the trowel. Then trowel over the applied mixture with toothed side of the trowel according to the tile dimensions. It is recommended to use combined method of gluing for large-size tiles (according to this method adhesive is applied onto the surface and combed, and it is applied also onto the back side of the facing tile, whereupon the tile is pressed to the combed surface).

The right moment for gluing the tile onto the surface with applied mixture is defined by fingertip control (pressing) of the mixture. If the mixture sticks to the finger the tiles can be applied to the surface. This period should not exceed 30 minutes. In case the mixture applied to the surface has been coagulated, it should be scrapped, and tiles should be laid after repeated application of the mixture and combing it with toothed trowel.

When using large-size facing materials, apply the adhesive in horizontal direction, and do not start laying the next row before the previously completed row has achieved the initial resistance force. Leave one spacing gap each 3.5 m in vertical direction.  Prepared mixture should be used within 3 hours. We do not recommend to use the mixture after this period expired and crust formed. Filling of joints can be executed on walls in 24 hours after application of mixture, and in 48 hours on floorings.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of FASKER 100 adhesive the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The adhesive should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. Ceramics having high moisture absorption degree should be saturated with water before use. After the useful life expiration the FASKER 100 mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water. After hardening the FASKER 100 adhesive can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration cement base and complex composition of the Fasker 100 adhesive mixture, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add to the mixture any substances not mentioned in the method of application;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the base of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FASKER 200" adhesive for facade ceramic tiles (powder+liquid)

Product Description

Nanotechnology cement acrylic based facing tile adhesive, grey color, two-component, including specific polymeric additives providing excellent results, frost-proof, capable to bonding at high altitudes, enriched with mixtures enhancing potential of the product usage. Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”. Up to 75 m. height.

Fields of Application

This ceramic adhesive can be applied in the following areas:

  • Adhesive bonding of differently sized ceramic, porcelain ceramic, cotto tiles, marble, granite, and other natural stones, decorative bricks and other similar facing materials onto building faces at different altitudes.
  • Adhesive bonding of facing tiles, such as marble and granite, having dimensions 60 cm x 60 cm at 8 meter altitude; facing tiles having dimensions 40 cm x 40 cm at 15 meter altitude, and facing tiles having dimensions 15cm x 30 cm at 15-75 meter altitude onto such building face surfaces as concrete, plaster, and floor plaster.


  • Can be used in different weather conditions;
  • High quality adhesive for bonding ceramic and other facing materials onto vertical and horizontal surfaces at high altitude;
  • No sliding along vertical surfaces;
  • Easy preparation and use;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. Please pay attention to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the surface has 5-6 mm deep cracks or pores, they should be filled with Filkret repair mixture the day before use. In addition the surface to be used should first be dampened or primed with Binmader primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg of powder mix into 7 liters of the liquid and mix till it is entirely homogeneous. Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application.

Application. Apply thin coat of the mixture onto the surface using flat side of the trowel. Then trowel over the applied mixture with toothed side of the trowel according to the tile dimensions. It is recommended to use combined method of gluing for large-size tiles (according to this method adhesive is applied onto the surface and combed, and it is applied also onto the back side of the facing tile, whereupon the tile is pressed to the combed surface).

The right moment for gluing the tile onto the surface with applied mixture is defined by fingertip control (pressing) of the mixture. If the mixture sticks to the finger the tiles can be applied to the surface. This period should not exceed 30 minutes. In case the mixture applied to the surface has been coagulated, it should be scrapped, and tiles should be laid after repeated application of the mixture and combing it with toothed trowel.

When using large-size facing materials apply the adhesive in horizontal direction, and do not start to lay the next row before the previous completed row has achieved initial resistance force. Leave one spacing gap each 35 m in vertical direction.  Prepared mixture should be used within 3 hours. We do not recommend to use the mixture after this period expired and crust formed. Filling of joints can be executed on walls in 24 hours after application of mixture, and in 48 hours on floorings.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of FASKER 200 adhesive the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The adhesive should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. Ceramics having high moisture absorption degree should be saturated with water before use. After the useful life expiration the FASKER 200 mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water. After hardening the FASKER 200 adhesive can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The powder component can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack. The liquid component can be stored during 12 months in plastic containers placed one upon the other in three layers.


  • taking into consideration cement base and complex composition of the Fasker 100 adhesive mixture, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add to the mixture any substances not mentioned in the method of application;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"EPOKS 100" epoxide based ceramic adhesive

Product Description

Epoxide resin based ready for application adhesive solution, suitable for bonding different products, such as ceramic, marble, granite, acid-resisting ceramic, glass mosaic, and glass bricks, it is resistant to chemical substances (acids) and bacteria, easily applied, washable with water. Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”. (Component A + Component B).

Fields of Application

This ceramic adhesive can be applied in the following areas:

  • Food production facilities of all types, meat and fish production industry, butcher shops;
  • Pharmaceutical, dye, paper, accumulator, and fertilizer industries;
  • Printing houses and laundries;
  • Kitchens and canteens of industrial facilities;
  • Hospitals conforming to different hygienic requirements;
  • Swimming pools and thermal springs;
  • Waste waters treatment and removal facilities;
  • Trade centers, terminals, and other places with busy pedestrian flows;
  • Adhesive bonding of different materials, such as ceramic, marble, granite, acid-resisting ceramic, porcelain ceramic, glass mosaic, and glazed tiles onto indoor and outdoor surfaces such as concrete, plaster, and metal.


  • Resistant to chemical substances, acids, alkalis, fats, domestic waste waters, chemical waste waters;
  • Shows anti-bacterial properties;
  • Does not promote formation of mould, epiphytes, and bacteria;
  • High mechanical strength;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.
  • Can be used in areas contacting with potable water;

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. The concrete and other surfaces where facing tiles to be applied should be firm and free of any contaminations. Metal surfaces should be totally free of rust and dirt.

Preparation of the mixture. At the time of use mix together both components of the EPOKS 100 White solution, and then proceed mixing it within at least 3 minutes by means of 400-600 RPM mixer until it is entirely homogeneous.

Application. Apply the EPOKS 100 White solution like all other cement based ceramic adhesives. After mixing apply the product onto the surface using suitable toothed trowel and comb it. Then stick ceramic tiles to the combed surface.

In the areas of heavily spread primer and exposed to heavy loads apply a thin coat of the solution onto the surface of subject to adhesion using flat side of the trowel, then apply epoxide resin based adhesive onto the surface once again and comb it with trowel. After spreading the solution with the toothed trowel immediately bond ceramic tiles. Do not apply ceramic tiles onto the solution when it started to harden.

Recommendations. The EPOKS 100 White solution should be mixed using proper mixing unit. It should be thoroughly mixed by hands or using trowel. Period of use and hardening of adhesive products containing epoxide resins depends on the environmental temperature. The most effective operating temperature is +100C - +200C. The prepared EPOKS 100 White solution mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh solution. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with warm water with addition of powdered detergent.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions, providing that freezing to be avoided.


  • ventilate the area of application of this material until the treated surface is put into operation;
  • when using the product strictly observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear the proper safety clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the solution can cause allergic reaction and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"EPOKS 100" epoxide-based tile adhesive

Product Description

Epoxide resin based (Component A + Component B) ready for application adhesive solution, suitable for bonding different products, such as ceramic, marble, granite, acid-resisting ceramic, glass mosaic, and glass bricks, it is resistant to chemical substances (acids) and bacteria, easily applied, washable with water.

Adhesive conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This ceramic adhesive can be applied in the following areas:

  • Food production facilities of all types, meat and fish production industry, butcher shops;
  • Pharmaceutical, dye, paper, accumulator, and fertilizer industries;
  • Printing houses and laundries;
  • Kitchens and canteens of industrial facilities;
  • Hospitals  conforming to different hygienic requirements;
  • Swimming pools and thermal springs;
  • Waste waters treatment and removal facilities;
  • Trade centers, terminals, and other places with busy pedestrian flows;
  • Adhesive bonding of different materials, such as ceramic, marble, granite, acid-resisting ceramic, porcelain ceramic, glass mosaic, and glazed tiles, onto indoor and outdoor surfaces such as concrete, plaster, and metal.


  • Resistant to chemical substances, acids, alkalis, fats, domestic waste waters, chemical waste waters;
  • Shows anti-bacterial properties;
  • Does not promote formation of mould, epiphytes, and bacteria;
  • High mechanical strength;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.
  • Can be used in areas contacting with potable water;

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. The concrete and other surfaces where facing tiles to be applied should be firm and free of any contaminations. Metal surfaces should be totally free of rust and dirt.

Preparation of the mixture. At the time of use mix together both components of the EPOKS 100 solution, and then proceed mixing it during at least 3 minutes by means of 400-600 RPM mixer till it is entirely homogeneous.

Application. Apply the EPOKS 100 solution like all other ceramic adhesives based on cement. After mixing apply the product onto the surface using a suitable toothed trowel and comb the surface. Then stick ceramic tiles to the combed surface.

In the areas of heavily spread primer and exposed to heavy loads apply thin coat of the solution onto the surface subject to adhesion using flat side of the trowel, then apply epoxide resin based adhesive onto the surface once again and comb it with the trowel. After spreading of the solution with the toothed trowel immediately bond ceramic tiles. Do not apply ceramic tiles onto the solution when it started to harden.

Recommendations. The EPOKS 100 solution should be mixed using proper mixing unit. It should be thoroughly mixed by hands or using trowel. Period of use and hardening of adhesive products containing epoxide resins depends on the environmental temperature. The most effective operating temperature range is +100C- +200C. The prepared EPOKS 100 solution mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh solution. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with warm water with powdered detergent.

Shelf Life and Storage Storing

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions, provided freezing  is avoided.


  • ventilate the area of application of this material until the treated surface is put into operation;
  • when using the product strictly observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear the proper safety clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the solution can cause allergic reaction and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FugaFil" grout joint filler for indoor applications (1-6 mm)

Product Description

Nanotechnology cement based joint filling mixture, enriched with mixtures increasing resistance to cracks, improving color retention and other physical and mechanical properties. The product is manufactured in color available at the time of order placement. The product conforms to the requirements of AZS 321-2008 (TSEN 13888) standard.

Fields of Application

This joint filling mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Filling of 1-6 mm joints in facing panels formed by ceramic, marble, or other natural stone materials glued in the indoor areas onto walls and floors in bath houses and lavatories.


  • Easy preparation and use;
  • Resistant to discoloration, does not form cracks and prevents fading of colors;
  • Perfectly repairs cracks on the periphery of facing tiles;
  • Based on nanotechnology;
  • Includes silicon admixture, has anti-bacterial properties.

Method of application

Preparation of surfaces. Please be careful to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of oil and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 20kg powder mix to 7.0 –7.4 liters of water and mix until it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application.

Application. Spread the mixture over the surface, then fill joints in a criss-cross manner using rubber trowel and strike off extra amount. Clean the surface using wet sponge in 20-30 minutes. Once dry treat the surface using coarse chintz to give it brilliance. Prepared mixture should be used within 2 hours. Do not use the mixture after this period expired. Keep an eye on the amount of water added to powder mix, do not use it if it is too watery. Application of product with excessive water may cause cracks, concaves, quick erosion, dusting and color change.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of FugaFil joint filling mixture the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After the useful life expiration the mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. Joints in ceramics with high water absorption properties should be saturated with water before application of the mixture. The treated area can be put into operation in 24-48 hours after accomplishment of the joint filling operations. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration abundance of admixtures in the composition of FugaFil powder mix, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • when using pay particular attention to cleanliness of containers;
  • do not add to the FugaFil powder mix any substances, with the exception of water.
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FugaFas 100" facade joint filler (1-6 mm)

Product Description

Cement based joint filling mixture, enriched with mixtures increasing material quality and resistance to cracks, enhancing potential of the product usage, improving the properties of waterproofing, color retention and smoothness of the surfaces. The product is manufactured in color available at the time of order placement. The product conforms to the requirements of AZS 321-2008 (TSEN 13888) standard.

Fields of Application

This joint filling mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Indoor and outdoor;
  • Filling of 1-6 mm joints in such facing materials, as granite, different size ceramic, cotto, limestone, glass mosaic;
  • Filling of joints in facing materials used in places with instant temperature changes, and for  floorings in the areas with busy pedestrian flows and heavy vehicles traffic.


  • This joint filling mixture shows high waterproof properties in the areas with instant temperature changes (from warm to cold, and from cold to warm). The mixture is very rigid, does not form cracks, prevents fading of colors, creates smooth and brilliant surface, resistant to freezing conditions.
  • Easy preparation and use;
  • Resistant to cleaning operations in the conditions of up to +1500C temperature and 100 bar water pressure.

Method of application

Preparation of surfaces. Please be careful to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of oil and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 20kg powder mix to 7.0 –7.4 liters of water and mix till it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application. During mixing keep an eye on the amount of water, do not use if it is too watery. Application of product with excess of water may cause cracks, concaves, quick erosion, dusting and color change.

Application. Spread the mixture over the surface, then fill joints in a criss-cross manner using rubber trowel and strike off extra amounts. Clean the surface using wet sponge in 20-30 minutes. Once dry, treat the surface using coarse chintz to give it brilliance. Prepared mixture should be used within 2 hours. Do not use the mixture after this period expired.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of FugaFas 100 joint filling mixture the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After the useful life expiration the mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. The treated area can be put into operation in 24-48 hours after accomplishment of the filling operations. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration abundance of admixtures in the composition of the powder mix, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • when using pay particular attention to cleanliness of the containers;
  • do not add to the powder mix any substances, with the exception of water.
  • do not add PVA;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FugaFas 200" flex joint filler (6-20 mm)

Product Description

For outdoor applications cement based joint filling mixture, enriched with mixtures increasing material quality and resistance to cracks, enhancing potential of the product usage, improving the properties of waterproofing, color retention and smoothness of surfaces. The product is manufactured in colors available at the time of the order placement.

The product conforms to the requirements of AZS 321-2008 (TSEN 13888) standard.

Fields of Application

This joint filling mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Indoor and outdoor, on horizontal and vertical surfaces;
  • Filling of joints in required facing materials, such as granite, different size ceramics, cotto, limestone;
  • Filling of 6-20 mm joints in facing materials used in places with instant temperature changes, and for floorings in the areas with busy pedestrian flows and heavy vehicles traffic.


  • Easy preparation and use;
  • Resistant to discoloration;
  • Does not form cracks and prevents fading of colors;
  • Shows high waterproof properties;
  • Resistant to instant temperature changes;
  • High quality joint filling mixture to fill joints formed by tiles of different required dimensions.
  • Perfectly seals stone borders.

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. Please be careful to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of oil and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 20kg powder mix into 5.0 –5.4 liters of water and mix till it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application. During mixing keep an eye on the amount of water, do not use if it is too watery. Application of product with excessive water content may cause cracks, concaves, quick erosion, dusting and color change.

Application. Fill the joints with prepared mixture using applicator gun, then strike off extra amounts of the mixture. Prepared mixture should be used within 2 hours. Do not use the mixture after this period expired.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of FugaFas 200 joint filling mixture the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After the useful life expiration the FugaFas 200 joint filling mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. The treated area can be put into operation in 24-48 hours after accomplishment of the joint filling operations. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water. After hardening the FugaFas 200 joint filling mixture can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.


  • taking into consideration abundance of admixtures in the composition of the powder mix, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • when using pay particular attention to cleanliness of containers;
  • do not add to the powder mix any substances, with the exception of water.
  • do not add PVA;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MA Pool" antibacterial grout joint filler (1-6 mm)

Product Description

Cement based elastic joint filling mixture, enriched with mixtures increasing material quality and resistance to cracks, enhancing potential of the product usage, improving the properties of waterproofing, color retention and smoothness of surfaces, designated for humid areas. The product is manufactured in colors available at the time of order placement. The product conforms to the requirements of AZS 321-2008 (TSEN 13888) standard.

Fields of Application

This joint filling mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Indoor and outdoor, on horizontal and vertical surfaces;
  • Humid areas such as swimming pools, bath houses, saunas, thermal springs;
  • Other areas of continuous contact with water: showers, valves, etc.
  • Filling of 1-6 mm joints in facing materials, such as granite, marble, different size ceramics, cotto, limestone, glass mosaic, and others;


  • Easy preparation and use;
  • Resistant to discoloration, does not form cracks and prevents fading of colors;
  • Shows high waterproof properties;
  • Prevents development of epiphytes, bacteria, and fungus on the surfaces due to its anti-bacterial properties;
  • Resistant to cleaning operations in the conditions of up to +1500C temperature and 100 bar water pressure.

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. Please be careful to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of oil and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force.

Preparation of mixture. Carefully pour 20kg powder mix to 7.0 –7.4 liters of water and mix until it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again before application.

Application. Spread the mixture over the surface, then fill joints in a criss-cross manner using rubber trowel and strike off extra amounts. Clean the surface using wet sponge in 20-30 minutes. Once it is dry treat the surface using coarse chintz to give it brilliance. Prepared mixture should be used within 2 hours. Do not use the mixture after this period expired. Keep an eye on the amount of water added to powder mix, do not use if it is too watery. Application of product with excessive water may cause cracks, concaves, quick erosion, dusting and color change.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of MA Pool joint filling mixture the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After the useful life expiration the MA Pool joint filling mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. The treated area can be put into operation in 24-48 hours after execution of joint filling works. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration abundance of admixtures in the composition of powder mix, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • when using pay particular attention to cleanliness of the containers;
  • do not add to the powder mix any substances, with the exception of water.
  • do not add PVA;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"EPOKS 200" epoxide based grout-joint filler

Product Description

Epoxide resin based joint filling mixture, resistant to chemical substances and bacteria, easily applied for filling joints (pores) of various products, such as ceramics, marble, granite, acid-resisting ceramics, glass mosaic, and glass bricks, washable with water. The product conforms to the requirements of AZS 321-2008 (TSEN 13888) standard. (Component A + Component B).

Fields of Application

This joint filling mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Indoor and outdoor, on horizontal and vertical surfaces;
  • Filling the joints (pores) in such product as ceramics, marble, granite, acid-resisting ceramics, glass mosaic, and glass bricks, glued to the existing surfaces;
  • Food production facilities of all types, meat and fish production industry, canteens, butcher shops;
  • Pharmaceutical, dye, paper, battery accumulator, and fertilizer industries, printing houses;
  • Kitchens of industrial facilities and laundries;
  • Hospitals  conforming to various hygienic requirements;
  • Swimming pools and thermal springs;
  • Waste water treatment and removal facilities;
  • Trade centers, transport terminals, and other places with busy pedestrian flows;


  • Resistant to chemical substances, acids, alkalis, oils, domestic waste waters, chemical waste waters;
  • Shows anti-bacterial properties;
  • Does not promote forming of mould, epiphytes, and bacteria;
  • Resistant to dirt, facilitates cleaning;
  • Suitable for filling joints of the widths between 2mm and 10mm;
  • High mechanical strength;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.
  • Can be used in areas contacting with potable water;

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. Similar to ceramic adhesives, the applied adhesive needs some time to reach required level of hardness. Before application of the solution please take care of the ceramic surface to be used: it should be clean, and any existing contaminations should be removed.

Preparation of the mixture. The EPOKS 200 product is a two-component joint filling mixture, so it has been packed in corresponding amounts. In case you plan to use only part of the package, the Component A (epoxide resin based adhesive) should be mixed with the hardening Component B in 100%(A)/4%(B) proportion. At the time of application both components should be mixed during at least 3 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer to make the mixture entirely homogeneous).

Application. Fill joints in a criss-cross manner with EPOKS 200 joint filling mixture using plastic or rubber trowel or pneumatic applicator gun filled by means of suction, then strike off extra amounts. In case a joint has large depth make sure it has been entirely filled, as the applied solution can settle. Wait for 15-30 minutes depending on the environmental and surface temperature, then clean the surfaces using suitable sponge soaked with hot water and detergent dissolved in it, to achieve required conditions. Frequently replace the contaminated sponge during cleaning.

Substances based on epoxide resin when used to fill the joints (pores) form layers similar to thin film on the ceramic surfaces. Thoroughly remove these layers. If let the moment pass, it will be very difficult to clean.

The last thin layer should be removed from the ceramic surface in 4-10 hours after application using suitable sponge soaked with hot water and detergent dissolved in it. The final cleaning consist of wiping the surface using 10% alcohol in water solution.

Recommendations. The EPOKS 200 solution should be mixed using corresponding mixing unit. It should be thoroughly mixed by hands or using trowel. Period of use and hardening of products containing solution of epoxide resins depends on the environmental temperature. The most effective operating ambient temperature is +100C- +200C. The prepared EPOKS 200 solution mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh solution. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with warm water with addition of powdered detergent.


Amount of consumed joint filling mixture varies depending on dimensions of facing tiles, width and depth of joints.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions, provided freezing is avoided.


  • continuously ventilate the areas of application of this material;
  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the solution can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately cunsult physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"EPOKS 200 White" epoxide-based grout-joint filler

Product Description

Epoxide resin based joint filling mixture, resistant to chemical substances and bacteria, easily applied for filling joints (pores) of different products, such as ceramics, marble, granite, acid-resisting ceramics, glass mosaic, and glass bricks, washable with water. The product conforms to the requirements of AZS 321-2008 (TSEN 13888) standard.

Fields of Application

This joint filling mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Indoor and outdoor, on horizontal and vertical surfaces;
  • Filling joints (pores) in such product as ceramics, marble, granite, acid-resisting ceramics, glass mosaic, and glass bricks, glued to the existing surfaces;
  • Food production facilities of all types, meat and fish production industry, canteens, butcher shops;
  • Pharmaceutical, dye, paper, battery accumulator, and fertilizer industries, printing houses;
  • Kitchens of industrial facilities and laundries;
  • Hospitals  conforming to various hygienic requirements;
  • Swimming pools and thermal springs;
  • Waste waters treatment and removal facilities;
  • Trade centers, transport terminals, and other places with busy pedestrian flows;


  • Resistant to chemical substances, acids, alkalis, oils, domestic waste waters, chemical waste waters;
  • Shows anti-bacterial properties;
  • Does not promote forming of mould, epiphytes, and bacteria;
  • Resistant to dirt, facilitates cleaning;
  • Suitable for filling joints of widths between 2mm and 10mm;
  • High mechanical strength;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.
  • Can be used in areas contacting with potable water;

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. Similar to ceramic adhesives, the applied adhesive requires some time to reach the required level of hardness. Before application of solution please take care of the ceramic surface to be used: it should be clean, and any existing contaminations should be removed.

Preparation of the mixture. The EPOKS 200 White product is a two-component joint filling mixture, so it has been packed in corresponding amounts. In case you plan to use only part of the package, the Component A (epoxide resin based adhesive) should be mixed with the hardening Component B in 100%(A)/4%(B) proportion. At the time of application both components should be mixed during at least 3 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer until the mixture is entirely homogeneous).

Application. Fill the joints in a criss-cross manner with EPOKS 200 White joint filling mixture using plastic or rubber trowel or pneumatic applicator gun filled by means of suction, then strike off extra amounts. In case a joint has large depth make sure it has been filled entirely, as the applied solution can settle. Wait 15-30 minutes depending on the environmental and surface temperature, then clean the surfaces using suitable sponge soaked with hot water and detergent dissolved in it, to achieve required conditions. Frequently replace the contaminated sponge during the cleaning. Substances based on epoxide resin when used to fill the joints (pores) form layers similar to thin film on the ceramic surfaces. Thoroughly remove these layers. If let the moment pass, it will be very difficult to clean. The last thin layer should be removed from the ceramic surface in 4-10 hours after application, with the help of suitable sponge soaked with hot water and detergent dissolved in it. The final cleaning includes wiping the surface using 10% alcohol in water solution.

Recommendations. The EPOKS 200 White solution should be mixed using corresponding mixing unit. It should be thoroughly mixed by hands or using trowel. Period of use and hardening of the products containing solution of epoxide resins depends on the environmental temperature. The most effective operating temperature is +100C - +200C. The prepared EPOKS 200 White solution mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh solution. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with warm water with addition of powdered detergent.


Amount of consumed joint filling mixture varies depending on dimensions of the facing tiles, width and depth of joints.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions, provided  freezing is avoided.


  • continuously ventilate the areas of application of this material;
  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear the appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the solution can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately rconsult a physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FugaBlesk" jewel-effect joint filling mixture

Product Description

Decorative, hygienic and easily removable joint filling mixture provides the effect of gold, silver and brass metal, making the areas of its application more attractive creating brilliant (glimmer) appearance due to jewel-effect particles. The product conforms to the requirements of AZS 321-2008 (TSEN 13888) standard.

Fields of Application

This joint filling mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Filling joints in such construction materials as granite, ceramics, mosaic, and other similar materials, on vertical surfaces, in indoor and outdoor applications;
  • Filling joints in such construction materials as cobbled ceramics, granite, mosaic, artificial slabs, and other similar materials, on horizontal surfaces, in indoor and outdoor applications.


  • Resistant to dirt;
  • Clean product from hygienic point of view;
  • Easily removable;
  • Prevents fading of colors;
  • Creates decorative and irreplaceable appearance due to jewel-effect admixtures;
  • Long effective life due to resistance to cracks and erosion;
  • More attractive comparatively to cement based joint filling mixtures.
  • Can be used within 50-minute period at 250C temperature;

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. The surface to be treated with the product should be dry, and its wetness should not exceed 5% value. The joints should be free of dust, dirt and construction particles, at least 2/3 part should be empty. To make the jewel effect more attractive it is recommended that the joint width should be at least 3mm. At low temperatures the product shows high level of thickening. Due to this reason the temperature in working premises should be kept at the required level (+230C±30C) for 1 (one) day before application of the product. Prior to beginning the work certainly put on protective gloves and glasses.

Preparation of the mixture. At the time of Preparation of the mixture remove the Components A, B, C, and D from their containers and put them aside, then place the full amounts of the Components A, B, and D sequentially into one container and mix them using slow circulation mixer till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. Be careful mixing the Component D, as it is very light and volatile. To obtain lustreless appearance the mixture can be prepared without addition of Component D. Then add the C Component into the obtained mixture and mix by the same procedure till it is homogeneous.

Application. Fill the joints in a criss-cross manner using elastic trowel. Strike off extra amounts using the elastic trowel. Clean the surface and joints from the contaminations in 15 minutes after application of FugaBlesk mixture using wet sponge soaked with cold water in the manner of light angular motion. In 24 hours remove the remained contaminations from the surface using coarse chintz. To provide full cleaning of the surface repeat the last operation using vinegar in water solution or acetone.

Recommendations. Do not mix the product with any additional admixtures not indicated in operation instructions. The prepared mixture should be used within 50-minute period at 250C temperature. The effective life period can be affected by environmental and surface temperatures. At high temperatures the effective life of the product increases, and at low temperatures the effective life period decreases. After the useful life expiration the prepared mixture should not be used.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

  • The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions at ambient temperatures between +50C and +350C.


  • certainly use protective gloves and glasses during product application;
  • taking into consideration abundance of admixtures in the composition of the product, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add to the powder mix any substances, not indicated in the operation instructions;
  • light color products can turn darker in case of outdoor application and exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • in case the color of the FugaBlesk jewel-effect particles fades during  cleaning works involving strong cleansers, remove the tarnish by means of pH neutral cleaning agents (soap with water mix);
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"AĞDAĞ FugaPlaster" grout-joint filler for plaster boards

Product Description

Gypsum based joint filling mixture, enriched with mixtures increasing material quality and resistance to cracks, enhancing potential of the product usage, improving elasticity and smoothness of the surfaces. The product conforms to the requirements of АZS 046 (TS 370), DIN 18180 standard.

Fields of Application

This joint filling mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Filling joints in gypsum plasterboards (Alcipan) in indoor areas;
  • Adhesive bonding tiles and boards based on gypsum;
  • Filling cracks and peel-off areas on surfaces.


  • Specific chemical admixtures in the composition of this product provide elasticity preventing early absorption of water by gypsum plasterboards and other surfaces on gypsum base;
  • Prevents forming of shrinkage and cracks on the surfaces;
  • Provides high level of thermal protection and acoustic insulation;
  • Application of flame-retardant tapes and fibers in joint filling further improves the strength and fire resistance of the joint filling mixtures;
  • Easily to apply, requires little time and effort;
  • Resistant to discoloration, elastic;
  • Creates smooth and brilliant surfaces.

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. Please be careful to the surface to be used: it should be firm, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of oil and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 10kg powder mix to 6.0 –6.5 liters of water and wait 3 minutes, then mix until there are no pellets (mixture is entirely homogeneous). To prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer. Mix again before application.

Application. The mixture is applied onto the surface in two stages. At the first stage the prepared mixture is applied to fill joints between the gypsum plasterboards, and after it completely hardened, special gypsum plasterboard tape is to be glued over these joints. At the second stage the prepared FugaPlaster mixture is applied onto the gypsum plasterboard tape across the 10cm width. After the mixture applied has hardened during the second stage, the gypsum based facing plaster mixture is applied onto the entire surface using alcipan trowel.
Keep an eye on the amount of water added to the powder mix, do not use if it is too watery. Application of product with excessive water can cause cracks, concaves, quick erosion, and dusting.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of AĞDAĞ Fuga Plaster joint filling mixture the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After the useful life expiration the mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


Amount of AĞDAĞ FugaPlaster mixture consumed per 1 m2 of surface is as follows:

  • To fill the joints in alcipan structures: 0.2 – 0.5 kg;
  • To fill the joints in counter ceiling made from gypsum plasterboards: 1.2 – 1.5 kg;
  • To harden the point of mounting electrical equipment, screws and bolted connections on the walls: 0.2 – 0.3 kg;
  • To remove cracks and peelings formed in gypsum surfaces on walls and ceilings: 0.3 – 0.4 kg.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration abundance of admixtures in the composition of the joint filling mixture, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • when preparing the AĞDAĞ Fuga Plaster joint filling mixture pay particular attention to the cleanliness of water and containers;
  • do not add to joint filling mixture any substances, with the exception of water.
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"Fugaton" for surface hardening of concrete joints

Product Description

Gypsum based joint filling mixture, elastic, ready for application, monocomponent, resistant to negative effects of different climatic conditions, ultraviolet radiation and chemical substances available in the environment. The product conforms to the requirements of ASTM C 920 standard.

Fields of Application

This joint filling mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Indoor and outdoor, on horizontal surfaces;
  • Floorings;
  • Various industrial applications.
  • Hardening of surfaces;
  • Vehicle fleet, areas with heavy vehicle traffic;
  • Filling joints on concrete surfaces.


  • Ready to use, easy to apply;
  • Resistant to discoloration;
  • Shows high waterproof properties;
  • Resistant to instant temperature changes;
  • Long effective life;

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. Prior to beginning the work the area of the product application should be cleaned from dust or other contaminations. Primer  is not required. To prevent spilling of the Fugaton product out of bounds of the joints during application, special ribbons should be stuck.

Application. The product is applied to fill the joints entirely (to prevent further settling of mixture) using the joint filling applicator gun. When filling the joints take care there are no air voids have been formed. After the joint filling the overlaid tape should be removed.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of Fugaton joint filling mixture the environmental temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After the useful life expiration the Fugaton joint filling mixture in no case should be diluted with any other substances. The treated area can be put into operation in 24-48 hours after accomplishment of the joint filling operations. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water. After hardening the Fugaton joint filling mixture can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.


Amount of consumed joint filling mixture varies depending on the width and depth of joints.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions.


  • taking into consideration abundance of admixtures in the composition of the product, immediately wash it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • when using pay particular attention to cleanliness of containers;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"Filkret 100" repair mortar

Product Description

Cement based, enriched with mixtures, surface repairing mixture, provides waterproofing properties for materials, monocomponent. The product conforms to the requirements of the 039-2000 (TS 11140-1993) standard: “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This repair mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Repair works in buildings;
  • Providing surface smoothness for painting operations, ceramic adhesive bonding, and insulation works;
  • Filling small cracks;
  • Restoration of crashed, crumbled, broken, torn concrete, plaster, and other similar surfaces.


  • Easy preparation and use;
  • Produces impeccable surfaces on crashed, crumbled, broken units;

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. Clean the surface from any residues deteriorating adhesive force. Pay attention to ensuring rigidity of the surface. Prior to application of the product the surface to be used should be dampened or primed with Binmader primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour 25 kg of Filkret 100 powder mix to 5.5 – 6.0 liters of water and mix till it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Wait for 3-5 minutes to allow the substances composing the mixture to intermix completely, then mix again before application.

Application. Using trowel completely fill tears and cracks existing on the surface. Allowable thickness of the product layer is 1-5mm. The prepared mixture should be used within 90-120 minutes.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of the Filkret 100 repair mixture the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After the useful life expiration the mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water. After hardening the product can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.


The required amount of  the mixture consumed to obtain 1mm thick layer shall be 1.5-2.0 kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions. For the short storage period the sacks can be placed one upon the other in three layers. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one upon another. The product in unpacked sacks should be used within one week provided the required storage conditions are maintained.


  • as the Filkret 100 repair mixture is based on cement, when using, please observe the regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"Filkret 200" repair-mounting mortar

Product Description

Filkret 200 sement əsaslı, tək komponentli, polimerləşdirilmiş yüksək stabilliyə malik quru betonun təmiri üçün qarışıqdır. AZS 039 (TS-11140) standartına uyğundur.

Fields of Application

This repair mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • repair of irregularities and damages of concrete surfaces;
  • plastering dry concrete surfaces;
  • plastering and repair of walls and ceilings;
  • providing smooth surfaces before laying ceramic and glazed tile facings.


  • the product is mixed with water only;
  • easy applicable;
  • provides correct preparation of surfaces;
  • provides high adhesive ability to concrete and plastered surfaces;
  • easily applicable on large surfaces;
  • does not form cracks;
  • possesses high thixotropic properties.

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. Cement based surfaces to be repaired should be rigid, clean and dust-free, they should be totally free of any fat, rust, and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. The surface should be cleaned from metal and wooden particles, and all cavities up to 4cm deep should be filled with MATON 200 repair mixture. Provide water saturation of the surface to be treated with the mixture, however there should not be free water remained on the surface.

Preparation of mixture. Pour appropriate amount of water measured with a measuring device into clean container, and gradually add the Filkret 200 repair mixture. Prepare this mixture for 4 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer till the mixture becomes entirely homogeneous. Mix again in approximately 4 minutes during 30-minute period, bringing the product to conditions ready for application.

Application. Spread the prepared mixture over the surface to form a 1 – 30mm thick layer with the help of a trowel. Let the mixture dry, splash water on the mixture surface using plaster brush. Then correct the surface in required manner using steel or wooden trowel. In case of applying the Filkret 200 product in the open area on large open surfaces, especially in warm, dry and windy weather conditions, prevent evaporation of the solution during 24-48 hours using soaked cloth, duck fabric, or any other active solution.

Recommendations. Once prepared for repair works the Filkret 200 product should be used within 30 minutes at +200C ambient temperature. For +320C temperature this period is reduced to 20 minutes. In case of the product application on external surfaces they should be protected from direct sun rays, wind, rain and/or frost during 24 hours. Application and reaction rate of cement based systems can be affected by ambient temperature and other conditions, including air humidity. Low temperatures elongate the hydration period, and result in increasing the product effective life. High temperatures reduce the hydration period, and result in decrease of the above mentioned period. To provide full hardening of the mixture the ambient temperature should not drop below the specified minimum values. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


The required amount of the mixture consumed to obtain 1mm thick layer shall be 1.55 kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions. For the short storage period the sacks can be placed one upon the other in three layers. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one upon another. The product in unpacked sacks should be used within one week provided the required storage conditions are maintained.


  • when using the product, please observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FİLKRET 300" surface finishing and filling mortar under painting

Product Description

Filkret 300 is a cement based surface repairing and sealing mixture, monocomponent, polymerizable, having high stability. The product conforms to the requirements of the 039-2000 (TS 11140-1993) standard: “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This repair mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • preparation of even surfaces before painting dry concrete surfaces;
  • correction of irregularities existing in concrete surfaces during plastering and repair operations on of walls and ceilings;


  • the product is mixed with water only, easy applicable;
  • excellent thickness;
  • provides correct preparation of surfaces;
  • easily accepts the dye due to white color;
  • provides high adhesive ability to concrete and plastered surfaces;
  • easily applicable on large surfaces;
  • does not form cracks;

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. Cement based building surfaces to be repaired should be rigid, clean and dust-free, they should be totally free of any fat, rust, and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. The surface should be cleaned from metal and wooden particles. Provide water saturation of the surface to be treated with the mixture, however there should not be free water remained on the surface.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour appropriate  amount of water measured with a measuring device to clean container, and gradually add the Filkret 300 repair mixture. Prepare this mixture for 4 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. Mix again in approximately 4 minutes during 30-minute period, bringing the product to conditions ready for application.

Spread the prepared mixture over the surface to form 1 – 5mm thick layer with the help of a trowel. Let the mixture dry, and splash water on the surface of the mixture using plaster brush. Then correct the surface in required manner using steel or wooden trowel. In case of applying the Filkret 300 product in the open area on large open surfaces, especially in warm, dry and windy weather conditions, prevent evaporation of the solution during 24-48 hours using soaked cloth, duck fabric, or any other active solution.

Recommendations. The Filkret 300 repair mixture should not be used under epoxide based paints. The mixture prepared for repair works should be used within 30 minutes at +200C temperature. For +320C temperature this period is reduced to 20 minutes. In case of the product application on external surfaces they should be protected from direct sun rays, wind, rain and/or frost during 24 hours. Application and reaction rate of cement based systems can be affected by environmental and soil temperatures and other conditions, including the air humidity. Low temperatures elongate the hydration period, and result in increase of the product effective life. High temperatures reduce the hydration period, and result in decrease of the above mentioned period. To provide full hardening of the mixture the ambient temperature should not drop below the specified minimum value. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


The required amount of the mixture consumed to obtain 1mm thick layer shall be 1.2 kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions. For the short storage period the sacks can be placed one upon the other in three layers. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one upon another. The product in unpacked sacks should be used within one week provided the required storage conditions are maintained.


  • when using the Filkret 300 repair mixture observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support 

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FİLKRET 400" dry concrete surface restoration and repair mortar

Product Description

Filkret 400 is a cement based surface repair and restoring mixture, monocomponent, polymerizable, having high stability. The product conforms to the requirements of the 039-2000 (TS 11140-1993) standard: “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This repair mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • plastering and repair of walls and ceilings;
  • repair and plastering of dry concrete surfaces;
  • providing even surfaces before laying ceramic and glazed tile facings.


  • the product is mixed with water only, easy applicable;
  • provides correct preparation of surfaces;
  • easily accepts dyes due to white color;
  • provides high adhesive ability to concrete and plastered surfaces;
  • easily applicable on large surfaces;
  • does not form cracks;
  • possesses high thixotropic properties;
  • resistant to frosty and warm conditions.

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. Cement based building surfaces to be repaired should be rigid, clean and dust-free, they should be totally free of any fat, rust, and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. The surface should be cleaned from metal and wooden particles, and all cavities up to 4cm deep should be filled with MATON 200 repair mixture. Provide water saturation of the surface to be treated with the mixture, however there should not be free water remained on the surface.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour appropriate amount of water measured with the help of a measuring device into clean container, and gradually add the Filkret 400 repair mixture. Prepare this mixture for 4 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. Mix again in approximately 4 minutes during 30-minute period, bringing the product to conditions ready for application.

Application. Spread the prepared mixture over the surface to form 1 – 30mm thick layer using a trowel. Let the mixture dry, and splash water on the surface of the spread mixture using plaster brush. Then correct the surface in required manner using steel or wooden trowel. In case of applying the Filkret 400 product in the open area on large open surfaces, especially in the warm, dry and windy weather conditions, prevent evaporation of the solution during 24-48 hours using soaked cloth, duck fabric, or any other active solution.

Recommendations. Once prepared for repair works the Filkret 400 product should be used within 30 minutes at +200C temperature. For +320C temperature this period is reduced to 20 minutes. In case of the product application on external surfaces they should be protected from direct sun rays, wind, rain and/or frost during 24 hours. Application and reaction rate of cement based systems can be affected by the ambient temperature and other conditions, including the air humidity. Low temperatures elongate the hydration period, and result in increasing the product effective life. High temperatures reduce the hydration period, and result in decrease of the above mentioned period. To provide full hardening of the mixture the ambient temperature should not drop below the specified minimum value. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water. After hardening the Filkret 400 product can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.


The required amount of the mixture consumed to obtain 1mm thick layer is 1.38 kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions. For the short storage period the sacks can be placed one upon the other in three layers. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one upon another. The product in unpacked sacks should be used within one week provided the required storage conditions are maintained.


  • when using the Filkret 400 repair mixture observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FİLKRET 500" dry concrete repairing mortar

Product Description

Filkret 300 is a cement based dry concrete repairing mixture, monocomponent, polymerizable, having high stability. The product conforms to the requirements of the 039-2000 (TS 11140-1993) standard: “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This repair mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • repair and plastering of dry concrete surfaces;
  • alignment of corner edges  during plastering and repair of walls and ceilings;
  • correction of irregularities on surfaces before laying ceramic and glazed tile facings.


  • the product is mixed with water only, easy applicable;
  • provides high adhesive ability to concrete and plastered surfaces;
  • easily applicable on large surfaces;
  • does not form cracks;
  • possesses high thixotropic properties;
  • resistant to water and to humid, frosty and warm weather conditions.

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. Cement based surfaces to be repaired should be rigid, clean and dust-free, they should be totally free of any fat, rust, and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. The surface should be cleaned from metal and wooden particles, and all cavities up to 4cm deep should be filled with MATON 200 repair mixture. Provide water saturation of the surface to be treated with the mixture, however there should not be free water remained on the surface.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour appropriate amount of water measured with the help of a measuring device into clean container, and gradually add the Filkret 500 repair mixture. Prepare this mixture for 4 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer till the mixture becomes entirely homogeneous. Mix again in approximately 4 minutes during 30-minute period, bringing the product to conditions ready for application.

Application. Spread the prepared mixture over the surface with to form 1 – 5mm thick layer using trowel. Let the mixture dry, and splash water on the surface of the mixture surface using plaster brush. Then correct the surface in required manner using steel or wooden trowel. In case of applying of the Filkret 500 product in the open area on large open surfaces, especially in the warm, dry and windy weather conditions, prevent evaporation of the solution during 24-48 hours using soaked cloth, duck fabric, or any other active solution.

Recommendations. Once prepared for repair works the Filkret 500 product should be used within 30 minutes at +200C temperature. For +320C temperature this period is reduced to 20 minutes. In case of the product application on external surfaces they should be protected from direct sun rays, wind, rain and/or frost during 24 hours. Application and reaction rate of cement based systems can be affected by the ambient temperature and other conditions, including the air humidity. Low temperatures elongate the hydration period, and result in increase of the product effective life. High temperatures reduce the hydration period, and result in decrease of the above mentioned period. To provide full hardening of the mixture the ambient temperature should not drop below the specified minimum values. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


The required amount of the mixture consumed to obtain 1mm thick layer shall be 1.48 kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions. For the short storage period the sacks can be placed one upon the other in three layers. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one upon another. The product in unpacked sacks should be used within one week provided the required storage conditions are maintained.


  • when using the repair mixture observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • to provide protection from harmful effect of non-hardened substance, in case of contact with skin or eyes immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MATON 100" mortar for structure repair works

Product Description

Cement based mixture designed for structural repair works, monocomponent, strengthened with polymeric and fiber substances, smooth, resistant to hydrolysis. The product conforms to the requirements of the 039-2000 (TS 11140-1993) standard: “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This repair mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • repair of reinforced concrete elements;
  • protection of concrete from acids and salts;
  • repair of offshore constructions;
  • restoration of underground parts of historical monuments;
  • repair and correction of irregularities in concrete surfaces;
  • providing robust and strong layer of concrete, resistant to erosion;
  • assembling of structural concrete units;
  • providing  road pavements for light-weight and medium-weight vehicle traffic.


  • the product is mixed with water only;
  • easily cast in molds;
  • provides high adhesive ability to concrete surfaces;
  • shows high pressure resistance;
  • waterproof, resistant to freezing and opening;
  • resistant to acids, salts, and fats;
  • does not form cracks;

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. The surfaces to be treated with the MATON 100 product should be rigid, clean and dust-free, they should be totally free of any fat, rust, paraffin, and other substances deteriorating adhesive force. The areas having crumbles or cavities on the edges should be corrected to the maximum extent possible. Rust existing on reinforcing fittings should be removed, in critical situations these fittings should be replaced with new ones. In case there is spilled water on the surface, it should be sponged up, or the water flow should be stopped with a plug. Provide water saturation of the surface to be treated with the mixture, however there should not be free water remained on the surface. In case the thickness of the MATON 100 product layer is higher than 40mm, use additional reinforcing fittings for the purpose of controlled expansion.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour appropriate amount of water measured with a measuring device into the mixing container. Gradually add the MATON 100 product and prepare the mixture for 4 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer. Mix again in approximately 4 minutes during 30-minute period, bringing the product to conditions ready for application.

Application. Pour the prepared product continuously in a single stream line over one side of the mould to obtain just 10 – 40mm thick layer. Do not perform this operation pouring the product from two sides of the mould to avoid air entrapment inside the mould. To avoid formation of cavities inside the mould use a fork-shaped tool. Vibrator should not be used during this operation. Moulds should not be opened within 18-24 hours. When applying the product in the open area on large open surfaces, especially in warm, dry and windy weather conditions, prevent evaporation of the solution during 24-48 hours using soaked cloth, duck fabric, or any other active solution.

Recommendations. Once prepared for repair works the MATON 100 material should be used within 30 minutes at +200C temperature. When applying the product on external surfaces they should be protected from direct sun rays, wind, rain and/or frost during 24 hours. Application and reaction rate of cement based systems can be affected by the ambient temperature and humidity. Low temperature elongates the hydration period, and results in increase of the drying period and effective life. High temperatures reduce the hydration period, and result in decrease of the drying time and effective life. To provide full hardening of the mixture the ambient and surface temperatures should not drop below the required minimum values. The product should not be used if there is risk of contact with solutions which have pH index value below 5.5. On the large surfaces the finishing concrete layer should be applied. After application of the material a vibrator should be used. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


The required amount of the product consumed to obtain 10mm thick layer shall be 19.40 kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions. For the short storage period the sacks can be placed one upon the other in three layers. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one upon another. The product in unpacked sacks should be used within one week provided the required storage conditions are maintained.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear the appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid any contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MATON 200" mortar for structural repair works

Product Description

MATON 200 is a cement based mixture designed for thixotropic structural repair works, monocomponent, strengthened with polymeric and fiber substances. The product conforms to the requirements of the 039-2000 (TS 11140-1993) standard: “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This repair mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • repair of reinforced concrete elements;
  • protection of concrete from acids and salts;
  • repair of offshore constructions;
  • restoration and protection of underground parts of historical monuments;
  • repair of damages and correction of irregularities in high-strength concrete;
  • providing robust and strong layer of concrete, resistant to erosion;
  • providing floorings under light-weight and medium-weight loads, and repair of surfaces.


  • the product is mixed with water only, easily applicable;
  • provides high adhesive ability to concrete surfaces;
  • shows high pressure resistance;
  • possesses high thixotropic properties;
  • waterproof;
  • resistant to freezing and opening;
  • resistant to acids, salts, and fats;
  • does not form cracks;

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. The surfaces to be treated with the MATON 200 product should be rigid, clean and dust-free, they should be totally free of any fat, rust, paraffin, and other substances deteriorating adhesive force. The areas having crumbles or cavities on the edges should be corrected to the maximum extent possible. Rust existing on the reinforcing fittings should be removed, in critical situations these fittings should be replaced with new ones. In case there is spilled water on the surface, it should be sponged up, or the water flow should be stopped using İzoKontakt 1. Provide water saturation of the surface treated with the mixture, however there should not be free water remained on the surface.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour appropriate amount of water measured with a measuring device into mixing container. Gradually add the MATON 200 product and prepare the mixture for 4 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer. Mix again in approximately 4 minutes during 30-minute period, bringing the product to conditions ready for application.

Application. Apply the prepared product using a trowel or by means of spraying  to obtain a 10 – 40mm thick layer is obtained. To obtain thicker layer wait for the first layer to dry, then apply the second layer the same manner. To obtain a smoother surface wait till water is soaked into the material, then splash additional amount of water on the surface using brush and flatten the surface using wooden trowel. When applying the product in the open area on large open surfaces, especially in the warm, dry and windy weather conditions, prevent evaporation of the solution during 24-48 hours using soaked cloth, duck fabric, or any other active solution.

Recommendations. Once prepared for repair works the MATON 200 repair mixture should be used within 30 minutes at +200C temperature. When the product is applied onto external surfaces they should be protected from direct sun rays, wind, rain and/or frost during 24 hours. Application and reaction rate of cement based systems can be affected by the ambient temperatures and humidity. Low temperature elongates the hydration period, and results in increase of the drying time and the effective life. To provide hardening of the product the ambient and surface temperatures should not drop below the specified minimum values. The product should not be used if there is a risk of contact with solutions having pH index value below 5.5. On large surfaces the finishing concrete layer should be applied. After application of the material a vibrator should be used. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


The required amount of the product consumed to obtain 1mm thick layer shall be 1.94 kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions. For the short storage period the sacks can be placed one upon the other in three layers. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one upon another. The product in unpacked sacks should be used within one week provided the required storage conditions are maintained.


  • When using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MATON 300" mortar for surface leveling and repair works

Product Description

MATON 300 is a cement based mixture designed for surface repair and leveling works, monocomponent, strengthened with polymeric and fiber substances, providing smoothness of concrete surfaces. The product conforms to the requirements of the 039-2000 (TS 11140-1993) standard: “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This repair mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • elimination of irregularities in reinforced concrete elements and  leveling of surfaces;
  • providing smooth surfaces for epoxide-based paints application in industrial facilities;
  • providing robust and durable layer of concrete, resistant to erosion;
  • providing  smooth concrete surfaces before  waterproofing works;
  • providing pavement surfaces for light-weight and medium-weight vehicle traffic;
  • elimination of irregularities and other defects of concrete surfaces before painting works;
  • leveling of surfaces in the area of general repair works.


  • the product is mixed with water only, easily applicable;
  • provides high adhesive ability to concrete surfaces;
  • does not form cracks and easily applicable on large surfaces;
  • possesses high thixotropic properties;
  • waterproof;
  • resistant to freezing and opening;
  • does not form cracks;

Method of application

Preparation of the surface. The surfaces to be treated with the MATON 300 product should be rigid, clean and dust-free, they should be totally free of any fat, rust, paraffin, and other substances deteriorating adhesive force. The surface should be cleaned from metal and wooden particles, and all cavities up to 4cm deep should be filled with MATON 200 repair mixture. Provide water saturation of the surface to be treated with the mixture, however there should not be free water remained on the surface.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour appropriate amount of water measured with a measuring device into the mixing container. Gradually add the MATON 300 product and prepare the mixture for 4 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer. Mix again in approximately 4 minutes during 30-minute period, bringing the product to conditions ready for application.

Application. Spread the prepared mixture over the surface to obtain 1 – 5mm thick layer, using trowel. Wait till water will be soaked into the mixture, then splash water on the surface of the applied material and complete treatment of the surface using steel or wooden trowel. When applying the product in the open area on large open surfaces, especially in warm, dry and windy weather conditions, prevent evaporation of the solution during 24-48 hours using soaked cloth, duck fabric, or any other active solution.

Recommendations. Once prepared for repair works the MATON 300 product should be used within 45 minutes at +200C temperature. For +300C temperature this period is reduced to 20-25 minutes. Application and reaction rate of cement based systems can be affected by the ambient temperatures and humidity. Low temperature elongates the hydration period, and results in increase of the drying time and effective life. High temperatures reduces the hydration period, and result in decreasing the drying time and effective life. To provide hardening of the material the ambient and surface temperatures should not drop below the specified minimum values. When the product is applied onto external surfaces they should be protected from direct sun rays, wind, rain and/or frost during 24 hours. After application of the material a vibrator should be used. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water. After hardening the MATON 300 product can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.


The required amount of the powder mix consumed to obtain 1mm thick layer shall be 1.72 kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions. For the short storage period the sacks can be placed one upon the other in three layers. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one upon another. The product in unpacked sacks should be used within one week provided the required storage conditions are maintained.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MATON 400" high resistant repair fast setting mortar

Product Description

MATON 400 is a cement based mixture designed for repair works which require quick hardening ability; monocomponent, resistant to hydrolysis, smooth, strengthened with polymeric and fiber substances. The product conforms to the requirements of the 039-2000 (TS 11140-1993) standard: “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This repair mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • construction of sewage installations;
  • repair of walls in sewage installations and controlled passages;
  • repair of concrete elements of railway roads and platforms;
  • repair of concrete surfaces provided for pedestrians and vehicle traffic;
  • laying pavement stones.


  • achieves high strength within short period of time for transport applications, as vehicle traffic on the treated surface may be allowed in one hour after the mortar laying;
  • reduces to minimum the risk of cracks due to quick hardening;
  • the product is mixed with water only, easily takes the form of mould when cast in molds;
  • shows high pressure resistance;
  • resistant to hydrolysis, shows high fluidity properties;
  • waterproof;
  • resistant to freezing and heating;

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. The surfaces to be treated with the MATON 400 product should be rigid, clean and dust-free, they should be totally free of any fat, rust, paraffin, and other substances deteriorating adhesive force. The areas having crumbles or cavities on the edges should be corrected to the maximum extent possible. In case there is spilled water on the surface, it should be sponged up, or the water flow should be stopped using İzoKontakt 1. Provide water saturation of the surface to be treated with the mixture, however there should not be free water remained on the surface.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour appropriate amount of water measured with a measuring device into the mixing container. Gradually add the MATON 400 product and prepare the mixture for 4 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer. Mix again in approximately 4 minutes during 30-minute period, bringing the product to conditions ready for application.

Application. Spread the prepared mixture over the surface to obtain 10 – 50mm thick layer. Open the moulds in 15 minutes. In case thickness above 50mm is required, mix the MATON 400 product with fine filler (5-10mm) in 1/2 proportion (1kg of a filler per 2 kg of the powder).

Recommendations. The MATON 400 repair mixture should be used within 7 minutes at +200C temperature. Application and reaction rate of cement based systems can be affected by the ambient and soil temperatures and other conditions, including air humidity. Low temperature elongates the hydration period, and results in increase of the drying time and effective life. To provide full hardening of the material the ambient and soil temperatures should not drop below the specified minimum. When applied using fine filler, the substances should be dry mixed and added to the mixing container full of water. Amount of water in this mixture should not exceed 10%. The MATON 400 product may be applied on the soil. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


The required amount of the powder mix consumed to obtain 1mm thick layer is 2 kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions. For the short storage period the sacks can be placed one upon the other in three layers. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one upon another. The product in unpacked sacks should be used within one week provided the required storage conditions are maintained.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MATON 500" high resistant fast setting repair mortar

Product Description

MATON 500 is a cement based mixture designed for repair works which require quick hardening ability; monocomponent, polymerizable, resistant to hydrolysis and breaking, smooth. The product conforms to the requirements of the 039-2000 (TS 11140-1993) standard: “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”. More smooth and more resistant.

Fields of Application

This repair mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • mounting works for hatchway ladders;
  • repair of walls in sewage installations and hatchways;
  • repair of concrete elements of railway tracks and platforms;
  • repair and restoration of concrete surfaces provided for vehicle traffic


  • achieves high strength within short period of time for transport, and vehicle traffic on the treated surface may be allowed in one hour after application;
  • reduces to minimum the risk of cracks due to quick hardening;
  • the product is mixed with water only, easily takes the form of moulds when cast in molds;
  • shows high fluidity properties;
  • does not form cracks, waterproof;
  • resistant to freezing and heating;

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. Cement based surfaces should be rigid, clean and dust-free. The surface should be totally free of any fat, rust, paraffin, and other substances deteriorating adhesive force. Edges of the surfaces restored by means of breaking should be cut smooth, rust existing on equipment should be removed, new equipment should be added, if necessary. In case there is spilled water on the surface, it should be sponged up, or the water flow should be stopped using İzoKontakt 1. Provide water saturation of the surface to be treated with the mixture, however there should not be free water remained on the surface.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour appropriate amount of water measured with a measuring device into the mixing container. Gradually add the MATON 500 product and prepare the mixture for 4 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer. Mix again in approximately 4 minutes during 30-minute period, bringing the product to conditions ready for application. 

Application. Spread the prepared mixture over the surface to obtain a 10 – 50mm thick layer. Open the moulds in 15 minutes. In case a layer thickness above 50mm is required, mix the MATON 500 product with fine filler (5-10mm) in 1/2 proportion (1kg of filler per 2 kg of the powder).

Recommendations. The MATON 500 repair mixture should be used within 7 minutes at +200C temperature. Application and reaction rate of cement based systems can be affected by the ambient and soil temperatures and other conditions, including air humidity. Low temperature elongates the hydration period, and results in increase of the drying time and effective life. To provide full hardening of the material the ambient and soil temperatures should not drop below the specified minimum values. When applying the mixture  with fine fillers the substances should be dry mixed first and then added to the mixing container with water till the water content in this mixture reaches 10%. The MATON 500 product may be applied on the soil. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


The required amount of the powder mix consumed to obtain 1mm thickness layer shall be 2 kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions. For the short storage period the sacks can be placed one upon the other in three layers. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one upon another. The product in unpacked sacks should be used within one week provided the required storage conditions are maintained.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"EPOKS 300" epoxide based repair mortar

Product Description

Product for fastening, mounting, conjoining, and adhesive bonding works, two-component. Code of conformity: 04.613/8-e.

Fields of Application

This solution can be applied in the following areas:

  • arrangement of all types of fastening components;
  • repair and insulation of cracks formed in concrete;
  • cementing of cracks;
  • insulation of cracks;
  • conjunction of different metal and concrete structures;
  • adhesive bonding of metal and steel-made details.


  • does not contain soluble substances in its composition;
  • easy use and application;
  • high mechanical strength;
  • waterproof;
  • high adhesive quality provided for concrete and steel surfaces.

Method of application

Preparation of the surfaces. Cement based surfaces (concrete, plaster, etc.) or layers should be cleaned from all contaminations. Metal surfaces should be totally cleaned from rust and contaminations.

Preparation of the mixture. The EPOKS 300 product is two-component joint filling mixture, so it has been packed in corresponding amounts. At the time of application both components should be mixed during at least 3 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. During the mixing process +150C to +250C temperature of the solution should be provided.

Mixture preparation proportions:

Component A: epoxide resin 3.75 kg;

Component B: epoxide based hardening agent 1.25 kg.

Application. Spread the EPOKS 300 product over the surface using trowel. Thoroughly clean the holes in reinforcing fitting structures by compressed air. The width of opened holes should not exceed the width of joined components more than by 6mm. The product can be applied easily using spray gun.

Recommendations. The EPOKS 300 solution should be mixed using a suitable mixing unit. The mixture should be thoroughly mixed by hands or using trowel. Period of use and hardening of products containing solution of epoxide resins depends on the ambient temperature. The most effective operating temperature range is +100C - +200C. The prepared mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh solution. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with warm water with addition of powdered detergent.


The amount of consumed repair mixture changes depending on the form and depth of cracks.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions, provided freezing is avoided.


  • ventilate the area of application of the EPOKS 300 repair mixture until the repair works are completed;
  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the solution can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"İzoLatexe 4000" waterproofing material (powder + liquid) 4 bar

Product description

Composition of powder: Cement based dry mixture resistant to chemicals. Composition of liquid: Acrylic based emulsion polymer. The product conforms to the requirements of the TS AZS 31 43498-05-2005 specifications. For water basins and technical water reservoirs.

Fields of Application

This insulating mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Permanent water containing reservoirs;
  • Foundations and balconies of buildings;
  • Bearing and dividing walls;
  • Water storage reservoirs;
  • Terraces;
  • Concrete, plaster and flooring plaster surfaces;
  • In the areas of permanent contact with water before application of glazed and mettlach tiles.


  • Easy preparation and use;
  • Resistance to chemical substances and salts contained in the soil;
  • Due to high adhesive ability and elasticity the product forms strong waterproofing insulation layer on plaster, flooring plaster and other surfaces before application of facing plates.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Clean the surface from any residues deteriorating adhesive force. Pay attention to ensuring rigidity of the surface. In case the surface to be used has any defects, they should be removed using  MATON 100 repair mixture. Before application of the product the surface should be primed with BINMADER primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg powder mix into 10 liters of white liquid composite and mix till it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Wait 3-5 minutes to allow complete mixing of substances composing the mixture, mix again before application.

Application. Spread the prepared mixture over the surface in two layers, using roller or brush. The layers should be applied perpendicular to each other. The time between application of layers may be 5-6 hours, depending on the ambient temperature. To prevent formation of cracks in the corners of the product application area, the oval shape should be given to the corners, and the mixture should be reinforced with mesh. The prepared mixture should be used within 3 hours. Do not use the mixture after expiration of this period.

Recommendations. The surface treated with the mixture should be protected from direct sun rays, precipitations and dust for 48 hours, and the product should not be used in the areas of direct solar radiation. As the product is applied in thin layers, after its application onto the surfaces to be subject to pedestrian flows and vehicles traffic it should be treated with protective facing materials, such as concrete flooring plaster and ceramic tiles.

The surfaces should be put into operation or covered with facing plates in at least 1 week after application of the mixture.


The İzoLatexe  4000 waterproofing mixture is applied onto the surface in 2 layers:

  • First layer consumption:  1.2  kg/m2.
  • Second layer consumption:  1.0  kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The powder composite component can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack, and the liquid component can be stored during 12 months in plastic cans placed one upon the other in three layers.


  • taking into consideration that it is a cement and acrylic based product containing chemical mixtures, immediately rinse it with large amount of water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"İzoLatexe Eko" waterproofing material (powder + liquid) 2 bar

Product description

Composition of powder: Cement based dry mixture resistant to chemicals. Composition of liquid: Acrylic based emulsion polymer. The product conforms to the requirements of the TS AZS 31 43498-05-2005 specifications. For bath-houses, toilet rooms, balconies, and technical water reservoirs.

Fields of Application

This insulating mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Permanent water containing reservoirs;
  • Foundations and balconies of buildings;
  • Bearing and dividing walls;
  • Water storage reservoirs;
  • Terraces;
  • Concrete, plaster and flooring plaster surfaces;
  • In the areas of permanent contact with water before application of glazed and mettlach tiles.


  • Easy preparation and use;
  • Long usage period;
  • Resistance to chemical substances and salts contained in the soil;
  • Due to high adhesive ability and elasticity the product forms strong waterproofing insulation layer on plaster, flooring plaster and other surfaces before application of facing plates.

Application procedures

Preparation of surface. Clean the surface from any residues deteriorating adhesive force. Pay attention to ensuring rigidity of the surface. In case the surface to be used has any defects, they should be removed using MATON 100 repair mixture. Before application of the product the surface should be primed with BINMADER primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg powder mix into 10 liters of white liquid composite and mix till it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Wait 3-5 minutes to allow complete mixing of the substances composing the mixture, mix again before application.

Application. Spread the prepared mixture over the surface in two layers using roller or brush. The layers should be applied perpendicular to each other. The time between application of layers may be 5-6 hours, depending on the ambient temperature. To prevent formation of cracks in the corners of the product application area, the oval shape should be given to the corners, and the mixture should be reinforced with mesh. The prepared mixture should be used within 3 hours. Do not use the mixture after expiration of this period.

Recommendations. The surface treated with the mixture should be protected from direct sun rays, precipitations and dust for 48 hours, and the product should not be used in the areas of direct solar radiation. As the product is applied in thin layers, after its application onto the surfaces to be subject to pedestrian flows and vehicles traffic it should be treated with protective facing materials, such as concrete flooring plaster and ceramic tiles. The surfaces should be put into operation or covered with facing plates in at least 1 week after application of the mixture.


The İzoLatexe  Eko waterproofing mixture is applied onto the surface in 2 layers.

First layer consumption: 1.2  kg/m2.

Second layer consumption: 1.0  kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The powder composite component can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack, and the liquid component can be stored during 12 months in plastic cans placed one upon the other in three layers.


  • taking into consideration that it is a cement and acrylic based product containing chemical mixtures, immediately rinse it with large amount of water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50%+5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"İzoLatexe SUPER" waterproofing material (powder + liquid) 7 bar

Product description

Composition of powder: Cement based dry mixture resistant to chemicals. Composition of liquid: Acrylic based emulsion polymer. The product conforms to the requirements of the TS AZS 31 43498-05-2005 specifications. For technical water reservoirs, extra waterproofing.

Fields of Application

This insulating mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Permanent water containing reservoirs;
  • Foundations and balconies of buildings;
  • Bearing and dividing walls;
  • Water storage reservoirs;
  • Terraces;
  • Concrete, plaster and flooring plaster surfaces;
  • In the areas of permanent contact with water before application of glazed and mettlach tiles.


  • Easy preparation and use;
  • Resistance to chemical substances and salts contained in the soil;
  • Due to high adhesive ability and elasticity the product forms strong waterproofing insulation layer on plaster, flooring plaster and other surfaces before application of facing plates.
  • Application onto surface using brush and/or trowel.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. Clean the surface from any residues deteriorating adhesive force. Pay attention to ensuring rigidity of the surface. In case the surface to be used has any defects, they should be removed using MATON 100 repair mixture. Before application of the product the surface should be primed with BINMADER primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 20 kg powder mix into 10 liters of white liquid composite and mix till it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer).

Application. Wait 3-5 minutes while the mixture is curing, then mix again before application. Spread the prepared mixture over the surface in 2 or 3 layers using roller or brush. The layers should be applied perpendicular to each other. The time between application of the layers may be 5-6 hours, depending on the ambient temperature. To prevent formation of cracks in the corners of the product application area, the oval shape should be given to the corners, and the mixture should be reinforced with mesh. The prepared mixture should be used within 2 hours. Do not use the mixture after expiration of this period.

Recommendations. The surface treated with the mixture should be protected from direct sun rays, precipitations and dust for 48 hours, and the product should not be used in the areas of direct solar radiation. As the product is applied in thin layers, after its application onto the surfaces to be subject to pedestrian flows and vehicles traffic it should be treated with protective facing materials, such as concrete flooring plaster or ceramic tiles.
The surfaces should be put into operation or covered with facing plates in at least 3 days after application of the mixture.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The powder composite component can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack, and the liquid component can be stored during 12 months in plastic cans placed one upon the other in three layers.


  • taking into consideration that it is a cement and acrylic based product containing chemical mixtures, immediately rinse it with large amount of water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"İzoLatexe UV" waterproofing material (powder + liquid) 4 bar

Product description

Cement based, acrylic emulsion polymer, high elasticity, enriched with chemical mixtures, two-component waterproofing mixture. Composition 1 is a grey color dry mixture, Composition 2 is an acrylic based emulsion polymer. The product conforms to the requirements of the TS AZS 31 43498-05-2005 specifications. For potable water reservoirs, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, extra waterproofing.

Fields of Application

This insulating mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • indoor and outdoor areas;
  • final layer of external wall surfaces;
  • terraces;
  • balconies;
  • damp areas such as toilet rooms, bath-houses, kitchens, and others;
  • swimming pools;
  • water reservoirs suitable for potable water usage;
  • in the sea water channels, applied in currentwise direction;
  • in the areas where salt water dam is installed;
  • protection of concrete surfaces from lime deposits and exposure to chlorine;
  • waterproofing of planting areas.


  • 1 mm layer of IzoLatexe UV provides degree of protection from lime deposits similar to concrete layer of more than 80 mm thickness;
  • Waterproof and resistant to water pressure up to 4 bar;
  • High adhesive force;
  • Easy application and use;
  • Long usage period;
  • White color, resistant to ultraviolet radiation;
  • High water vapor absorption capacity;
  • Resistant to freezing and opening;
  • High resistance to carbon dioxide and chlorine ions;
  • While conventional waterproofing materials require a period of 7-28 days after laying concrete before application, IzoLatexe UV may be applied in 24 hours after concrete is laid;
  • Suitable for application in potable water reservoirs.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. The cement based surfaces being in contact with water should be healthy, rigid, clean, dust-free, and should have suitable dimensions. The surface should be totally free of any fat, rust, paraffin, and other substances deteriorating adhesive force, and should not have small splinters. Small metal and wooden particles should be removed from the surface, cavities should be filled with Filkret repair mixture. Thoroughly soak the clean surface with water, then wait till it is half dry. Provide water saturation of the surface, otherwise it will quickly absorb the water contained in the product during application, and it will have matted appearance. So in case the work is performed at high ambient temperatures and windy conditions, the first layer of the product applied should include Component B with water content up to 10%.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour 8 kg of Component B liquid composite into clean mixing container, and gradually add 25 kg of Component A powder composite. Prepare the mixture for 3-5 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer till the solution becomes entirely homogeneous. Mix again in approximately 3-5 minutes during 30-second period till the solution is entirely homogeneous.

Application. Spread the prepared IzoLatexe UV mixture over the surface in two or three layers using special brush. The brush movement directions should be perpendicular to each other. The time between applications of layers may be different, depending on the environmental conditions.

Recommendations. In case the temperature of the treated surface is below +50C and above +320C, the required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in rainy or, windy weather conditions, or at excessive temperatures. The IzoLatexe UV waterproofing mixture applied at temperature of +230C achieves mechanical strength in 2 days, waterproofing features in 7 days, and final hardening in 14 days. In case the product is applied in the open air the treated surface should be protected from direct sun rays, wind, rain and frost during 24 hours. The cement and acrylic based systems are sensitive to the ambient and surface temperatures and humidity during application and reaction. Low temperatures reduce the reaction rate, and it results in elongation of the work execution period. High temperatures increase the reaction rate, and it results in decrease of the work execution period. To save the product water content and to achieve maximum effectiveness the temperature should not drop below the specified minimum value. The thickness of one wet layer should not exceed 2 mm. It is recommended to use “Matanat A” adhesives for the surface facing. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with warm soapy water. After hardening the IzoLatexe UV product can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The powder composite component can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in cold and dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack, and the liquid component can be stored protected from freezing during 12 months in plastic cans placed one upon the other in three layers. In case the storage temperature is below 00C the composite component B may freeze.


  • unpacked product should be used within one week;
  • when using the product wear the appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that it is a cement and acrylic based product containing chemical mixtures, immediately rinse it with large amount of water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • keep the product away from food products and children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"İzoLatexe UV Super" waterproofing material (powder + liquid) 7 bar

Product description

Cement and acrylic based, two-component waterproofing mixture forming layer resistant to water containing salts and atmospheric gases, suitable for application both on internal and external concrete and cement based surfaces. The product conforms to the requirements of the TS AZS 31 43498-05-2005 specifications.

Fields of Application

This insulating mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • indoor and outdoor areas, on vertical and horizontal surfaces in currentwise direction of water flows;
  • waterproofing of building foundations
  • the final layer of external wall surfaces;
  • terraces, balconies, permanently damp areas such as toilet rooms, bath-houses, kitchens, and others;
  • swimming pools;
  • water reservoirs suitable for potable water usage;
  • sea water channels;
  • in the areas where salt water dam is installed;
  • protection of concrete surfaces from lime deposits and exposure to chlorine;
  • waterproofing of planting areas.


  • 1 mm layer of IzoLatexe UV Super provides degree of protection from lime deposits similar to concrete layer of more than 80 mm thickness;
  • Waterproof and resistant to water pressure up to 7 bar;
  • High adhesive force;
  • Easy application and use;
  • White color, resistant to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Good water vapour transmission;
  • Long usage period;
  • Resistant to freezing and opening;
  • High resistance to carbon dioxide and chlorine ions;
  • While conventional waterproofing materials before application require 7-28 days period  after laying concrete, IzoLatexe UV Super may be applied in 24 hours after concrete is laid;
  • Suitable for application in potable water reservoirs.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. The cement based surfaces being in contact with water should be healthy, rigid, clean, dust-free, and should have suitable dimensions. The surface should be totally free of any fat, rust, paraffin, and other substances deteriorating adhesive force, and should not have small splinters. Small metal and wooden particles should be removed from the surface, cavities should be filled with Filkret repair mixture. Thoroughly soak the clean surface with water, then wait till it is half dry. Provide water saturation of the surface, otherwise it will quickly absorb the water contained in the product during application, and will have matted appearance. So in case the work is performed at high ambient temperatures and windy conditions the first layer of the product applied, should include Component B with water content up to 10%.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour 8 kg of Component B liquid composite into clean mixing container, and gradually add 25 kg of Component A powder composite. Prepare this mixture for 3-5 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer till the solution becomes entirely homogeneous. Mix again in approximately 3-5 minutes during 30-second period till the solution is entirely homogeneous.

Application. Spread the prepared IzoLatexe UV Super mixture over the surface in two or three layers using special brush. The brush movement directions should be applied perpendicular to each other. The time between applications of layers may be different, depending on the environmental conditions.

Recommendations. In case the temperature of the treated surface is below +50C and above +320C, the required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in rainy, windy weather conditions, or at excessive ambient temperatures. The IzoLatexe UV Super waterproofing mixture applied at +230C temperature achieves mechanical strength in 2 days, waterproofing features in 7 days, and final hardening in 14 days. In case of the product application onto external surfaces they should be protected from direct sun rays, wind, rain and frost during 24 hours. The cement and acrylic based systems are sensitive to ambient and surface temperatures and humidity during application and reaction. Low temperatures reduce the reaction rate, and results in elongation of the work execution period. High temperatures increase the reaction rate, and result in decrease of the work execution period. To save the product water content and to achieve maximum effectiveness the temperatures should not drop below the specified minimum values. The thickness of one wet layer should not exceed 2 mm.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The powder composite component can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in cold and dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack, and the liquid component can be stored protected from freezing during 12 months in plastic cans placed one upon the other in three layers. In case the storage temperature is below 00C, the composite component B may freeze.


  • taking into consideration that it is a cement and acrylic based product containing chemical mixtures, immediately rinse it with large amount of water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"İzoKrist" surface applied capillary waterproofing system for concrete and mortar

Product description

Cement based crystallizing waterproofing plaster capable to repair cracks, suitable for application on concrete layer of newly built and old walls to prevent penetration of water. The product conforms to the requirements of the TS AZS 31 43498-05-2005 specifications.

Fields of Application

This insulating product can be applied in the following areas:

  • indoor and outdoor areas, in vertical and horizontal directions;
  • water reservoirs;
  • tunnels;
  • elevator shafts;
  • masonry walls;
  • foundation walls;
  • docks and ports.


  • Easy preparation and use;
  • Can be applied using brush;
  • IzoKrist fills cracks and provides waterproofing features by means of durable crystals in its composition;
  • Provides protection of concrete and other surfaces from corrosion;
  • Resistant to water pressure;
  • No water vapour transmission, resistance to freezing and melting;
  • Wear resistant crystals in its composition do not decompose or tear away from the surface;
  • Suitable for reliable application in potable water reservoirs.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. The cement based surfaces being in contact with water should be healthy, rigid, clean, dust-free, and should have suitable dimensions. The surface should cleaned with water and should be totally free of any fat, rust, paraffin, and other substances deteriorating adhesive force, then it should be finely perforated to increase the adhesive force. Small metal and wooden particles should be removed from the surface. In case the surface has any cavities, they should be removed with  MATON 100 repair mixture. Thoroughly soak the clean surface with water, and do not use it until it is totally dry.

Preparation of the mixture. First pour the IzoKrist powder into clean mixing container, and gradually add water for 3-5 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer till the solution is entirely homogeneous. Mix again in approximately 3-5 minutes during 30-second period, bringing the product to conditions ready for application. Prepare the solution in the amount required for application within 20 minutes.

Application. Spread the prepared IzoKrist mixture over the surface using brush preliminary soaked with water. While the water is not completely soaked and no crystals have formed, but the first layer is hard enough, apply the second layer. This process may take 3-5 minutes, depending on the ambient temperature. Anyway, the time between applications of the layers should not exceed 6 hours.

Recommendations. It is necessary to prevent quick drying of the surface after application of the IzoKrist product. Substances has been moisture-retaining features should not be used. The surface should be kept wet within 5-7 days by regular splashing water on it. Water reservoirs should be filled with water after application of IzoKrist product, to prolong the period of crystallization and to increase the effect of the mixture upon the deepest layers of the base surface. IzoKrist applied at +230C temperature achieves the design mechanical strength in 1 day, waterproofing features in 7 days, and final hardening in 14 days. 


First layer consumption:  1.2  kg/m2 powder product

Second layer consumption:  1.0  kg/m2 powder product

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions. For the short storage period the sacks can be placed on wooden racks one upon the other in three layers, and in the time of application the lower layer sacks should be used first. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one upon another.


  • In case the treated surface temperature is below +50C and above +320C, the required temperature should be provided;
  • In case of the product application onto external surfaces they should be protected from direct sun rays, wind, rain and frost during 24 hours;
  • The prepared product should be used within 20 minutes.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"İzoLex" monocomponent waterproofing material

Product description

Cement based, monocomponent, resistant to chemicals, waterproofing mixture, provides waterproofing to materials. The product conforms to the requirements of the TS AZS 31 43498-05-2005 specifications. For technical water reservoirs.

Fields of Application

This insulating mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • bath area and washrooms in buildings;
  • terraces and balconies;
  • water reservoirs;
  • on concrete, plaster and flooring plaster surfaces.


  • Easy preparation and use;
  • Resistance to chemical substances and salts contained in the soil;
  • Due to high adhesive ability and elasticity the product forms strong waterproofing insulation layer which is ideal before application of plaster, flooring plaster, ceramic tiles and other facing plates.
  • Applied onto surface using brush and/or trowel.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. Clean the surface from any residues deteriorating adhesive force. Pay attention to ensuring rigidity of the surface. In case the surface to be used has any defects, they should be removed with MATON 100 repair mixture. Before application of the product the surface should be soaked with water, and primed with BINMADER primer to provide better results.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg powder mix into 9.5-10.0 liters of water (when using paddle roller) and mix till it is entirely homogeneous (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use slow circulation mixer). Wait 3-5 minutes to allow complete mixing of substances composing the mixture, then mix again before application.

Application. Spread the prepared mixture over the surface using paddle roller or trowel and forming a layer of equal thickness. The oval shape should be given to the corners in the product application area, and the mixture should be reinforced with mesh. In case of application of 2 layers using paddle roller, the time between application of the layers may be 5-6 hours, depending on the ambient temperature. Application of 2-3 mm thick layer is enough. This thickness can be achieved by application of one layer using a trowel. The treated surface should be protected from direct sun rays, precipitations and dust within 48 hours. As the product is applied in thin layers, after its application onto the surfaces to be subject to pedestrian flows and vehicles traffic it should be treated with protective facing materials, such as concrete flooring plaster or ceramic tiles.

Recommendations. The prepared mixture should be used within 1 hour. Do not use the mixture after expiration of this period. The surfaces should be put into operation or covered with facing plates in at least 1 week after application of the mixture.


The IzоLех waterproofing mixture is applied in foundations, roofs, terraces in 2 mm thick layers, and in water reservoirs in 3 mm thick layer.

First layer consumption:   1.0  kg/m2  of powder product

Second layer consumption:   1.0  kg/m2 of powder product

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration that IzoLex is a cement based product of complex composition, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"İzoAntiasid" waterproofing material for sewerage systems

Product description

Cement based, containing polymer compounds, monocomponent, waterproofing product, resistant to acids and salts, resistant to chemicals and mechanical impact, suitable for application both on internal and external concrete and cement based surfaces. The product conforms to the requirements of the BS 6920 standard.

Fields of Application

This insulating mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • indoor and outdoor areas;
  • sewerage systems of depths up to 15 meters, designed for waste water drainage;
  • as the final lining layer on surfaces repaired with Maton construction material;
  • protection of top surfaces of channels and creating waterproof surfaces;
  • in structures designed for water drainage, and in coating of reinforced concrete pipes;
  • protection of waste water drainage channels and pipes from sulfates;
  • waste water reservoirs;


  • Resistant to sulfates;
  • Easy preparation and use;
  • High mechanical resistance, does not form cracks and does not fall to pieces;
  • Good water vapour transmission;
  • Application onto surface using paddle roller and/or spray applicator gun.
  • Resistant to rain and waste waters;
  • Suitable for application in potable water reservoirs without any restrictions.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. The surfaces to be treated with IzoAntiasid should be healthy, rigid, clean, dust-free, and durable. The surface should be totally free of any fat, rust, paraffin, and other substances deteriorating adhesive force. Metal and wooden particles should be removed from the surface, the surface should be soaked with water. Then wait until it is totally dry. Facing materials quickly absorb water and obtain faded appearance, so this indicates that the surface is not saturated to the required extent, or it has quick drying features. In case of performing the works at high ambient temperatures and windy conditions the amount of water diluted to the product applied as the first layer may be increased by 10%.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour the required amount of water into the mixing container using special volumetric devices. Carefully add 25 kg of Izopol fat powder mix to 4.5-5.75 liters of water, and mix during 3-5 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer. Wait approximately 3-5 minutes, then mix again during 30-second period, bringing the product to conditions ready for application.

Application. Spread the prepared IzoAntiasid product using paddle roller in two or three layers. The roller movement directions should be applied perpendicular to each other. The time between applications of layers may be different, depending on the environmental conditions.

Recommendations. IzoAntiasid applied at +230C temperature obtains mechanical strength in 2 days, waterproofing features in 7 days, and final hardening in 14 days. In case of the product application onto external surfaces they should be protected from direct sun rays, wind, rain and frost during 24 hours. During application the thickness of one layer should not exceed 2 mm. Application should be conducted in 2 layers. The prepared product should be used within 30 minutes. After hardening the Izopolfat can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • For the short storage period the sacks can be placed one upon the other in three layers. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one upon another.
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"İzoBitex" bitumen based waterproofing material

Product description

Based on bitumen/rubber latex emulsion, perfectly bonding, elastic after drying, layer forming, waterproofing product, resistant to damp, with no water vapour transmission feature.

Fields of Application

This insulating product can be applied in the following areas:

  • indoor and outdoor areas, on vertical and horizontal surfaces in currentwise direction of the water flows;
  • roof cladding;
  • waterproofing of asbestos-cement, asphalt, lead, zinc, aluminum, concrete and wooden surfaces;
  • waterproofing of irregular, wavy surfaces;
  • waterproofing of channels;
  • waterproofing of underground parts of historical monuments;
  • waterproofing of walls in indoor and outdoor areas being in contact with soil;
  • waterproofing of flower planting areas.


  • Monocomponent;
  • Ready for application product;
  • Can be applied onto fresh concrete;
  • Shows high adhesive force when applied both onto dry and wet surfaces;
  • Resistant to chemical substances and salt particles contained in the soil;
  • Resistant to freezing and melting;
  • Does not contain solvents, environmental friendly.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. The surfaces to be treated with the product should be healthy, rigid, clean, dust-free, and should have suitable dimensions. The surface should be totally free of any fat, rust, paraffin, and other substances deteriorating adhesive force, and should not have small splinters. Small metal and wooden particles should be removed from the surface, cavities should be filled with repair plaster, and oval shape should be given to the corners. Where appropriate, the IzoBitex can be applied after application of primer layer onto the surface.

Preparation of the mixture. As the IzoBitex product is monocomponent, its preparation is very simple. Take 1 kg of IzoBitex, add 6 liters of water, and mix during 3-5 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer till the solution is entirely homogeneous.

Application. Spread the product over the whole surface using brush or paddle roller of corresponding size with equal thickness, prevent formation of shrinkage on horizontal surfaces. Where appropriate the IzoBitex can be used as primer layer after mixing with water in the 1/6 proportion (0.02 liter of IzoBitex + 0.14 liter water, totally 0.16 liter/m²). During application consumption of the product may increase by 50% depending on the surface smoothness. After the primer hardening you can pass to the stage of application.

In case of application below the ground level (foundations or other low places) the product can be applied onto the surfaces covered with concrete just after removal of the mould. Immediately after application of the first layer the surface should be strewed with sand. After hardening the sand particles not adhered to the surface should be swept away. Then the second layer is applied, and the surface is strewed with sand again. Where appropriate, this procedure may be repeated further. In case it is required to cover the IzoBitex surface with any protective layer, the final layer should be strewed with sand before hardening. After the surface hardened the sand particles not adhered to the surface should be swept away, and only then the products based on plaster or gypsum may be applied.

Recommendations. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with warm soapy water. After hardening the IzoBitex can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions. For the short storage period the sacks can be placed on wooden racks one upon the other in three layers, and in the time of application the lower layer sacks should be used first. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one upon another.


  • when using the product wear the appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • immediately rinse with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • keep the product away from food and children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MA Latex" waterproofing material increasing the adhesive force and elasticity

Product description

Based on emulsion polymer, ready for application product increasing mechanical strength, elasticity, adhesive force, waterproofing features, contains substances preventing formation of cracks and erosion.

Fields of Application

This waterproofing mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Increasing of mechanical strength, elasticity, adhesive force, waterproofing features of:
  • cement based concrete;
  • plaster;
  • flooring plaster;
  • MATON and Filkret mixtures;
  • preventing formation of cracks and erosion.


  • The product does not form cracks during application and afterwards;
  • Increases efficiency;
  • Provides saving of materials consumption.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. The surface should be totally free of any substances deteriorating adhesive force.

Preparation of mixture. Rinse the  MA Latex solution before use. To provide waterproofing features of the surface mix the MA Latex waterproofing solution diluted with water at proportion of 1/1 - 1/4  (MA Latex/water). To prevent formation of cracks and water soaking add the MA Latex waterproofing solution, diluted with water at proportion of 1/1- 1/4  (MA Latex/water), into tile adhesives, repair plasters, and other construction mixtures.

Application. Spread the prepared mixture according to the instruction


On the cement based surfaces: 150 g/m2  is applied.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"İzoKontakt 1" fast-setting mortar to plug active water leaks (white, grey)

Product description

Ready for application plugging plaster, includes a special composition of cement and sand, to be used in water soakage areas insulation, mounting and repair works, increases adhesive force, quickly expands and hardens when mixed with water.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • indoor and outdoor areas;
  • floorings and walls;
  • repair of cracks which do not tend to grow;
  • insulation of water soakage areas;
  • insulation of pipes;
  • repair of concrete sulfates;
  • filling and plugging areas with possible water soakage before insulation;
  • strengthening iron cavities inside moulds;
  • oval shaping of concrete edges and corners, repair of joints;
  • fastening metal anchor bolts and elements.


  • Monocomponent;
  • To be mixed with water only;
  • Provides protection from water soaking due to quick hardening;
  • Easy application;
  • Once expanded the product forms a good waterproofing layer;
  • Durable and stable;
  • Insulation materials can be applied in 15 minutes after the product application;
  • Does not contain chlorine, so does not cause corrosion of steel structures.
  • Suitable for reliable application in potable water reservoirs.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. The surfaces to be used should be healthy, rigid, clean, dust-free, and should have suitable dimensions. The surface should be totally free of any fat, rust, paraffin, and other substances deteriorating adhesive force, and should not have small splinters. Edges of cavities and cracks  20 mm depth and width should be cut upright. The V-shape cavities with sharp cut corners are not allowed.

Preparation of mixture. Pour the required amount of the product into clean mixing container, and add the required amount of water during 60 seconds. Put on protective gloves and mix within maximum 30 seconds. Do not add any chemical substances to the mixture.

Attention: If the product is applied in cool weather conditions, then hot or warm water should be used. Add 1 kg of the IzoKontakt 1 product to 0.24-0.28 liter of pure water and mix (amount of water can change depending on the ambient temperature).

Application. Enlarge the areas soaked with water to the width by 20 mm. Mix the product with required amount of water in your  hands. When the mixture is warmed up, quickly apply it to cracked areas and areas where the water soaks. Put hand over the treated place and wait for 60 seconds. Carefully remove the hand after the product starts to harden. In case of larger cavities this procedure can be repeated from the cavity’s edges towards its center. Immediately after application the extra product should be removed from the cavity edges.

The product can be used for the purpose of insulation in the joints between walls and floor. Enlarge the joints to the width and depth by 20 mm minimum. Remove any wire, lead, wooden, and other small particles from the enlarged areas. Fill the joints with the IzoKontakt 1 product in appropriate manner. To fasten the metal anchor bolts and/or fastening elements to concrete surface drill a hole larger than the size of anchoring element in concrete surface using mechanical tools. Then clean the hole inside.

Before application of the IzoKontakt 1 wet the holes with required amount of water. Then fill the holes with the IzoKontakt 1 product. Quickly put metal anchor bolts and/or fastening elements to their places moving them in vertical direction, then apply products has been moisture-retaining features.

Recommendations. In case the ambient temperature in the area of IzoKontakt  1 application is below +50C and above +320C, the required temperature should be provided. The treated surface should be kept wet for 15-minute period. For dry surfaces and surfaces with high water absorption ability this period should be 30 minutes. After hardening the product can be removed by mechanical means only.


Differs depending on dimensions of the water soaked areas.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 6 months from the manufacturing date packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions, protected from freezing. Unpacked product should be used within one week.


  • Unpacked product should be used within one week;
  • when using the product wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • immediately rinse with water in case of contact with skin or eyes; in case you swallow the product, consult a physician;
  • keep the product away from food and children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"İzoKontakt 2" cement-based fast setting repair and anchoring mortar

Product description

Ready to application plugging plaster has been special composition of cement and sand, used in water soakage areas insulation, mounting and repair works, increasing adhesive force, fast expanding and setting when mixed with water.

Fields of Application

This repair and mounting mixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • indoor and outdoor areas;
  • floorings and walls;
  • repair of cracks which do not tend to grow ;
  • insulation of water soakage areas;
  • insulation of pipes;
  • repair of concrete surfaces;
  • strengthening iron cavities inside moulds;
  • oval shaping of concrete edges and corners, repair of joints;
  • fastening metal anchor bolts and elements.


  • Monocomponent, to be mixed with water only;
  • Provides protection from water soakage due to fast setting;
  • Easy application;
  • Once expanded the product forms waterproofing layer;
  • Durable and stable;
  • Insulation materials can be applied in 15 minutes after the product application;
  • Does not contain chlorine, so does not cause corrosion of steel structures.
  • Suitable for reliable application in potable water reservoirs.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. The surfaces to be used should be healthy, rigid, clean, dust-free, and should have suitable dimensions. The surface should be totally free of any fat, rust, paraffin, and other substances deteriorating adhesive force, and should not have small splinters. Edges of cavities and cracks of 20 mm depth and width should be cut upright. The V-shape cavities with sharp cut corners are not allowed.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour the required amount of the product into a clean mixing container, and add the required amount of water within 3 minutes. Put on appropriate protective gloves and mix within maximum 30 seconds. Add 0.23 liter of pure water to 1 kg of the IzoKontakt 2 product and mix (amount of water may vary depending on the ambient temperature).

Application. The prepared mixture can be used in fastening operations. Holes for anchor elements should be filled with required amount of the IzoKontakt 2 product, and fastening element should be immediately placed into the hole in vertical position. Keep the IzoKontakt 2 product surface wet for 30 minutes.

Recommendations. In the cool weather conditions hot or warm water should be used. Any other chemical substances should not be added to the mixture. In case the ambient temperature in the area of IzoKontakt  2 application is below +50C and above +320C, then the required temperature should be provided. Due to quick separation of water during application, the product hardens quickly. So the treated surface should retain moisture for 15 minutes. For dry surfaces and surfaces with high water absorption ability this period should be 30 minutes.

Period of use and reaction rate of the specific cement based systems are sensitive to the ambient and surface temperatures and humidity at the moment  of application and reaction. Low temperature reduces the reaction rate and results in elongation of useful life of the prepared product in container and the operation period. High temperatures increase the reaction rate and result in decrease of above mentioned parameters. To save the product water content and to achieve maximum effectiveness the temperature should not drop below the recommended minimum values. To increase the period of the product use in cold weather conditions the packages should be brought to ready for application state at temperatures between +200C and +250C, and the mixture should be prepared using warm water only. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with warm water. After hardening the IzoKontakt 2 product can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.


Differs depending on dimensions of water soaked areas.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 6 months from the manufacturing date packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions, protected from freezing. Unpacked product should be used within one week.


  • The IzoKontakt 2 product should be stored packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions, protected from freezing;
  • Unpacked product should be used within one week;
  • when using the product wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • immediately rinse with water in case of contact with skin or eyes; in case you swallow the product, consult a physician;
  • keep the product away from food and children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"İzoFakt" non-toxic solvent free high build, protective epoxy resin coating (Component A + Component B)

Product description

Epoxide based two-component coating product enriched with chemical components, providing special protection for concrete and steel (metal) from external effects.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • indoor and outdoor areas;
  • metal tanks and concrete reservoirs;
  • being resistant to chemical substances can be used for protection of walls in oil and fuel storage areas from gases and vapours;
  • power plants, sugar factories, hangars, and liquid product storages;
  • potable water reservoirs;
  • beer, wine, and raisin production facilities;
  • crude oil storages and paper production facilities;
  • beverages and fruit juices production;
  • canned goods production;
  • industry of meat and fish products;
  • pharmaceutical industry, production of paints and poisons;
  • printing houses and laundries;
  • hospital laboratories, canteens, and hygienic environments


  • Creates brilliant surfaces;
  • Has antibacterial features;
  • Creates hygienic conditions for easy cleaning;
  • High mechanical strength;
  • Prevents formation of microbes;
  • Due to high elasticity the surfaces treated with the product withstand moving loads;
  • Can be applied using brush, paddle roller, or spray applicator gun;
  • Resistant to water.
  • Suitable for reliable application in potable water reservoirs.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surfaces. The concrete and/or metal surfaces to be treated with IzoFakt should be healthy, clean, dry and even.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour the hardening agent - Component B resin to the Component A, and mix during 3-5 minutes using 400-600 RPM mixer till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. Mix again in approximately 3-5 minutes during 30-second period, bringing the product to conditions ready for application.

Mixture preparation ratios:

Component A:   4.36 kg;

Component B:   0.64 kg.

The mixture density: 1.5 kg/liter


On concrete surfaces:The cement based surfaces of installations and constructions being in contact with water should be healthy, dry, dust-free, clean, and even. The surface should be totally free of any fat, rust, paraffin, and other substances deteriorating adhesive force. Small metal and wooden particles should be removed from the surface; places of active water soakage should be filled with Izоkontakt 1 product. The IzoFakt product should be applied onto the surface at least in 28 days after laying concrete.

On metal surface: The metal surfaces should be totally free of any fat, rust, paraffin, and other substances deteriorating adhesive force. Cleaning may be performed by sandblasting (by means of coarse-grained glass sand supplied under high pressure or special caustic substances). In case it is impossible to clean the surface with glass sand, it can be cleaned using apparatus supplying hot air, pneumatic drill, and/or rotary wire scratcher. The IzoFakt product should be applied onto the surface immediately after cleaning. The surface should be protected from corrosion.


It is recommended to apply the IzoFakt product in two layers. Consumption for each layer is approximately 0.2-0.4 kg/m2. Thickness of the powder mix of the IzoFakt product equal to 0.125-0.250 mm is enough.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cold conditions, protected from freezing.


  • When applying the IzoFakt product, wear appropriate personal protective equipment;
  • taking into consideration that the product contains chemical mixtures, immediately rinse it with large amount of water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • after the product application immediately wash the used instruments with water;
  • after setting the IzoFakt product can be removed by mechanical means only;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"PENOFAS" mounting system providing heat and sound insulation

Product description

Mounting system for heat and sound insulation formed by facing materials applied on heat insulation panels, provided for covering building facades in individual manner, decoration, and decrease of loads on building facades.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • Mounting works on external surfaces of buildings, villas, and other facilities.
  • The product is applied as heat and sound insulation system on external walls of villas and multi-storey buildings.


  • Penofas is a reliable heat and sound insulation system, which decreases energy consumption and complies with European standards;
  • Provides the possibility of heat and sound insulation for buildings and at the same time decorates the external walls;
  • Decreases the loads on treated buildings;
  • Provides good air permeability and water vapour transmission for buildings;
  • Provides protection of the building skeleton from corrosion caused by environmental impact.

Operation procedure for Penofas heat insulation system fabrication on building facades

  • Apply the Penoflex 5 adhesive with a plaster trowel onto the back side of the heat insulation panels: in a single line along the edges, and as a circle in the center of the panel, then adhere the heat insulation panels onto the surface to the required level in order to provide a uniform overall surface as required;
  • After hardening of the Penoflex 5 adhesive fasten the heat insulation panels mechanically to the surface using corresponding dowel nails;
  • Apply one layer of the Penoflex 8 plaster onto the surface of the heat insulation panels fixed with dowels;
  • Prior to forming crust apply mesh on the surface of the first layer;
  • Apply the second layer of the Penoflex 8 plaster onto the mesh;
  • After hardening of Penoflex 8 plaster coat the surface with Binmader primer;
  • Finally apply protective masonry paint.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"PENOFLEX 5" adhesive for heat insulation panels

Product description

Penoflex 5 is a modified polymerization technology, cement based adhesive material applied for bonding heat insulation panels. The product conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • bonding heat insulation panels in construction works.


  • Perfect adhesive ability;
  • Easy preparation and application;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Please be careful to the surface to be treated with the product: it should be healthy, dry, dust-free, clean, and smooth; the surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force, and there should not be any splinters. In case the surface has 5-20 mm deep cracks, they should be filled with Filkret repair mixture two days before use. Temperature of the treated surface should not exceed +250C, and it should be dampened.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg powder mix into 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water and mix for 3-5 minutes till it is entirely homogeneous. Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again during 30-second period, bringing the product to conditions ready for application.

Application. Apply the Penoflex 5 adhesive with a plaster trowel onto the back side of the heat insulation panels in single line along the edges, and in a circle in the center, then adhere the heat insulation panels onto the surface to the required level in order to provide the required uniform overall surface. After hardening of the Penoflex 5 adhesive fasten the heat insulation panels mechanically to the surface using suitable dowel nails.
Take care to prevent crust formation on the adhesive applied onto the panel surfaces when bonding heat insulation panels.

Recommendations. After bonding the of heat insulation panels with Penoflex 5 adhesive mandatory fix them to the surface with the help of suitable dowel nails. If at the time of adhesive application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, then the required temperature should be provided. The adhesive should not be used in warm, rainy and windy weather conditions. If product is applied in the open air, the heat insulation panels should be protected from direct sun rays, wind, and rain during 24 hours after application. After the useful life expired the mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh product.


The Penoflex 5 adhesive consumption at 3 mm thickness is 4 kg/m2. Hence, 25 kg of the Penoflex 5 adhesive can bond heat insulation panels onto the surface of approximately 6.0-6.5 m2 area.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration that Penoflex 5 adhesive is a complex composition mixture, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"PENOFLEX 8" plaster for heat insulation panels

Product description

Penoflex 8 is a modified polymerization technology cement based plastering material with fiber composition applied for plastering heat insulation panels. The product conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS-11140 - 1993) standard “Adhesives – cement based (hydraulic conjunction), suitable for glazed, ceramic, and floor tiles”.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • plastering heat insulation panels when performing construction works.
  • Plastering reinforced concrete surfaces before application of paints.


  • Has perfect adhesive ability;
  • Due to fiber composition it decreases to minimum the risk of cracks formation on plastered surfaces;
  • Easy preparation and application;
  • Long useful life;
  • Possibility of immediate application of paint;
  • Resistant to freezing and warm weather conditions.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. It is important that before the Penoflex 8 plaster application the heat insulation panels should be bonded and fixed to the surface using dowels in normal manner. The panels should be protected from wind and other environmental impacts.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 20 kg powder mix into a clean container filled with 4.6 liters of water and mix for 3-5 minutes till it is entirely homogeneous. Give the mixture 3-5 minutes to set, mix again during 30-second period, bringing the product to conditions ready for application.

Application. Apply one layer of the Penoflex 8 plaster onto the surface of heat insulation panels bonded with the Penoflex 5 adhesive and fixed with dowels. Then apply mesh onto the first layer. Apply the second layer of the Penoflex 8 plaster onto the surface. After hardening of Penoflex 8 plaster the protective masonry paint can be applied.

Recommendations. If at the time of the adhesive application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, the required temperature should be provided. The adhesive should not be used in warm, rainy and windy weather conditions. In case the product is applied in the open air the heat insulation panels should be protected from direct sun rays, wind, and rain during 24 hours. The mixture which started to harden in no case should be diluted with water or fresh product.


The Penoflex 8 plaster material consumption at 3mm thickness is 4.5 kg/m2. Hence, 20 kg of the Penoflex 8 plaster material can cover the surface of approximately 4.0-4.5 m2 area.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration that Penoflex 8 plastering material is a complex composition mixture, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"AĞDAĞ Astar" primer plaster primer based on gypsum and perlite (plaster)

Product description

Gypsum based, high quality perlite prime plaster enriched with mixtures expanding opportunities for the product application. The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 052 (TS 6433) standard.

Fields of Application

This plaster primer can be applied in the following areas:

  • Surfaces plastered with cement and sand mixture, for internal walls of buildings, made of concrete, gas concrete, construction stone, bricks, briquettes (pressed coal, peat, etc.), and other materials;
  • Internal walls of industrial buildings and civil buildings, hotels, hospitals and villas.


  • Environmentally friendly, harmless for the human health, natural gypsum based product;
  • Easy preparation;
  • Does not require mixing with PVA adhesives and other additives;
  • Has high adhesive ability;
  • Prevents losses during preparation and application;
  • Easy and convenient to use;
  • Strong and elastic, does not form cracks,;
  • Provides heat and sound insulating features;
  • Provides air permeability to walls;

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Please pay attention to the treated surface: it should be healthy, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the surface has 5-6 mm deep cracks or pores, they should be filled with Filkret 300 or 400 repair mixtures the day before use. Herewith the surface to be treated should first be dampened or primed with Binmader primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour 10 kg powder mix to 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water, wait 3-4 minutes, then mix using a mixer or any suitable hand tool till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. After preparation of the plaster do not add any fresh powder or water to it.

Application. Apply the prepared AGDAG primer onto the surface treated with cement or sand based plaster. Apply the primer onto the surface to form at least 3-5 mm thick layer. The AGDAG primer consumption may differ depending on the surface type. In 24 hours after the primer application the mixtures prepared using white plaster may be applied onto the surface. The AGDAG primer ready for application should be used within 100-120 minutes. The mixture should not be used after this period expired or crust formed.

Recommendations. At the time of application of the primer the ambient and surface temperature should be minimum +50C. If at the time of application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, then the required temperature level should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. The can and the equipment used for preparation of the mixture should always be clean. After use all hand tools and devices should be immediately cleaned with water. Dirty cans and tools reduce the useful life of the mixture.


The AĞDAĞ primer product consumption at 3-5mm thick level of an even surface is 3-5 kg. 1 sack of AĞDAĞ primer product should be enough to cover 6-10 m2 area.

Shelf Life and Storage Method 

The product can be stored during 6 months in sealed sacks in closed areas, on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack placed one over another, provided they do not contact with the floor.


  • pay special attention to the clean conditions of cans and water used for preparation;
  • do not add to the primer any substances other than water;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change. 

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"AĞDAĞ Üzlük" white plaster white plaster based on gypsum and perlite (plaster)

Product description

Gypsum based, enriched with mixtures expanding opportunities of the product application, high quality, white color, final layer white plaster mixture with high adhesive ability. The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 046 (TS 370) standard.

Fields of Application

This white plaster can be applied in the following areas:

  • can be used as the final layer of white plaster for internal ceilings and walls of buildings;
  • can be used as fine plaster applied onto suspended gypsum ceilings, gypsum panels or surfaces treated with AĞDAĞ plaster primer, made of concrete, gas concrete, bricks, briquettes (coal, peat, ore pressed in the shape of bricks), construction stone, and other construction materials.


  • The AĞDAĞ white plaster creates even, smooth, defect-free, and brilliant surfaces;
  • Is not dusting;
  • Environmentally friendly;
  • Harmless for the human health;
  • Easy preparation and use;
  • Does not require mixing with PVA adhesives and other additives;
  • Prevents losses during preparation and application;
  • Does not form cracks;
  • Strong and elastic.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Please pay attention to the treated surface: it should be healthy, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions; the surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force. Before application of the white plaster the surface should be plastered with AĞDAĞ primer. Herewith the surface to be treated should first be dampened or primed with Binmader primer.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour 10 kg of AGDAG white plaster to 6.5 - 7.0 liters of water, wait 3-4 minutes, then mix using a mixer or any suitable hand tool till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. After the white plaster and water are completely mixed do not add any fresh powder or water to it.

Application. Using a trowel apply the prepared AGDAG white plaster onto the wall or ceiling surface treated with AGDAG primer. The prepared mixture should be applied within 130-150 minutes. The mixture should not be used after this period expired or crust formed.

Recommendations. At the time of the white plaster application the ambient and surface temperatures should be +50C  minimum. If at the time of application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, then the required temperature level should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. The can and the equipment used for preparation of the mixture should always be clean. Dirty cans and tools decrease the useful life of the mixture and reduce its quality. It is recommended to clean all hand tools and devices with water immediately after use. When using a metal trowel pay special attention to avoid traces left on the surface.


The AĞDAĞ white plaster mixture consumption at 1mm thick layer formed on the even and smooth surface is 1 kg. Hence, 1 sack of AĞDAĞ white plaster gypsum mixture is enough to evenly cover surface of 30 m2 area.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 6 months in packaged sacks in closed areas, in dry conditions, on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack placed one over another, provided that they do not contact with the floor.


  • pay special attention to the clean conditions of cans and water used for preparation;
  • do not add to the primer any substances other than water;
  • do not mix the product with PVA;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"AĞDAĞ DİREK" undercoat plaster

Product description

Gypsum based multi-purpose plaster primer, enriched with mixtures expanding opportunities of the product application, strengthening heat and sound insulation, substituting cement and sand based plasters, as well as gypsum based plaster primer layer. The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 052 (TS 6433) standard (applied directly on the wall built with brick, natural stone etc.).

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • high quality plastering (using plaster trowel) of walls and ceilings of industrial and civil buildings built from bricks, construction stone, briquettes (coal, peat, ore pressed in the shape of bricks), concrete, and gas concrete.


  • In case of application on large surfaces makes the repair faster and more cost effective;
  • The same time saves working time and makes work easier;
  • Easy application, does not form cracks, provides air permeability to rooms;
  • Excellent convenience of use;
  • Environmentally friendly;
  • Does not require mixing with PVA adhesives;
  • Decreases the loads on structures compared to cement and sand based plasters;

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Please pay attention to the treated surface: it should be strong and free of residues deteriorating adhesive force (dust, oil, etc). Containers used for AGDAG DIREK plaster preparation should be clean. In order to prevent wall corner spalling in hot weather conditions, and to make them regular and neat it is necessary to place special corner sections  in the corners. In the points of different material connection and areas subject to movement plastic plaster lath should be placed. In case the surface is too smooth, there is no need to use handicraft methods to make it rough. To prevent plaster spalling and to achieve roughness, such surfaces  should be treated with PARAKONTAKT plaster bonding coat which provides two-way bonding effect between the base surface and the applied plaster. This should be done at least 24 hours prior to application of the plaster. Metal surfaces should be protected from corrosion by means of treatment with anti-corrosion solution before application of  DIREK plaster. At the time of carrying out the work the ambient and surface temperatures should be between +5°C and +30°C. AGDAG DIREK prime plaster should not be mixed with any additives or substances other than water.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour 10 kg of AGDAG DIREK powder plaster into 6.0 - 6.5 liters of water, wait 3-4 minutes, then mix using a mixer or any suitable hand tool till it is entirely homogeneous. After preparation of DIREK primer do not add any fresh plaster or water to it.

Application. Apply the prepared primer directly onto the ready wall or ceiling (not plastered with sand and cement mixture). It is allowed to apply the AGDAG DIREK primer onto the regular walls or ceilings plastered with sand and cement mixtures, but as the sand-and-cement plaster may be harmful for health, due to high repair costs it is not recommended to apply the primer onto such mixtures). Generally the DİREK primer is applied onto the surface at 0.8-1.0 cm thick layer minimum. Depending on the surface type, if required, in 24 hours after application of the AGDAG DIREK, the mixture prepared from DIREK primer and AGDAG white plaster can be applied onto the surface. To prepare such mixture it is recommended to use 85% of DIREK primer and 15 % of AGDAG white plaster in its composition. In approximately 24 hours after that the AGDAG white plaster can be prepared and applied onto the surface. The amount of 10 kg AGDAG white plaster powder mix applied at the level of 0.5 – 1.0 mm thickness form a defect-free surface. The prepared AGDAG DIREK primer mixture should be applied within 100-120 minutes, and white plaster mixture - within 130-150 minutes. The mixtures should not be used after this period expired or crust formed.

Recommendations. If at the time of AGDAG DIREK primer application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, then the required temperature level should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. The can and the equipment used for preparation of the mixture should always be clean. Dirty cans and tools reduce the useful life of the mixture. After use all hand tools and devices should be immediately cleaned with water.


The AGDAG DIREK plaster primer consumption at minimum 8-10mm thick layer is 9 kg/m2. Hence, 1 sack (30 kg) of AGDAG DIREK prime plaster is enough to cover the area of approximately 3 m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 6 months in packaged sacks in closed areas, in dry conditions, on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack placed one over another, provided they do not contact with the floor.


  • pay special attention to clean conditions of cans and water used for preparation;
  • do not add to the primer any substances other than water;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"AĞDAĞ" Gypsum - construction gypsum

Product description

High quality, environmentally friendly, white color, construction gypsum, obtained as the result of treatment of natural gypsum stones at the required temperatures. The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 046 (TS 370) standard.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • construction works inside buildings;
  • production of mouldings and covings;
  • production of gypsum panels and suspended gypsum ceilings


  • easy application and use;
  • does not form cracks;
  • durable;
  • provides heat and sound insulation;
  • resistant to temperature, environmentally friendly;
  • harmless for the human health;
  • possess natural gypsum glitter;

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Before making mouldings (decorative gypsum products) and covings pay attention to the wall and ceiling surfaces: they should be checked for strength. Clean the surface from residues deteriorating adhesive force. Then, to obtain smooth and even surface the walls and ceilings should be treated with AGDAG primer and AGDAG white plaster.

Preparation of the mixture. Gradually pour 10 kg of AGDAG Gypsum into 6.5 - 7.0 liters of water, then mix for 2-3 minutes using special mixer or any suitable hand tool.

Application. Use the prepared mixture for construction works inside buildings, making decorative gypsum products (mouldings and covings), suspended gypsum ceilings and gypsum panels. The prepared mixture should be used within 8-12 minutes. The Kartonpiyer mixture should not be used after expiration of useful life.

Recommendations. At the time of application the ambient and surface temperatures should be above or equal to +50C. If at the time of the product application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, then the required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. The can and the equipment used for preparation of the mixture should always be clean. Dirty cans and tools reduce the useful life of the mixture. After use all hand tools and devices should be immediately cleaned with water. It is recommended to use a rope or artificial fiber for making decorative elements. The risk of spalling of such products may be reduced by placing the rope or artificial fiber inside the gypsum.


The product consumption varies. Due to the lack of losses during application compared to other gypsums of the same weight the AGDAG Gypsum is more cost-effective because of lower density, and it allows to make by 5% larger total amount of mouldings and covings. It means savings of 150 kg per 100 each of 30 kg sacks of AGDAG Gypsum product.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 6 months in packaged sacks in closed areas, in dry conditions, on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack placed one over another, provided that they do not contact with the floor.


  • pay special attention to clean conditions of cans and water used during application of AGDAG Gypsum;
  • do not add to the product any substances other than water;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"AĞDAĞ" Gypsum Fine

Product description

High quality, environmentally friendly, white color, fine gypsum, obtained as the result of treatment of natural gypsum stones at the required temperatures. The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 046 (TS 370) standard. FINE GYPSUM For decorative and construction purposes.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • production of mouldings and covings;
  • production of gypsum panels and suspended gypsum ceilings


  • easy application and use;
  • does not form cracks, strong;
  • provides heat and sound insulation;
  • resistant to temperatures;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • harmless for the human health;
  • possess natural gypsum glitter;


Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Before making mouldings (decorative gypsum elements) and covings pay attention to the wall and ceiling surfaces: they should be checked for strength. Clean the surfaces from residues deteriorating adhesive force. Then, to obtain smooth and even surface, the walls and ceilings should be treated with AGDAG primer and AGDAG white plaster.

Preparation of the mixture. Gradually pour 10 kg of AGDAG fine gypsum into 6.5 - 7.0 liters of water during 30 minutes, then mix for 2-3 minutes using a special mixer or any suitable hand tool.

Application. Use the prepared mixture for construction works inside buildings, making decorative gypsum elements (mouldings and covings), suspended gypsum ceilings and gypsum panels. The prepared mixture should be used within 8-12 minutes. The Kartonpiyer mixture should not be used after expiration of useful life.

Recommendations: If at the time of AGDAG Gips fine gypsum application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, then the required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. The can and the equipment used for preparation of the mixture should always be clean. Dirty cans and tools reduce the useful life of the mixture. After use all hand tools and devices should be immediately cleaned with water. It is recommended to use a rope or artificial fiber for making decorative elements. The risk of spalling of such elements may be reduced by means of placing the rope or artificial fiber inside the gypsum.


The product consumption varies. Due to the lack of losses during application compared to other gypsums of the same weight the AGDAG Gypsum Fine is more cost-effective because of lower density, and it allows to produce by 5% larger total amounts of mouldings and covings. It provides savings of 150 kg per 100 each of 30 kg sacks of AGDAG Gypsum Fine product.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 6 months in packaged sacks in closed areas, in dry conditions, on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack placed one over another, provided that they do not contact with floor.


  • pay special attention to clean conditions of cans and water used for application of AGDAG Gypsum Fine;
  • do not add to the product any substances other than water;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FASMATİK" perlite and cement-based façade plaster (machine and hand applied)

Product description

Cement and perlite-based plaster that has a light filler that is highly hydraulicly polymerized, rich in admixtures increasing the useability of the product, monocomponent, that is resistant to frost, water and external impacts, that has a high resistance and elasticity, and that does not crackle after getting dry. The product conforms to the requirements of the ГОСТ 28013-98 standard.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • Plastering of concrete surfaces, walls and ceilings built from lightweight concrete;
  • Bricklaying, as well as laying of building stone and other types of stones, and plastering of these buildings;
  • mechanical plastering of walls and ceilings built from concrete, precast concrete and gas concrete, using plastering machines or by hand.


  • surfaces and walls plastered with Fasmatik plastering and laying mixture do not permeate water or moisture to the reverse side;
  • It is possible to do facing and finishing works on the wall onto which a plastering material made of the mixture is applied, either directly, or using a facing plaster (primer plaster is saved);
  • walls laid or plastered with Fasmatik plastering and laying mixture are warm in winter, and cool in summer;
  • the product allows easy and quick use of large-area surfaces using plastering machines, and facilitates the work of a repairman;

Preparation of surface

Residues preventing adhesion shoud be cleaned off the surface prior to plastering, and the surface should be strong. In case the surface has cracks or broken parts, they should be filled with Filkret repair mortar. Before treatment the surface should be dampened or primed with Binmader primer to achieve  a better result.

In order to make the surface to be treated with plaster flat it is necessary to place plaster profile in a plane. In order to make the wall corners even and accurate, it is required to place a profile angle in a plane with the plaster profiles. These profiles should be installed 24 hours prior to application of plaster onto the surface in order the mixture can set the profiles.

Preparation of mixture (using hand tool). Gently pour out 25 kg Fasmatik plastering and laying mixture to a container filled with 4,0 - 5.0 liters of clean water, then mix using mixer or any hand tool until it is entirely homogeneous. Mix again after 3-4 minutes.

Application (using hand tool). Apply the plaster onto the prepared surface with the thickness of 8-10 mm using trowel, then straighten it with a special straightedge (aluminium profile). The excessive amount of mixture should be excoriated. After the plaster begins to freeze, the surface should be dampened with water, and flattened with a grater. In case it is required to apply the plaster with the thickness more than 2 cm, then the plaster mixture should be applied in 2 phases. The prepared mixture should be used during 120 minutes.

Preparation of mixture (using plastering machine). Put the required amount of Fasmatik plastering and laying mixture in the hopper of plastering machine, then supply the hopper with a continuous water flow. Insert the ratio of Fasmatik machine plaster to the machine program, then start up the machine and mix them automatically in the homogeneous form.

Application (using plastering machine). The ready plaster is applied onto the surface using air compressor located over the machine with the thickness no less than 8-10 mm. The plaster sprayed onto the surface should be straightened using a special straightedge, and the excessive amount of mixture should be abraded. After the plaster begins to freeze, the surface should be dampened with water, and flattened with a grater.

Recommendations. In case the temperature of the environment where Fasmatic machine plaster mixture is used is less than +50C or more than +300C, required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in hot (more than +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. No water or dry mixture should be added to the expired mixture. After use all equipment and tools should be cleaned with water.


12-14 kg Fasmatik machine plaster is applied for 8-10 mm thick, 1m2 surface. 25 kg of the Fasmatik machine plaster is enough to plaster the surface with the area of approximately 2 m2.

Shelf Life and storage 

The product can be stored during 12 months in unopened sacks in dry conditions,  with maximum 10 sacks laid one on another.


  • taking into consideration that the Fasmatik machine plaster is rich in chemical compounds, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application procedures;
  • parameters indicated above were achieved on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the ambient conditions these parameters may be changed. 

Warranty and technical support

  • Information indicated in the technical specifications is based on scientific and practical knowledge;
  • “Matanat А" company is responsible only for the product quality;
  • Except for the works carried out under the guidance of the company specialists, “Мatanat  А" company bears no responsibility for any problems that may occur as a result of improper use of the product by other users;
  • The company reserves the right to make changes to its product that may occur due to a scientific and technnological development;
  • For technical support or more information please do not hesitate to contact “Matanat А" company!

"FasNatural 100" powder mix for production of compound for decorative facing panels on building facades and decorative elements by means of moulding

Product description

Lime stone based, monocomponent powder product, resistant to frost, high temperatures, water and environmental impact, has high strength properties, used for production of decorative and facing stone composites. The product conforms to the requirements of the TS AZ 3143489-006-2010 technical specifications and GOST 9479-84 state standard.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • Manufacture of stone panels (similar to facing panels manufactured from natural limestone) applied directly onto the surfaces lined with CPF (compressed polystyrene foam), EPF (extruded polystyrene foam), rock-wool (pressed mineral cotton panels) and polyurethane panels by plastering upon plastered building face walls built from concrete, limestone (construction stone), foamed concrete, and other stone kinds;
  • architectural works;
  • Laying of decorative stones onto the ground.


  • Substitutes Aglay stone (natural facing limestone produced in Azerbaijan);
  • Does not absorb water;
  • Does not form cracks in frosty conditions;
  • Reduces loads on building faces by 11 times;
  • Cost effective;
  • The product has higher strength compared to natural stone;
  • Can be applied using both plaster machine and a trowel;

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Before application of the FasNatural product pay attention to the surfaces: they should be checked for strength, and free of residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the FasNatural product is applied onto the heat insulating panels, these panels should be installed on even surfaces. The FasNatural product may be applied onto the masonry walls built from limestone (construction stone), foamed concrete, and other types of stone; in this case the surface first should be treated with primer, and plastered with Binmader prior to the product use. The FasNatural may be applied directly onto the concrete surfaces.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg of FasNatural product into 5.5 – 6.0 liters of clean water and wait 3 minutes, then mix using a mixer or any suitable hand tool till it is entirely homogeneous.

Application. Apply the prepared FasNatural mixture onto the building facade surface plastered with primer. Use trowel or special pumping equipment. The applied layer  thickness should be 1 cm maximum, and when applied onto CPF, EPF, and other panels installed on the building facade the thickness should be 0.5 cm. The FasNatural is applied onto the EPF and EPF panels by thin layer using trowel. Apply mesh onto the first layer before crust has been formed. Apply the second layer of the FasNatural product onto the mesh. After hardening of FasNatural product (in approximately 1 day) the grooves of required size should be cut using a special milling tool. The cut grooves should be filled with the FasNatural product using trowel, and then should be smoothed using special tool provided that the required groove depth necessary for decoration purposes is maintained. The surface should be polished after full hardening of FasNatural (in approximately 7 days). To renovate or repair the Aglay plates installed on the building facades the FasNatural mixture should be applied onto the surface by at least  3 mm thick layer using manual spray applicator gun.

The prepared mixture should be used within 80 minutes. To repair decorative stone composites the mixture should be cast in moulds. Depending on the ambient temperature within 24 hours the mould should be open and ready product should be removed from it. Besides, broken natural stone and other problems occurring on facades of ancient architectural monuments may also be restored using the FasNatural mixture.

Note: In case of lining building facade surfaces with the FasNatural mixture, if required, the surface may be polished again to the depth of 1 mm in 20 years.

Recommendations. If at the time of the FasNatural product application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, then the required temperature level should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After expiration of useful life the mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


The FasNatural powder mix consumption at 3 mm thick layer is 4.0-4.5 kg/m2, and at 5 mm thick layer is 7.0-7.5  kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration that FasNatural is a cement based mixture enriched with chemical compounds, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FasNatural 200"

Product description

Lime stone based, monocomponent powder product, resistant to frost, high temperatures, water and environmental impact, has high strength properties, used for production of decorative and facing stone composites. The product conforms to the requirements of the TS AZ 3143489-006-2010 technical specifications and GOST 9479-84 state standard.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • Manufacture of stone panels (similar to facing panels manufactured from natural limestone) applied directly onto the surfaces lined with CPF (compressed polystyrene foam), EPF (extruded polystyrene foam), rock-wool (pressed mineral cotton panels) and polyurethane panels by plastering upon plastered building face walls built from concrete, limestone (construction stone), foamed concrete, and other stone kinds;
  • architectural works;
  • Laying of decorative stones onto the ground.


  • Substitutes Aglay stone (natural facing limestone produced in Azerbaijan);
  • Does not absorb water;
  • Does not form cracks in frosty conditions;
  • Reduces loads on building faces by 11 times;
  • Cost effective;
  • The product has higher strength compared to natural stone;
  • Can be applied using both plaster machine and a trowel;

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Before application of the FasNatural product pay attention to the surfaces: they should be checked for strength, and free of residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the FasNatural product is applied onto the heat insulating panels, these panels should be installed on even surfaces. The FasNatural product may be applied onto the masonry walls built from limestone (construction stone), foamed concrete, and other types of stone; in this case the surface first should be treated with primer, and plastered with Binmader prior to the product use. The FasNatural may be applied directly onto the concrete surfaces.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg of FasNatural product into 5.5 – 6.0 liters of clean water and wait 3 minutes, then mix using a mixer or any suitable hand tool till it is entirely homogeneous.

Application. Apply the prepared FasNatural mixture onto the building facade surface plastered with primer. Use trowel or special pumping equipment. The applied layer  thickness should be 1 cm maximum, and when applied onto CPF, EPF, and other panels installed on the building facade the thickness should be 0.5 cm. The FasNatural is applied onto the EPF and EPF panels by thin layer using trowel. Apply mesh onto the first layer before crust has been formed. Apply the second layer of the FasNatural product onto the mesh. After hardening of FasNatural product (in approximately 1 day) the grooves of required size should be cut using a special milling tool. The cut grooves should be filled with the FasNatural product using trowel, and then should be smoothed using special tool provided that the required groove depth necessary for decoration purposes is maintained. The surface should be polished after full hardening of FasNatural (in approximately 7 days). To renovate or repair the Aglay plates installed on the building facades the FasNatural mixture should be applied onto the surface by at least  3 mm thick layer using manual spray applicator gun. The prepared mixture should be used within 80 minutes.

To repair decorative stone composites the mixture should be cast in moulds. Depending on the ambient temperature within 24 hours the mould should be open and ready product should be removed from it. Besides, broken natural stone and other problems occurring on facades of ancient architectural monuments may also be restored using the FasNatural mixture.

Note: In case of lining building facade surfaces with the FasNatural mixture, if required, the surface may be polished again to the depth of 1 mm in 20 years.

Recommendations. If at the time of the FasNatural product application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, then the required temperature level should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After expiration of useful life the mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


The FasNatural powder mix consumption at 3 mm thick layer is 4.0-4.5 kg/m2, and at 5 mm thick layer is 7.0-7.5  kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method 

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration that FasNatural is a cement based mixture enriched with chemical compounds, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FasNatural 500"

Product description

Lime stone based, monocomponent powder product, resistant to frost, high temperatures, water and environmental impact, has high strength properties, used for production of decorative and facing stone composites. The product conforms to the requirements of the TS AZ 3143489-006-2010 technical specifications and GOST 9479-84 state standard. Lime stone based, monocomponent powder product, resistant to frost, high temperatures, water and environmental impact, has high strength properties, used for production of decorative and facing stone composites. The product conforms to the requirements of the TS AZ 3143489-006-2010 technical specifications and GOST 9479-84 state standard.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • Manufacture of stone panels (similar to facing panels manufactured from natural limestone) applied directly onto the surfaces lined with CPF (compressed polystyrene foam), EPF (extruded polystyrene foam), rock-wool (pressed mineral cotton panels) and polyurethane panels by plastering upon plastered building face walls built from concrete, limestone (construction stone), foamed concrete, and other stone kinds;
  • architectural works;
  • Laying of decorative stones onto the ground.


  • Substitutes Aglay stone (natural facing limestone produced in Azerbaijan);
  • Does not absorb water;
  • Does not form cracks in frosty conditions;
  • Reduces loads on building faces by 11 times;
  • Cost effective;
  • The product has higher strength compared to natural stone;
  • Can be applied using both plaster machine and a trowel;

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Before application of the FasNatural product pay attention to the surfaces: they should be checked for strength, and free of residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the FasNatural product is applied onto the heat insulating panels, these panels should be installed on even surfaces. The FasNatural product may be applied onto the masonry walls built from limestone (construction stone), foamed concrete, and other types of stone; in this case the surface first should be treated with primer, and plastered with Binmader prior to the product use. The FasNatural may be applied directly onto the concrete surfaces.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg of FasNatural product into 5.5 – 6.0 liters of clean water and wait 3 minutes, then mix using a mixer or any suitable hand tool till it is entirely homogeneous.

Application. Apply the prepared FasNatural mixture onto the building facade surface plastered with primer. Use trowel or special pumping equipment. The applied layer  thickness should be 1 cm maximum, and when applied onto CPF, EPF, and other panels installed on the building facade the thickness should be 0.5 cm. The FasNatural is applied onto the EPF and EPF panels by thin layer using trowel. Apply mesh onto the first layer before crust has been formed. Apply the second layer of the FasNatural product onto the mesh. After hardening of FasNatural product (in approximately 1 day) the grooves of required size should be cut using a special milling tool. The cut grooves should be filled with the FasNatural product using trowel, and then should be smoothed using special tool provided that the required groove depth necessary for decoration purposes is maintained. The surface should be polished after full hardening of FasNatural (in approximately 7 days). To renovate or repair the Aglay plates installed on the building facades the FasNatural mixture should be applied onto the surface by at least  3 mm thick layer using manual spray applicator gun. The prepared mixture should be used within 80 minutes. To repair decorative stone composites the mixture should be cast in moulds. Depending on the ambient temperature within 24 hours the mould should be open and ready product should be removed from it. Besides, broken natural stone and other problems occurring on facades of ancient architectural monuments may also be restored using the FasNatural mixture.

Note: In case of lining building facade surfaces with the FasNatural mixture, if required, the surface may be polished again to the depth of 1 mm in 20 years.

Recommendations. If at the time of the FasNatural product application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +500C range, then the required temperature level should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +500C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After expiration of useful life the mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


The FasNatural powder mix consumption at 3 mm thick layer is 4.0-4.5 kg/m2, and at 5 mm thick layer is 7.0-7.5  kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method 

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration that FasNatural is a cement based mixture enriched with chemical compounds, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FasNatural 400"

Product description

Lime stone based, monocomponent powder product, resistant to frost, high temperatures, water and environmental impact, has high strength properties, used for production of decorative and facing stone composites. The product conforms to the requirements of the TS AZ 3143489-006-2010 technical specifications and GOST 9479-84 state standard.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • Manufacture of stone panels (similar to facing panels manufactured from natural limestone) applied directly onto the surfaces lined with CPF (compressed polystyrene foam), EPF (extruded polystyrene foam), rock-wool (pressed mineral cotton panels) and polyurethane panels by plastering upon plastered building face walls built from concrete, limestone (construction stone), foamed concrete, and other stone kinds;
  • architectural works;
  • Laying of decorative stones onto the ground.


  • Substitutes Aglay stone (natural facing limestone produced in Azerbaijan);
  • Does not absorb water;
  • Does not form cracks in frosty conditions;
  • Reduces loads on building faces by 11 times;
  • Cost effective;
  • The product has higher strength compared to natural stone;
  • Can be applied using both plaster machine and a trowel;

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Before application of the FasNatural product pay attention to the surfaces: they should be checked for strength, and free of residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case the FasNatural product is applied onto the heat insulating panels, these panels should be installed on even surfaces. The FasNatural product may be applied onto the masonry walls built from limestone (construction stone), foamed concrete, and other types of stone; in this case the surface first should be treated with primer, and plastered with Binmader prior to the product use. The FasNatural may be applied directly onto the concrete surfaces.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg of FasNatural product into 5.5 – 6.0 liters of clean water and wait 3 minutes, then mix using a mixer or any suitable hand tool till it is entirely homogeneous.

Application. Apply the prepared FasNatural mixture onto the building facade surface plastered with primer. Use trowel or special pumping equipment. The applied layer  thickness should be 1 cm maximum, and when applied onto CPF, EPF, and other panels installed on the building facade the thickness should be 0.5 cm. The FasNatural is applied onto the EPF and EPF panels by thin layer using trowel. Apply mesh onto the first layer before crust has been formed. Apply the second layer of the FasNatural product onto the mesh. After hardening of FasNatural product (in approximately 1 day) the grooves of required size should be cut using a special milling tool. The cut grooves should be filled with the FasNatural product using trowel, and then should be smoothed using special tool provided that the required groove depth necessary for decoration purposes is maintained. The surface should be polished after full hardening of FasNatural (in approximately 7 days). To renovate or repair the Aglay plates installed on the building facades the FasNatural mixture should be applied onto the surface by at least  3 mm thick layer using manual spray applicator gun. The prepared mixture should be used within 80 minutes. To repair decorative stone composites the mixture should be cast in moulds. Depending on the ambient temperature within 24 hours the mould should be open and ready product should be removed from it. Besides, broken natural stone and other problems occurring on facades of ancient architectural monuments may also be restored using the FasNatural mixture.

Note: In case of lining building facade surfaces with the FasNatural mixture, if required, the surface may be polished again to the depth of 1 mm in 20 years.

Recommendations. If at the time of the FasNatural product application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, then the required temperature level should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After expiration of useful life the mixture in no case should be diluted with water or fresh powder mix. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


The FasNatural powder mix consumption at 3 mm thick layer is 4.0-4.5 kg/m2, and at 5 mm thick layer is 7.0-7.5  kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method 

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • taking into consideration that FasNatural is a cement based mixture enriched with chemical compounds, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ŞPAK-F" fine facing paste

Product description

Lime stone based, monocomponent, white color, facing paste, designed for building facades and indoor areas.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • on vertical surfaces indoor and outdoor;
  • repair of holes, cavities and cracks on surfaces;
  • on the surfaces plastered with cement based plaster;
  • on the surfaces lined with CPF (compressed polystyrene foam), EPF (extruded polystyrene foam), rock-wool (pressed mineral cotton panels) and polyurethane panels;


  • the product has high bonding properties;
  • resistant to ultraviolet radiation and frost;
  • does not form cracks on the walls due to its elastic nature;
  • ultimately resistant to rain, humidity and moisture;
  • provides long-term protection from discoloration for paints;
  • environmentally friendly;

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Before application of the FasNatural product pay attention to the surfaces: they should be checked for strength, and free of residues deteriorating adhesive force. In case

Application conditions

The surface. The surface should be clean, healthy and wet. In case the treated surface has any defects and cracks 3mm deep and deeper, they should be repaired using  MATON repair mixture at least 72 hours before the Şpak-F application. Prior to the application of the product the surface should be dampened and primed with BINMADER primer

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 20 kg of Şpak-F product into 7.5 – 8.0 liters of clean water. Prepare the mixture using trowel or slow circulation manual mixer until the mixture is entirely homogeneous. Wait 3 minutes after mixing and mix again before application.

Application. Apply the mixture  to provide equal thickness on the entire surface, using steel trowel. In case more than one layer is required the time interval between layer applications should be 2-3 hours, and the total thickness should not exceed 3 mm. The mixture prepared for application should be used within 4 hours maximum. The mixture should not be used after expiration of useful life.
After the Şpak-F is mixed with water it is mandatory required to strictly observe the waiting time, and to mix again before application. Do not add any materials (lime, cement, gypsum, etc) to the prepared mixture. The surface should be dampened during 2-3 days after application of the mixture, and should be polished after complete hardening.

Recommendations. If at the time of the Şpak-F product application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, then the required temperature level should be provided. The product should not be applied onto the surfaces located in warm (above +300C), and very windy, or in 24-hour frosty weather conditions. The product should not be applied after expiration of useful life. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


Depending on the surface, the mixture consumption for 1 m2 of surface is 0.8 -1.0  kg (at 1 mm thick layer).

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date, in dry conditions, on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • pay special attention to clean conditions of the cans and water used during preparation of Şpak-F mixture;
  • do not add to the mixture any chemical substances;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"F-pas Dry" fine facing paste

Product description

Lime stone based, monocomponent, white color, powder product designed for creating of textured surfaces on building facades. Applied using spray applicator gun.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • on vertical surfaces indoor and outdoor;
  • on the surfaces plastered with cement based plaster;
  • on the surfaces lined with CPF (compressed polystyrene foam), EPS (extruded polystyrene foam), rock-wool (pressed mineral cotton panels) and polyurethane panels;


  • the product has high bonding properties;
  • resistant to ultraviolet radiation and frost;
  • does not form cracks on the walls due to its elastic nature;
  • ultimately resistant to rain, humidity and moisture;
  • provides long-term protection from discoloration for paints;
  • environmentally friendly;

Application conditions

Preparation of the surface. The surface should be clean, healthy and wet. In case the treated surface has any defects and cracks 3mm deep or deeper, they should be repaired using MATON repair mixture at least 72 hours prior to the F-pas Dry application. Before the product application the surface should be dampened and primed with BINMADER primer

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 20 kg of F-pas Dry product into 7.5 – 8.0 liters of clean water. Prepare the mixture using a trowel or slow circulation manual mixer till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. Wait 3 minutes after mixing and mix again before application.

Application. Apply the prepared paste onto the building facade surface using manual applicator gun. In 10-15 minutes provide decorative appearance to the surface texturing the set paste with a metal or plastic roller wetted with solution (to prevent the paste from adhering to the roller). The mixture prepared for application should be used within 3 hours maximum. The mixture should not be used after expiration of useful life.

After mixing the F-Pas Dry with water it is mandatory required to strictly observe the waiting time, and to mix again before application. Do not add any materials (lime, cement, gypsum, etc.) to the prepared mixture.

Recommendations. If at the time of application of the F-pas Dry product the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, then the required temperature should be provided. The product should not be applied onto the surfaces located in warm (above +300C), and very windy, or in 24-hour frosty weather conditions. The product should not be applied after expiration of useful life. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


Depending on the surface, the mixture consumption for 1 m2 of surface is 0.8 -1.0 kg.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date, in dry conditions on wooden racks, maximum 10 sacks per rack.


  • pay special attention to clean conditions of the cans and water used during preparation of F-pas Dry mixture;
  • do not add to the mixture any chemical substances;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FasMineral" decorative facing

Product description

Lime stone and cement based final layer facing material designed for internal and external surfaces, strengthened with light fiber, creates natural looking surfaces.

Fields of Application

This product may be applied in the following areas:

  • lining of such surfaces as fine plaster, evenly applied primer, concrete, gas concrete, covered with old paint based on silicates or acrylics;
  • lining of heat and sound insulating panels such as CPF (compressed polystyrene foam), EPS (extruded polystyrene foam), and rock-wool (pressed mineral cotton panels) panels;


  • the product is prepared based on complex technological formula, so it has high water vapor permeability, and provides perfect facing surfaces for heat insulation systems;
  • resistant to variable weather conditions, does not absorb water;
  • prevents damping;
  • easy application and decoration due to light weight;
  • gives natural and decorative appearance to buildings;
  • covers defects in the surface;
  • in addition to standard colors the material may be painted with silicone masonry paints of different colors;
  • spalling resistant due to fiber reinforcement;

Application procedure

Preparation of the Surface. The surface should be clean, healthy and wet. At least 48 hours before application of the FasMineral product (after complete drying) the surface should be treated with the Penoflex 8 plaster to provide a 3-4 mm thick layer. Prior to application of the FasMineral the surface should mandatory be primed with Binmader primer. The FasMineral facing mixture may be applied onto the porous areas like gas concrete and absorptive surfaces after application of thin layer of the Penoflex 8 heat insulating plaster.

Preparation of the mixture. Carefully pour 25 kg of FasMineral product into 6.0 - 7.5 liters of clean and cool water, and prepare the mixture for approximately 10 minutes, using a slow circulation mixer, till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. Adjust the water amount depending on the weather conditions. The mixture may be prepared using appropriate plaster machines, and may be applied onto the surface by spraying. In case of mixing in a machine pay attention to obtaining a completely homogeneous solution. Each batch of the product should be mixed with one and the same amount of water. Otherwise it may create difference in decorative elements appearance and color tone of the treated surfaces. Mix the prepared solution again in 10 minutes.

Application. Apply the prepared homogeneous mixture onto the surface using steel trowel or a suitable spray applicator gun; the excessive amounts of mixture should be removed from the surface to provide the layer of equal thickness. Decorative elements should be applied on the surface in 10 minutes maximum after application of the FasMineral facing mixture. To obtain a neatly patterned granulated surface the smoothing movements should be performed in the direction of the grains orientation . Horizontal, vertical, or circular decorative appearance may be applied with a plastic or polyurethane spattle moving in the required direction. When decorating apply as much force to the spattle as possible. All works on the same surface should be executed using the same batch of the prepared mixture. To provide timely operations on large surfaces required working conditions should be arranged for necessary number of workers, and for continuous supply of mixture to fill the grooves in the places of joints. The mixture prepared for application should be used within 2 hours, depending on weather conditions. Do not use hardened or thick mixture again and do not add water to it.

Recommendations. The product should not be applied in the conditions of direct sun rays, strong wind, high relative humidity, or heavy precipitations. During hardening the mixture applied onto the surface should be protected from freezing, rain or other sources of humidity until the end of the hardening period. If required, a shed should be used. The ambient and surface temperatures should be between +50C and +250C. In case the temperature is above +250C, the surface should be dampened for 3 hours in the morning and in the evening by spraying water over it (without pressure), to prevent excessive loss of water by the mineral facing and decrease of its strength. In normal ambient conditions the surface may be painted in 24 hours.


The dry mixture consumption is 2.6-3.0 kg/m2. Depending on the surface shape and application conditions the consumption may vary.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months in dry conditions.


  • taking into consideration that it is a cement based product containing alkalis, immediately rinse it with large amount of water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • in case you swallow the product, consult a physician
  • keep the product away from children;
  • environmental temperatures, absorptive properties of the surface, amount of water added to the mixture, mixing period, presence of primer on the surface, and different batches of the manufactured products may cause difference in color tone of color facings made of FasMineral;
  • the surface should mandatory be primed with Binmader primer prior to application of the FasMineral facing;
  • to increase resistance of the facing to contamination and environmental impact and to prevent color changes the FasMineral facing should be colored with 2 layers of “Rokol” silicone masonry paint;
  • consumption of the paint may differ depending on decorations;
  • the color should be checked before application.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

AZERLIME Lime for plaster


Lime product for AZERLİME plaster is highly active hydration (caustic) lime made from natural limestone using a special technology. This product is added to the mixture of sand and cement, so that lime plaster is obtained.

Compliant with the requirements of  ГОСТ 9179-77 and TS EN 459-1 standards.


It is used in plastering, masonry of walls built of brick, sawdust and other types of stones in inner and outer surfaces of buildings and in forming smooth surfaces on the floors in various areas of construction industry.


Add water in the amount of 15-18% of the mixture to the finished dry mixture, wait for 3-5 minutes, and then mix. Use ready to use plaster in plastering of the walls made with red brick, sawn stone and other types of stones, masonry works and smoothing surfaces. The amount of dry construction mixtures and water required for the preparation of the finished product is shown in the following table.

İnstruction of finished



Amount of mixtures


Amount of mixtures


Mile for plaster


5,7 kg

1  scoop

Cement M300

13 kg

1  scoop

Plaster sand

81,3 kg

6  scoops

Amount of required water   

15-18 l





Color                                                   Light gray

Usage temperature                               +50C  -+300C

Water/Lime plaster                               15-18 l water/100 kg plaster


Duration of use                                    120 minutes

Application thickness

minimum                                            8 mm


(by step-by-step application)               100 mm

Ready to use product density               2100 kg/m3

Product density after drying                1800 kg/m3

Strength limit in:              

bending                                             2 N/mm2          

compression                                      5  N/mm2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


 AZERLIME the lime product for plaster is packed in 20 kg polyethylene or paper sacks, 500 and 1000 kg polyethylene Big Bag sacks.


It can be stored for a year in unopened sacks, under dry conditions, putting on top of each other and being maximum 10.


Special attention is paid to the cleanliness of the water, the container and the floor when preparation of the mixture using the AZERLIME product.

Do not add any additional substance to the lime and plaster mixture other than water.


Information in the specifications is based on the scientific and practical knowledge;

“Mətanət A” guarantees that the product complies with the relevant technical requirements and state standards.  

Except for the works performed under the supervision of company specialists, “Mətanət A” is not responsible for any problems that may arise by the other users during the  outsources use;

The company reserves the right to change the product related to the scientific and technical development.

Contact “Mətanət  A” for technical support, or more information!

"PARMAKET" adhesive for parquet and universal purposes (pva)

Product description

Polyvinil acetate-based, white-colored, multipurpose gluerich in specific chemical compounds, and with a high advesive strength. It conforms to the requirements of AZS  082-2003 standard.

Fields of Application

This glue can be applied in the following areas:

  • Adhesive bonding of wood, paper, cardboard, leather, cloth, linoleum, and other materials;
  • Increasing of adhesive strength of facing tiles, as well as different kinds of gypsum and cement-based mixtures.


  • Ready for use; easily applied;
  • Has high adhesive ability;
  • Increases adhesive strength of different gypsum and cement-based mixtures;
  • Resistant to high temperature up to 1000C.

Preparation of surface

The used surface should be dry and clean. The surface should be totally free of residues preventing adhesion.

Application. Mix before use. Apply thin coat of the mixture onto the surface to be bonded. After 1-2 minutes piece together the surfaces to be bonded, and keep for one day, by pressing. To provide  astrong bonding effect, it is recommended to use it at the temperature higher than +50C. The full adhesive ability will be achieved in 24 hours.

Recommendations. If in the application of PARMAKET product, the ambient temperature is less than +50C and more than +300C,  required temperature should be provided. The glue should not be used in hot (more than +300C) weather conditions. Expired PARMAKET glue should not be used.


The consumption is 0.5-1.2 kg m2, depending on the characteristics of wood, paper, cardboard, leather, cloth, linoleum, and other materials.

Shelf Life and  storage

The product can be stored during 12 months in unopened sacks in dry conditions.


  • taking into consideration that the PARMAKET adhesive is rich in chemical compounds, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add to the mixture any substances not mentioned in the ;
  • store in dry warehouses;
  • parameters indicated above were achieved on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the ambient conditions these parameters may be changed.

Warranty and technical support

  • Information indicated in the technical specifications is based on scientific and practical knowledge;
  • “Matanat А" company is responsible only for the product quality;
  • Except for the works carried out under the guidance of the company specialists, “Мatanat  А" company bears no responsibility for any problems that may occur as a result of improper use of the product by other users;
  • The company reserves the right to make changes to its product that may occur due to a scientific and technnological development;
  • For technical support or more information please do not hesitate to contact “Matanat А" company!

"PARMAKET ROZE" adhesive for parquet and universal purposes (pva)

Product description

Polyvinil acetate-based, pink-colored, multipurpose glue rich in specific chemical compounds, and with a high advesive strength. It conforms to the requirements of AZS  082-2003 standard.

Fields of Application

This glue can be applied in the following areas:

  • Adhesive bonding of wood, paper, cardboard, leather, cloth, linoleum, and other materials;
  • Increasing of adhesive strength of facing tiles, as well as different kinds of gypsum and cement-based mixtures.


  • Ready for use; easily applied;
  • Has high adhesive ability;
  • Increases adhesive strength of different gypsum and cement based mixtures;
  • Resistant to high temperature up to 1000C.

Preparation of surface. The used surface should be dry and clean. The surface should be totally free of residues preventing adhesion.

Application. Mix before use. Apply thin coat of the mixture onto the surface to be bonded. After 1-2 minutes piece together the surfaces to be bonded, and keep for one day, by pressing. To provide  a strong bonding effect, it is recommended to use it at the temperature higher than +50C. The full adhesive ability will be achieved in 24 hours.

Recommendations. If in the application of PARMAKET Rose product, the ambient temperature is less than +50C and more than +300C,  required temperature should be provided. The glue should not be used in hot (more than +300C) weather conditions. Expired PARMAKET Rose glue should not be used.


The consumption is 0.5-1.2 kg m2 depending on the characteristics of wood, paper, cardboard, leather, cloth, linoleum, and other materials.

Shelf Life and storage 

The product can be stored during 12 months in unopened sacks in dry conditions.


  • taking into consideration that the PARMAKET ROZE adhesive is rich in chemical compounds, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add to the mixture any substances not mentioned in the ;
  • store in dry warehouses;
  • parameters indicated above were received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the ambient conditions these parameters may be changed.

Warranty and technical support

  • Information indicated in the technical specifications is based on scientific and practical knowledge;
  • “Matanat А" company is responsible only for the product quality;
  • Except for the works carried out under the guidance of the company specialists, “Мatanat  А" company bears no responsibility for any problems that may occur as a result of improper use of the product by other users;
  • The company reserves the right to make changes to its product that may occur due to a scientific and technnological development;
  • For technical support or more information please do not hesitate to contact “Matanat А" company!

"ROKOL" synthetic gloss paint

Product description

Alkyd based synthetic paint with high covering capacity, resistant to subsequent yellow discoloration, wear resistant and water resistant, easily removable, provides easy application due to perfect spreadability.

Fields of Application

This paint can be applied in the following areas:

  • All types of metal, wooden, plaster and concrete surfaces;


  • high covering capacity;
  • resistant to subsequent yellow discoloration;
  • wear resistant and water resistant;
  • easily removable;
  • high spreadability;
  • easy application;

Application procedure

Preparation of the surface. The surface should be totally free of dust, fat, rust, paraffin, and other residues deteriorating adhesive force.

Application. Shake the product vigorously before use, then dilute the paint to make it thinner with ROKOL Synthetic Thinner in proportion of 5-10% of the paint amount. Apply the product onto the surface using suitable spray gun or a roller.

Technical specifications


White, maroon, black, red, yellow, green, grey, blue

Composition of the product

Alkyd based

Dry residue



1.05 kg/liter

Hardening period

In 7-8 hours

Full cure time

In 24 hours


0.85-; 2.5-, and 15.0-liter iron cans


80 - 100 g of the product may cover 1 msurface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 3 years in closed cans in cool conditions.


  • to prevent inhalation of paint vapors and contact of the product with skin or eyes use personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • keep the product away from fire.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" synthetic matt paint

Product description

Alkyd based synthetic paint for walls, wooden and metal surface finishing, deep color, durable, with high covering capacity.

Fields of Application

This paint can be applied in the following areas:

  • All types of metal and wooden surfaces;
  • For painting walls.


  • high covering capacity;
  • durability;
  • easily removable;
  • easy application;

Application procedure

Preparation of the surface. The surface should be smooth and clean; free of fat, dirt, rust, and other residues.

Application. The product should be diluted to make it thinner with ROKOL synthetic thinner in the proportion of 5% of the paint amount in case a brush or a roller is used, and in proportion of 15% in case of a spray gun is used. Apply the product onto the surface in 2 layers. The layers should be applied with a 2-hour interval.

Technical specifications

Composition of the product

Alkyd based

Dry residue



1.61 kg/liter

Full cure time

In 24 hours


0.85-; 2.5-, and 15.0-liter iron cans


120 - 140 g of the product may cover 1 msurface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 2 years in closed cans in dry and cool conditions.


  • to prevent inhalation of paint vapors and contact of the product with skin or eyes use personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • keep the product away from fire.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" antipas synthetic anti-rust paint

Product description

Synthetic based anti-rust paint.

Fields of Application

This paint can be applied in the following areas:

  • protection of metal surfaces of equipment parts and components;
  • other rusted indoor and outdoor surfaces.


  • resistant to moisture, fresh water and salt water;
  • easy application;
  • fast drying.

Application procedure

Preparation of the surface. The surface to be treated with Antipas paint should be free of fat, rust, and old paints.

Preparation of the mixture. Use the Antipas paint diluted with ROKOL synthetic thinner.

Application. The paint should be thoroughly mixed before use, and should be applied onto the surface in thin layer.

Technical specifications



Composition of the product

Synthetic based

Hardening period (at ambient temperature  +200C):

  • start
  • finish


In 2 hours

In 7-8 hours


1.6 kg/liter

Dry residue



0.75-; 2.5-, and 15-liter iron cans


1 liter of paint may cover 10-12 msurface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 12 months in tightly closed cans in cool conditions.


  • keep the product away from fire.
  • to prevent inhalation of paint vapors use appropriate personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • prevent contact with face and skin;
  • ventilate the area of application.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" aluminum paint

Product description

Synthetic based aluminum color paint, resistant to corrosion and high temperatures up to 3500C.

Fields of Application

This paint can be applied in the following areas:

  • painting surfaces of batteries, ovens, bridges, oil tankers, iron nets, and other metal surfaces which require reflection of ultraviolet radiation;


  • resistant to high temperatures;
  • resistant to corrosion;
  • easy application.

Application procedure

Preparation of surface. The surface should be totally free of dust, fat, rust, paraffin and other residues deteriorating adhesive force.

Application. Shake the paint vigorously before use. Then mix the paint so that no free pigment was left on the bottom of the can. Frequently repeat mixing procedure during application. Apply the product onto the surface using brush or roller.

Technical specifications


Aluminum color

Composition of the product


Dry residue



0.95 kg/liter

Full cure time

In 24 hours


0.85-; 2.5-, and 15.0-liter iron cans


50-70 g of the paint may cover 1 msurface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 2 years in closed cans at room temperature.


  • to prevent inhalation of paint vapors use appropriate personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • keep the product away from fire.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" traffic lane paint

Product description

Alkyd and chlorine rubber based paint for traffic lanes and road markings.

Fields of Application

This paint can be applied in the following areas:

  • motorways;


  • the product has high adhesive force;
  • resistant to corrosion;
  • fast drying;

Application procedure

Preparation of the surface. The surface to be covered with ROKOL traffic lane paint should be dry and clean, the surface should be free of fat, rust, and other residues deteriorating adhesive force.

Application. Dilute the paint to make it thinner with ROKOL thinner in proportion of 10-15% of the paint amount. Apply the product onto the surface using brush or spray gun. If required the paint may be diluted with ROKOL Cellulose Thinner or toluene.

Technical specifications

Composition of the product

Alkyd and chlorine-rubber based


White, yellow

Dry residue



  • at ambient temperature +200C


1.63±0.01 g/ml

Hardening period

  • start
  • finish


In 15 minutes

In 4 hours

Gloss (600 Gardner)



15-liter iron cans


1 liter of the paint may cover 6-7 msurface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 1 year in original cans, closed tight, in cool conditions. Avoid exposure to direct sun rays, keep away from fire.


  • the paint should not be diluted with ROKOL Synthetic Thinner;
  • keep the product away from fire and sparks;
  • do not smoke when handling or using the product;
  • to prevent inhalation of paint vapors use appropriate personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • prevent contact with face and skin;
  • in case of inhalation or swallowing the product, immediately consult a physician.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" synthetic lux gloss paint

Product description

Aromatic structure, modified alkyl resin based finishing paint, does not produce acrid odors during and after application, prepared using solvents, has high gloss properties and high covering capacity.

Fields of Application

This paint can be applied in the following areas:

  • indoor surfaces of buildings;
  • decorative finishing paint for metal surfaces.


  • the product has high gloss properties and covering capacity;
  • eliminates acrid odors;
  • easily applicable;

Application procedure

Preparation of the surface. The surface should be smooth and clean, the surfaces to be painted should be free of fat, dirt, rust, and all kinds of residues, and then primed with ROKOL Synthetic Anti-rust product.

Application. Dilute 1 liter of the ROKOL Lux Gloss Paint with 50-100 ml of ROKOL synthetic thinner when applied with brush or roller, or with 100-150 ml of ROKOL synthetic thinner when applied with a spray gun. The prepared paint ready for application should be applied onto the surface within 4 hours.

Technical specifications


White, blue, dark blue

Composition of the product

Alkyd resin based

Dry residue



1.05 kg/liter

Full cure time

In 24 hours


0.85-; 3.75-, and 15.0-liter iron cans


125-150 g of the paint may cover 1 m2 surface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 1 year in closed cans in dry conditions.


  • to prevent inhalation of paint vapors and contact of the product with skin or eyes use personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • keep the product away from fire.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" synthetic super matt paint

Product description

Alkyd based synthetic paint for walls, wood, and metal finishing, deep color, durable and washable, has high covering capacity.

Fields of Application

This paint can be applied in the following areas:

  • painting of all types of concrete, metal and wooden surfaces treated with paste, primer, or otherwise prepared;
  • Painting of walls.


  • the product has high covering capacity;
  • durable;
  • easily washable;

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. The surface to be painted should be dry, dust-free, smooth and clean, plastered with paste according to the specific surface type: 1 layer of the ROKOL anti rust should be applied onto metal surfaces, while wooden surfaces should be treated with МА Tektor surface protector. In case 1 layer of BINMADER primer is applied onto the earlier painted surface before application of the fresh paint, then the product consumption will be reduced, and the adhesive force of the paint against the surface will be increased.

Application. The paint should be applied onto the surface in 2 layers. The layers should be applied with 24-hour interval using brush or roller.

Technical specifications

Composition of the product

Alkyd based

Dry residue



1.61 kg/liter

Full cure time

In 24 hours


0.85-; 3.75-, and 15.0-liter iron cans


120-140 g of the paint may cover 1 msurface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 3 years in closed cans in dry and cool conditions.


  • to prevent inhalation of paint vapors and contact of the product with skin or eyes use personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • keep the product away from fire.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" parquet varnish

Product description

Urethane alkyd based monocomponent parquet varnish.

Fields of Application

This varnish can be applied in the following areas:

  • parquet flooring;
  • all required interior wooden surfaces.


  • resistant to physical and chemical effects;
  • resistant to mechanical impact and scratches;
  • easily applicable.

Application procedure

Preparation of the surface. The surface to be painted should be free of fat, rust, water, and old paints.

Application. Before application the paint should be thoroughly mixed and applied onto the surface in thin layer. It will be resistant to physical and chemical effects in 3-4 days.

Technical specifications

Composition of the product

Urethane alkyd based

Covering capacity

17 m2/l in one layer

Hardening period (at ambient temperature +200C):

  • start
  • finish


In 2-3 hours

In 7-8 hours


0.06 liters of paint may cover 1 msurface in one layer.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 12 months in tightly closed cans in cool conditions.


  • keep the product away from fire.
  • to prevent inhalation of lacquer vapors use appropriate personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • prevent contact with eyes and skin;
  • ventilate the area of application.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" yat vernik (marine varnish)

Product description

Urethane alkyd based monocomponent colorless gloss marine varnish.

Fields of Application

This varnish can be applied in the following areas:

  • to cover any type of wooden surfaces of marine vessels;
  • all required interior wooden surfaces.


  • resistant to physical and chemical effects;
  • resistant to mechanical impacts and scratches;
  • dirt-resistant;
  • easy cleaning using water with soap or detergent;
  • easily applicable.

Application procedure

Preparation of the surface. The surface to be painted should be free of fat, rust, water, and old paints.

Application. Before application the paint should be thoroughly mixed and applied onto the surface in thin layer.

Technical specifications



Composition of the product

Urethane alkyd based


  • at ambient temperature +200C


0.92 g/ml

Hardening period (at ambient temperature +200C):

  • start
  • finish


In 2 hours

In 7-8 hours

Covering capacity

17 m2/l in one layer

Dry residue



0.75-; 2.5-, and 15-liter iron cans


0.06 liter of paint may cover 1 msurface in one layer.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 12 months in tightly closed cans in cool conditions.


  • keep the product away from fire.
  • to prevent inhalation of varnish vapors use appropriate personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • prevent contact with face and skin;
  • ventilate the area of application.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

ROKOL hammertone paint

Product description

Quick-drying, styrene alkyd-based, topcoat decorative metallic paint

Fields of use:

It is used as topcoat paint on all types of metal surfaces, machines, steel structures. 


  • Adheres perfectly to the surface;
  • Creates a decorative look similar to a hammer blow;
  • Dries faster than other paints;
  • It is long lasting;
  • Does not crack;
  • Does not break down;
  • Maintains its color for many years;
  • Protects metal from corrosion.

Instructions for use

Surface preparation: The surface should be cleaned of oil, dirt, dust and, most importantly, the existing paint before applying paint.

Preparation of the mixture: The paint should be diluted with the required amount of ROKOL cellulose thinner or other similar product before use.

Application:  The paint should be applied to the surface by spraying. The tools should be cleaned with cellulose thinner after finishing work. The decorative look created by the paint on the surface can vary depending on the color.

Recommendations: After finishing work, the paint container should be tightly closed.

Technical specifications:

Ingredients: Alkyd resin

Color: In different colors

Density: 1.0-1.1 gr/ml

Dry residue: 47%±3

Drying time-dry-to-touch time: 20-25 min. Complete drying: 24 hours

Consumption: one layer -1l/10-12 m²

Shelf life: One year if stored in a cool, dry place

Packaging: 0.85; 2.5 l steel containers 


Do not keep the paint in direct sunlight and at temperature above 30 degree!

  • Keep the paint out of reach of children.
  • Store in closed containers in a cool place.
  • Keep away from fire.
  • Flammable
  • Irritates the eyes.

Warranty and technical support

  • Details specified in the technical specifications is based on scientific and practical knowledge;
  • Matanat A warrants that the product meets the relevant technical specifications and state standards.
  • Matanat A is not responsible for any problems that may arise due to off-label use by other users, except for the work performed under the guidance of the company`s specialists;
  • The company reserves the right to make changes to the product regarding scientific and technical development;
  • Contact Matanat A for technical support or more information!

"ROKOL" synthetic thinner

Product description

Synthetic thinner designed for cleaning painting equipment and diluting synthetic based products.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • dilution (making materials thinner) of synthetic based paints, varnishes and primers, and cleaning painting equipment.


  • easy removal of difficult residues adhered to painting equipment;
  • excellent spreadability regardless of the season;
  • low degree of evaporation.

Application procedure

Application. Synthetic based paints, varnishes and primers should be applied using brush or roller after dilution with ROKOL synthetic thinner.

Technical specifications

Composition of the product

Synthetic based

Ignition point

390C and higher


0.5-; 1.0-; 3.0-; 4.0-, and 15.0-liter iron cans


Consumption may differ depending on the thickness of the product to be prepared.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 3 years in tightly closed cans in cool closed room, protected from direct sun rays.


  • keep the product away from fire.
  • to prevent inhalation of paint vapors use appropriate personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • prevent contact with eyes and skin;
  • do not flush to wastewater;
  • ventilate the area of application.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" plus paint

Product description

Acrylic heteropolymer based pain, with high adhesive force, does not form cracks, washable, has high covering capacity and decorative appearance, environmental friendly, odorless, designed for indoor surfaces.

Fields of Application

This paint can be applied in the following areas:

  • indoor concrete, gypsum, plaster surfaces primed with a suitable primer.


  • the product has high adhesive force;
  • does not form cracks;
  • easily washable;
  • has decorative appearance;
  • environmentally friendly.

Application procedure

Preparation of the surface. The surface to be painted should be free of fat, rust, paraffin and other similar residues deteriorating adhesive force. The surface should be primed with BINMADER primer.

Application. To apply the first layer dilute the paint to make it thinner with water in proportion of 20% of the paint amount, and to apply the second layer – in proportion of 15% of the paint amount. Apply the paint onto the surface using brush or roller. When applying the paint the ambient temperature should above +50C, and the relative air humidity should be below 80%.

Technical specifications

Composition of the product

Acrylic heteropolymer based

Dry residue



1,64 kg/liter

Full cure time

In 24 hours


3.5; 10.0, and 25.0 kg iron cans


125-150 g of the paint may cover 1 msurface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 2 years in closed cans in dry conditions.


  • to prevent inhalation of paint vapors and contact of the product with skin or eyes use personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • keep the product away from fire.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" sil silicone paint

Product description

Acrylic heteropolymer based paint, contains silicone compounds, has high adhesive force, easily removable, creates protective and decorative deep color wall coating for indoor surfaces.

Fields of Application

This paint can be applied in the following areas:

  • surfaces treated with paste or primer, and other surfaces.


  • the product has high adhesive force;
  • easily removable;
  • easily applicable;
  • has decorative appearance.

Application procedure

Preparation of the surface. The surface to be painted should be dry, dust-free, clean and smooth. Before application of ROKOL SIL one layer of the F-Pas facing paste should be applied onto the freshly painted surfaces. It is recommended to apply one layer of the BINMADER primer before application of ROKOL SIL onto the old contaminated or decoratively modified surfaces painted earlier with water based or solvent based paints.

Application. Two layers of the paint should be applied in 24 hours after application of the primer. To apply the first layer, dilute the paint with water in proportion of 35% of the paint amount, and to apply the second layer – in proportion of 15-20% of the paint amount. The layers should be applied in at least 6-hour interval. Apply the paint onto the surface using brush or roller. When applying the paint the ambient temperature should be above +50C, and the relative air humidity should be below 80%.

Technical specifications

Composition of the product

Acrylic heteropolymer based

Dry residue



1.60 kg/liter

Full cure time

In 24 hours


3.5; 10.0, and 25.0 kg iron cans


90-130 g of the paint may cover 1 msurface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 2 years in closed cans at room temperature.


  • to prevent inhalation of paint vapors and contact of the product with skin or eyes use personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • keep the product away from fire.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" plastic paint

Product description

Environmentally friendly odorless paint for indoor surfaces, contains acrylic heteropolymer emulsion, does not form cracks and does not peel off.

Fields of Application

This paint can be applied in the following areas:

  • internal walls of buildings;
  • concrete, gypsum, plaster surfaces primed with a suitable primer.


  • the product does not form cracks;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • odorless;
  • easily applicable.

Application procedure

Preparation of the surface. The surface to be painted should be dry, dust-free, clean and smooth. The surface should be primes with Binmader primer.

Application. The paint should be applied onto the surface using brush or roller, in two layers: to apply the first layer dilute the paint with water in proportion up to 30% of the paint amount, and to apply the second layer – in proportion up to 20% of the paint amount. During application the ambient temperature should be above +50C, and the relative air humidity should be below 80%.

Technical specifications


White, blue, green, beige

Composition of the product

Acrylic heteropolymer based

Dry residue



1.74 kg/liter

Full cure time

In 24 hours


3.5; 10.0, and 25.0 kg iron cans


125-150 g of the paint may cover 1 msurface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 2 years in closed cans in dry conditions.


  • to prevent inhalation of paint vapors and contact of the product with skin or eyes use personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • keep the product away from fire.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" masonry acrylic paint

Product description

Acrylic heteropolymer emulsion based high quality paint for external surfaces.

Fields of Application

This paint can be applied in the following areas:

  • concrete, gypsum, masonry, and other old and newly built surfaces of external elements of buildings;


  • perfect adhesion to the treated surfaces;
  • does not form cracks and does not peel off;
  • resistant to rain, humidity and direct sun rays;
  • provides resistance to negative effects of salt water on sea-shore structures;
  • resistant to subsequent yellow discoloration.

Application procedure

Preparation of the surface. Prior to application of the ROKOL Acrylic paint the surface should be cleaned and totally free of fat, dust, sand and other residues deteriorating adhesive force. On the fresh plastered surfaces the paint may be applied in 21 days after plastering (at ambient temperature +20°C). The ROKOL Acrylic wall paint should be applied after the surface is primed with Binmader primer.

Application. The paint should be applied onto the surface in 2 layers: to apply the first layer, dilute the paint with water in proportion up to a half of the paint amount, and to apply the second layer – in proportion up to 1/4 of the paint amount. The layers should be applied in 1 hour interval. In the time of application the ambient temperature should be above +50C, and the relative air humidity should be below 80%.

Technical specifications

Composition of the product

Acrylic heteropolymer based



Dry residue



1.55 g/ml

Hardening period (at ambient temperature +200C)

  • start
  • finish


In 1-2 hours

In 24 hours

Gloss (600 Gardner)



2.5-; 7.5-, and 15-liter plastic cans


1 liter of the paint may cover 11-13 msurface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 2 year in original closed cans in the areas protected from direct sun rays and frost, at ambient temperatures between 0°C and +35°C.


  • keep the product away from fire;
  • to prevent inhalation of paint vapors use appropriate personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • prevent contact with face and skin;

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" texture paint

Product description

Acrylic heteropolymer based silicone masonry paint, has deep color, high covering capacity, resistant to moisture and water, shows long-term resistance to subsequent yellow discoloration.

Fields of Application

This paint can be applied in the following areas:

  • concrete, plaster, masonry, and other similar surfaces of external elements (facades) of buildings;
  • may be applied indoor to provide decorative appearance of interior.


  • high covering capacity;
  • resistant to moisture and water;
  • resistant to subsequent yellow discoloration;
  • creates decorative appearance;
  • easily applicable.

Application procedure

Preparation of the surface. The surface to be painted should be totally free of fat, dust, paraffin, and other residues deteriorating adhesive force. All waterproofing procedures in the building should be carried out  earlier.

Application. The paint should be applied onto the fresh plastered surface using brush or roller at least in 28 days after plastering.

Technical specifications



Composition of the product

Acrylic heteropolymer based

Dry residue



1.81 kg/liter

Full cure time

In 24 hours


25.0 kg iron cans


1.0-1.5 kg of paint may cover 1 msurface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 3 year in closed cans in dry conditions, at ambient temperatures between +50C and +35°C.


  • to prevent inhalation of paint vapors and contact of the product with skin or eyes use personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • keep the product away from fire.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" sutut waterproof paint

Product description

Acrylic heteropolymer based paint, forms elastic layer on the treated surfaces after mixing with water.

Fields of Application

This paint can be applied in the following areas:

  • can be applied onto any type of concrete, masonry, ceramics, etc. surfaces to protect them from moisture and humidity.


  • forms elastic layer on the surfaces;
  • does not affect air permeability of the surfaces;
  • protects surfaces from microorganisms and bacteria due to presence of anti-microbe substances in its composition;
  • resistant to moisture and humidity.

Application procedure

Preparation of the surface. The surface to be painted should be free of dust, fat, paraffin and other residues. First the paint should be mixed with water in proportion 1:1 to prime the dry and clean surface in one layer.

Application. Two layers of the ROKOL SUTUT paint without adding water should be applied onto the primed surface. The layers should be applied perpendicular to each other. The layers should be applied at least in 24-hour interval. The paint should be applied using brush or roller.

Technical specifications

Composition of the product

Acrylic heteropolymer based

Dry residue



1.39 kg/liter

Full cure time

In 24 hours


3.5; 10.0, and 25.0 kg iron cans


1.0-2.0 kg of paint may cover 1 msurface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 2 years in closed cans in dry conditions.


  • to prevent inhalation of paint vapors and contact of the product with skin or eyes use personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • keep the product away from fire.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" silicone paint

Product description

Acrylic heteropolymer silicone emulsion based high quality durable paint for external surfaces.

Fields of Application

This paint can be applied in the following areas:

  • concrete, plaster, metal, and other surfaces of external elements of buildings after application of suitable primers;
  • where appropriate, on internal surfaces.


  • perfect adhesion to treated surfaces;
  • prevents penetration of rain waters inside buildings due to water repulsing properties;
  • does not form cracks and does not peel off;
  • resistant to rain, humidity and direct sun rays;
  • provides resistance to negative effects of salt water on sea-shore structures;
  • resistant to subsequent yellow discoloration.

Application procedure

Preparation of the surface. Prior to the ROKOL Silicone paint application, the bubbled, loose and crumbly coatings should be scraped; the surface should be free of fat, rust and other residues deteriorating adhesive force. Before application the surface should be treated with silicone primer. If required, cracks and holes in the surface should be repaired with F-Pas facing paste.

Application. The paint should be applied onto the surface using brush or roller in 2 layers: to apply the first layer dilute 4 parts of the paint with 2 parts of water, and to apply the second layer – with 1 part of water. The layers should be applied in 1 hour interval. During application the ambient temperature should be above +50C, and the relative air humidity should be below 80%. The ROKOL Silicone paint can be applied onto the freshly plastered surfaces in 21 days after plastering.

Technical specifications

Composition of the product

Acrylic heteropolymer silicone emulsion based



Dry residue



  • (at ambient  temperature +200C)


1.56±0.01 g/ml

Hardening period (at ambient temperature +200C)

  • start
  • finish


In 1-2 hours

In 24 hours

Gloss (600 Gardner)



10 and 25 kg plastic cans


150-175 g of the paint may cover 1 msurface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 2 years in original closed cans in the areas protected from direct sun rays and frost, at ambient temperatures between 0°C and +35°C.


  • keep the product away from fire;
  • to prevent inhalation of paint vapors use appropriate personal protective equipment;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • prevent contact with face and skin;

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"F-pas" facing paste

Product description

Acrylic heteropolymer emulsion based paste for internal and external surfaces and building facades.

Fields of Application

This facing paste can be applied in the following areas:

  • repair of concrete, plaster, flooring plaster, and other similar surfaces inside buildings and on building facades;
  • filling cracks on surfaces.


  • creates strong primer layer for paints applied onto surfaces, and provides saving of paint materials;
  • resistant to environmental impact, environmentally friendly, odorless, easily applicable, ready for application;
  • easily applicable inside buildings and on building facades;

Application procedure

Preparation of the surface. The surface to be treated should be firm, dry and clean. The surface should be free of residues deteriorating adhesive force, it should be checked for strength. Prior to application of the product, the surface should be dampened or should be primed with Binmader primer to achieve better results.

Application. The product should applied without adding water because it is produced ready for application. The product can be applied onto the surface using trowel, any paste spreading tool like applicator, or spray gun. The layers should be applied at least in 3-4-hour intervals, and to obtain smooth surface 2-3 layers should be applied. The paint should be applied using brush or roller. During application the surface temperature should be above or equal to +50C.

Recommendations. At the time of application of the F-pas facing paste the surface temperature should be within +50C - +300C. In case of outdoor application the surface should be protected from direct sun rays, rain, wind and frost for 24 hours.

To fill deep cavities and cracks on the building facades it is recommended to add 250 g of white cement and approximately 100 g of water to 1 kg of F-Pas facing paste, and to apply onto the surface after thorough mixing. This procedure will  form stronger surface.

Technical specifications



Operating temperatures

+50 C - +300 C

Useful life

2 hours

Hardening period

3-5 hours


10 and 25 kg plastic buckets


Depending on surface conditions 1 kg of F-Pas facing paste may cover 0.8-1.2 m²  surface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored 12 months packed in closed buckets in dry conditions.


  • taking into consideration that F-Pas facing paste contains complex chemical compounds, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% +5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" sellülozik dolğu vernik

"ROKOL" sellülozik tiner

Məhsul haqqında

Yüksək keyfiyyətli solventlərdən istehsal edilrniş sellülozik tinerdir. ROKOL Sellülozik Tiner lakların quruma, parıltılıq, yayılma və s. xüsüsiyyətlərinə müsbət şəkiidə təsir edir.

İstifadə sahələri

Bu sellülozik tinerdən:

  • ROKOL sellulozik məhsulların incəldilməsində;
  • səthlərin və istifadə alətlərinin təmizlənməsində istifadə olunur.


  • sellulozik məhsulların incəldilməsində etibarlı şəkildə istifadə olunur;
  • boyaların səthə yapışma gücünü artırır;
  • yayılmanı asanlaşdırır;
  • fiziki və kimyəvi təsirlərə davamlıdır.

İstifadə qaydaları

Səthin hazırlanması. Tətbiq ediləcəyi səthlər yağ, pas və köhnə boyalardan təmizlənməlidir.

Tətbiqi. Nitrosellüloz əsaslı dolğu, parlaq verniklərin, həmçinin sənaye boyalarının incəldilməsində istifadə olunur. İstifadədən sonra qabın qapağı möhkəm şəkildə bağlanmalıdır.

Texniki göstəricilər




sellülozik solvent əsaslı


0,85; 3,0 və 15 litrlik dəmir qablarda

Texniki göstəricilər




sellülozik solvent əsaslı


0,85; 3,0 və 15 litrlik dəmir qablarda


Sərfiyyatı dəyişkəndir.

Saxlama müddəti və qaydası

Kip və ağzı bağlı qabda, sərin yerdə 3 il saxtanıla bilər.


  • oddan qoruyun;
  • tiner buxarının nəfəsə daxil olmaması üçün müvafiq fərdi mühafizə vasitələrindən istifadə edin;
  • uşaqların əli çatmayan yerlərdə saxlayın;
  • gözə və dəri üzərinə düşməsinin qarşısını alın.

Zəmanət və texniki dəstək

  • texniki göstəricilərdə qeyd edilmiş məlumatlar elmi və təcrübi biliklərə əsaslanır;
  • “Mətanət A” şirkəti məhsulun müvafiq texniki şərt və dövlət standartlarına uyğunluğuna zəmanət verir;
  • şirkətin mütəxəssislərinin rəhbərliyi altında görülən işlər istisna olmaqla, digər istifadəçilər tərəfindən təlimatdan kənar istifadə zamanı yarana biləcək problemlərə görə “Mətanət A” şirkəti məsuliyyət daşımır;
  • şirkət elmi-texniki inkişafla bağlı məhsulda dəyişiklik etmə hüququnu özündə saxlayır;
  • texniki dəstək və ya daha geniş məlumat almaq üçün “Mətanət A” şirkətinə müraciət edin!

"İzoFaslastik" qoruyucu fasad boyası

İstifadə sahələri

İzoFaslastik 100%-li akril polimeri əsaslı, dəmir-beton və suvaqlı səthlər üçün yaradılmış, birkomponentli, yüksək qoruyucu xüsusiyyətlərə malik elastomerli xarici səth boyasıdır. Dəmir-beton konstruksiyaları və birləşmələri donvurmadan, karbonatlaşmadan və müxtəlif duzların təsirlərindən qoruyan xüsüsi fasad boyasıdır. TŞ AZS 31 43498-05-2005 standartına uyğundur.

Texniki xüsusiyyətləri

Bu boyadan:

  • xarici məkanlarda və yerin səthindəki şaquli qurğularda;
  • bina, villa, fabrik (zavod) və otellərin fasadlarında və istilik sistemlərində;
  • beton, dəmir-beton, suvaq, kərpic üzərində, daş səthlərdə son səth dekorativ qoruyucu örtük olaraq istifadə olunur.


  • 24 saat ərzində 98% elastiklik əldə edilir;
  • donmaya və əriməyə davamlıdır;
  • yüksək davamlılıq qabiliyyətinə malikdir;
  • buxar keçiricidir;
  • çəkildiyi səthin asanlıqla qurumasını təmin edir;
  • istifadəyə hazırdır və tətbiq olunması olduqca asandır;
  • İzoFaslastik hamar və düzgün quruluşlu səth əmələ gətirir.

İstifadə qaydaları

Səthin hazırlanması. Məhsulun çəkiləcəyi səthin sağlam, quru, davamlı, tozsuz, təmiz və eyni zamanda düzgün olmasına diqqət edilməlidir. Səth yapışmanı zəiflədən hər növ yağ, pas və parafin qalıqlarından tamamilə təmizlənməli və səthdə sallanan hissəciklər olmamalıdır. Hamar olmayan səthlərdə müvafiq Filkret təmir qarışığı və ya standartlara uyğun istehsal edilmiş digər bu tipli təmir qarışığından istifadə olunmalıdır. Yeni suvaqların və dəmir-beton səthlərin üzərində tətbiq olunduqda 28 günlük sərtləşmə müddətinin bitməsini gözləmək lazımdır.

Qarışığın hazırlanması. İzoFaslastik izolyasiya boyasını istifadə etməzdən əvvəl 400-600 dövr/dəqiqəlik qarışdırıcı qurğu vasitəsilə qarışdırın. İzoFaslastik məhsuluna qətiyyən su əlavə etməyin. Astar qismində səthə 2 qat BİNMADER astar və ya standartlara uyğun istehsal edilmiş digər bu tipli məhsul çəkin, sonra isə İzoFaslastik və ya standartlara uyğun istehsal edilmiş bu tipli digər məhsulla müvafiq rəngsaz malası vasitəsilə astarlanmış səthə tətbiq edin. İzoFaslastik məhsulunun ağ və ya boz rəngini digər rənglərlə 1/1-1/2 və 1/3 nisbətlərində qarışdırmaqla müxtəlif rəng növləri əldə edilə bilər.

Tətbiqi. BİNMADER astar  və ya standartlara uyğun istehsal olunmuş digər bu tipli məhsul çəkilmiş səthlərə 4-6 saatdan sonra İzoFaslastik müvafiq vərdənə və püskürtmə qurğusu vasitəsilə 2 mərhələdə çəkilir. 1-ci mərhələ (2 qat vurulur) bitəndən 5-6 saat sonra 2-ci mərhələ (2 qat vurulur) başlanır və beləliklə, prosses sona çatmış olur.

Tövsiyələr. İstifadə olunan mühitin və səthin temperaturu +50C–dən aşağı və ya +300C-dən yuxarı olarsa, müvafiq temperatur təmin olunmalıdır. Tətbiq olunan məhsul ilk sutka ərzində yağışdan və donvurmadan qorunmalıdır. İzoFaslastik lazım olan hallarda möhkəm və köhnə boyalı səthlər üzərinə çəkilə bilər. Belə hallarda mövcud boyanın yapışma qabiliyyəti yoxlanılmalıdır. Qatlar arasındakı quruma müddətinə diqqət edilməlidir. Məhsul istifadə edilib qurtardıqdan sonra alət və ləvazimatlar su ilə təmizlənməlidir.

Texniki göstəricilər


ağ; boz

İstifadə temperaturu

+50 C - +300 C

Maddənin qatılıq dərəcəsi

65 %

Həcm kütləsi

1,2 kq/litr

Dartılmaya davamlılığı:

  • 45 aydan sonra


2 N/mm2

İstifadə müddəti

3 saat

Uzanma, maksimal dartınma


Qopma dartınması



20 kq-lıq plastik qablarda


  • Karbonatlaşmaya qarşı qoruyucu təbəqə yaratmaq üçün lazım olan minimal qalınlıq:
  • İzoFaslastik – 200-300 mikron
  • İzoFaslastik – 400 mikron (bu qalınlığı əldə etmək üçün səthə 2 qat çəkilməlidir).
  • I mərhələ: 2 qat 0,56 kq/m2
  • II mərhələ: 2 qat 0,8 kq/m2

Saxlama müddəti və qaydası

Açılmamış qablarda quru şəraitdə 24 ay saxlanıla bilər.


  • məhsuldan istifadə zamanı işin və işçinin təhlükəsizliyi qaydalarına riayət olunmaqla, müvafiq iş paltarı, qoruyucu əlcək, eynək və maskadan istifadə edin;
  • məhsulun allergiya və qaşınma kimi təsirlərini nəzərə alaraq, komponentlərin dəriyə və gözə təmas etməməsinə diqqət edin, dəriyə və gözə təmas olarsa, dərhal çoxlu miqdarda su və sabunla yuyun;
  • əgər məhsulun udulması halı baş verərsə, dərhal həkimə müraciət edin;
  • məhsulun istifadə edildiyi yerlərə ərzaq qoymayın;
  • uşaqların əli çatmayan yerlərdə saxlayın.

Zəmanət və texniki dəstək

  • texniki göstəricilərdə qeyd edilmiş məlumatlar elmi və təcrübi biliklərə əsaslanır;
  • “Mətanət A" şirkəti məhsulun keyfiyyətinə və təhlükəsizliyinə görə məsuliyyət daşıyır;
  • şirkətin mütəxəssislərinin rəhbərliyi altında görülən işlər istisna olmaqla, digər istifadəçilər tərəfindən təlimatdan kənar istifadə halları zamanı yarana biləcək problemlərə görə “Mətanət A" şirkəti məsuliyyət daşımır;
  • şirkət elmi-texniki inkişafla bağlı məhsulda dəyişiklik etmə hüququnu özündə saxlayır;
  • texniki dəstək və ya daha geniş məlumat almaq üçün “Mətanət A” şirkətinə müraciət edin!

"ROKOL" sellülozik parlaq vernik

Məhsul haqqında

Nitrosellüloz əsaslı,  tez quruyan, parlaq, son qat mebel lakıdır.

İstifadə sahələri

Bu lakdan:

  • hər cür mebel və ağac səthlərdə istifadə olunur. 


  • hər növ mebel səthlərdə əminliklə istifadə olunur.

İstifadə qaydaları

Səthin hazırlanması. Boyanın tətbiq ediləcəyi səthlər yağ, pas, su və köhnə boyalardan təmizlənməlidir.

Qarışığın hazırlanması. İstifadədən əvvəl ROKOL Sellülozik Tinerlə incəldin (durulaşdırın).

Tətbiqi. İstifadədən əvvəl boya yaxşıca qarışdırılmalı və nazik qat şəklində çəkilməlidir

Texniki göstəricilər




nitrosellüloz əsaslı


  • +200C temperaturda


0,93 kq/l

Quruma  müddəti:

  • ilk
  • son


20-25  dəqiqədən sonra

2,0-2,5  saatdan sonra

Örtmə qabiliyyəti

4-5 m2/l

Qatı maddə miqdarı



0,85;   2,5  və 12 kq-lıq dəmir qablarda


Tək qatda 8-10 m2/l.

Saxlama müddəti və qaydası

Kip və ağzı bağlı qabda, sərin yerdə 2 il saxtanıla bilər.


  • oddan qoruyun;
  • lak  buxarının nəfəsə daxil olmaması üçün müvafiq fərdi mühafizə vasitələrindən istifadə edin;
  • uşaqların əli çatmayan yerlərdə saxlayın;
  • gözə və dəri üzərinə düşməsinin qarşısını alın.

Zəmanət və  texniki dəstək

  • texniki göstəricilərdə  qeyd edilmiş məlumatlar elmi və təcrübi biliklərə əsaslanır;
  • “Mətanət A” şirkəti məhsulun müvafiq texniki şərt və dövlət standartlarına uyğunluğuna zəmanət verir.
  • şirkətin mütəxəssislərinin rəhbərliyi altında görülən işlər  istisna olmaqla, digər istifadəçilər tərəfindən təlimatdan kənar istifadə zamanı yarana biləcək problemlərə görə  “Mətanət  A" şirkəti məsuliyyət daşımır;
  • şirkət elmi-texniki inkişafla bağlı məhsulda dəyişiklik etmə hüququnu özündə saxlayır;
  • texniki dəstək və ya daha geniş məlumat almaq üçün “Mətanət A” şirkətinə müraciət edin!

"FasMazaik" decorative facade coatings based mineral

Product description

Decorative mosaic plaster containing specific substances, used on internal and external surfaces.

Fields of Application

This facade coating can be applied in the following areas:

  • Internal and external walls of buildings;
  • On different surfaces, such as plaster, concrete, wood, panel, etc.


  • Perfect adhesion to surface;
  • Resistant to sea shore humidity;
  • Elastic, does not crackle, does not go to pieces;
  • Very highly resistant;

Preparation of surface. The surface should be totally free of oil, rust, paraffin, and other residues preventing adhesion. In case the surface has cracks or pores, it should be repaired with F-Pas facing paste. The surface should first be primed with Binmader primer, and decorative plaster should be applied to the surface after the primer gets dry.

Preparation of mixture. Thoroughly mix the decorative plaster using poor circulation mixer. To regulate the applied product density add water in small amounts (at most up to 1% of the product).

Application. Apply the decorative plaster using stainless steel trowel in the same direction provided that there is no air gap, and then polish.

1 m2 surface can be plastered with 3 kg decorative plaster in 2 mm thickness.

Shelf Life and storage
The product can be stored during 24 months in unopened sacks in dry conditions.


  • taking into consideration that this is a complex mixture, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application procedures;
  • parameters indicated above were received on the base of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the ambient conditions these parameters may be changed.

Warranty and technical support

  • Information indicated in the technical specifications is based on scientific and practical knowledge;
  • “Matanat А" company is responsible only for the product quality;
  • Except for the works carried out under the guidance of the company specialists, “Мatanat А" company bears no responsibility for any problems that may occur as a result of improper use of the product by other users;
  • The company reserves the right to make changes to its product that may occur due to a scientific and technnological development;
  • For technical support or more information please do not hesitate to contact “Matanat А" company!

"ROKOL" 100 binder primer ready to use

Product description

Acrylic based ready for application liquid product, enriched with mixtures enhancing potential of the product usage.

Fields of Application

This primer can be applied in the following areas:

  • Reducing water absorption of surfaces, such as gypsum, concrete, plaster, flooring plaster, wood, and in the same time increasing adhesive ability of cement based materials;
  • Applied before execution of final facing works on old surfaces;
  • Applied before application of various materials such as ceramics, facing tiles, levelling mixture, insulation materials, paint, in order to provide better results;
  • Advantages
  • Ready to application;
  • Prevents spalling of treated surfaces, followed by formation of cracks;
  • Increases effectiveness;
  • Saves material consumption.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Please pay attention to the treated surface: it should be healthy, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions. The surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force.

Application. Shake the BINMADER 200 product before use, then apply onto the surface using paddle roller or brush. The material hardening period is 45-60 minutes (do not conduct any works on the surface until it hardens). In case of performing work on surfaces with high water absorption properties, such as gypsum, apply 2 layers of the material.

Recommendations. If at the time of the BINMADER 200  primer application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, then the required temperature level should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


The BINMADER 200 bonding primer consumption is 120 g/m2. To be used as follows:

  • For indoor areas add 7 liters of water per 1 liter of the product;
  • For outdoor areas add 1 liter of water per 1 liter of the product.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months in original sacks in dry conditions.


  • taking into consideration that this is a complex composition mixture, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"ROKOL" 200 binder primer

Product description

Acrylic based ready for application liquid product, enriched with mixtures enhancing potential of the product usage.

Fields of Application

This primer can be applied in the following areas:

  • Reducing water absorption of surfaces, such as gypsum, concrete, plaster, flooring plaster, wood, and in the same time increasing adhesive ability of cement based materials;
  • Applied before execution of final facing works on old surfaces;
  • Applied before application of various materials such as ceramics, facing tiles, levelling mixture, insulation materials, paint, in order to provide better results;
  • Advantages
  • Ready to application;
  • Prevents spalling of treated surfaces, followed by formation of cracks;
  • Increases effectiveness;
  • Saves material consumption.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Please pay attention to the treated surface: it should be healthy, dry, clean, and should have required dimensions. The surface should be totally free of fat and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force.

Application. Shake the BINMADER 200 product before use, then apply onto the surface using paddle roller or brush. The material hardening period is 45-60 minutes (do not conduct any works on the surface until it hardens). In case of performing work on surfaces with high water absorption properties, such as gypsum, apply 2 layers of the material.

Recommendations. If at the time of the BINMADER 200  primer application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, then the required temperature level should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.


The BINMADER 200 bonding primer consumption is 120 g/m2. To be used as follows:

  • For indoor areas add 7 liters of water per 1 liter of the product;
  • For outdoor areas add 1 liter of water per 1 liter of the product.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months in original sacks in dry conditions.


  • taking into consideration that this is a complex composition mixture, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"PARAKONTAKT" gypsum plaster bonding coat for concrete walls and ceilings

Product description

A modified polymerization technology, resin based primer increasing hardiness and adhesive strength between the surfaces and cement, especially gypsum based plaster applied onto even concrete surfaces, walls and ceilings.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • indoor areas, vertical surfaces and ceilings;
  • applied as liquid primer creating two-way bonding in order to increase adhesive strength between even surfaces and gypsum, gypsum cement and cement based plasters;


  • Ready for application;
  • Increases adhesive strength between cement and especially gypsum based plasters and molded concrete surfaces;
  • Does not contain detergents;
  • Prevents fast loss of water in cement and especially gypsum based plasters;
  • Increases useful life of plasters;
  • Saves material consumption.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Please pay attention to the treated surface: it should be healthy, dry, hard, dust-free, clean, and should have required dimensions. The surface should be totally free of fat, rust and paraffin residues deteriorating adhesive force; there should not be any small defects.

Preparation of the mixture. Pour 10 kg of PARAKONTAKT product into a designated bucket, and gradually add water  in the proportion of up to 1% of the product weight. Prepare this mixture for 3-5 minutes using a 400-600 RPM mixer till the solution is entirely homogeneous.

Application. Apply the mixed and ready to application product onto the preliminary prepared surface using paddle roller. It is necessary to test the absorption ability of the surface prior to application of the PARAKONTAKT product onto the surface. The cement based and especially gypsum based plasters can be applied onto the surface treated with the PARAKONTAKT product in 24 hours after its hardening.

Recommendations. If at the time of the PARAKONTAKT product application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, then the required temperature level should be provided. The product should not be used on external surfaces. It is important to keep the primer in clean conditions both during application, and after application. The PARAKONTAKT product is not suitable for application in the areas of high humidity (i.e. bath houses, saunas, swimming pools, etc). During application the product should be frequently mixed.


The PARAKONTAKT product consumption is 150-250 g/m2, depending on water absorption properties and smoothness of the surface. The consumption of the product mixed with water is 210-375 g/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

  • The product can be stored in original buckets in cool and dry conditions, protected from freezing. For the short storage period the buckets may be placed on wooden racks one upon the other in three layers, and in the time of application the bottom layer buckets should be used first. In case of normal storage conditions the product can be stores for 12 months starting from the manufacturing date.
  • The product in opened buckets should be used within one week.


  • immediately rinse the PARAKONTAKT product with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • when using the product wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • keep the product away from children and food products;
  • do not store the product at temperatures below 00C;

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat  А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MA Sem" ideal cement cleaner

Product description

Product containing surface-active substances, easily cleaning cement-based residues.

Fields of Application

This cleaner can be applied in the following areas:

  • In easy cleaning of different cement-based construction and other residues from the surfaces onto which facing tiles are bonded;
  • Cleaning of residues from the surfaces of uneven flooring and baking stones, natural stones, different kinds of ceramics.


  • Easily cleans construction and other residues;
  • The treated surfaces can easily be cleaned with water.

Preparation of mixture. Depending on the amount of residues on the tiles, the product can be mixed with water at 1/5 or 1/10 ratios.

Application. The cleaning work using  МА Sem  mixed with water at the above ratios can be conducted in two methods:

Manual cleaning. Spread the МА Sem product to approximately 2 m2 part of the area to be cleaned with a brush. Wait for 2-3 minutes, then clean it rubbing with rag. Fill the dirty water formed on the ground to bucket using sponge. Wash the rag and sponge with clean water. Clean the whole surface on the same way. After completion of the cleaning work, reuse the MA Sem product prepared by being mixed with less water in the areas where dirt remains. Then rub the whole surface damping it with large amount of water, and wait until it is totally dry. To remove hard and heavy stains, use the МА Sem keep the product on the surface for a longer period of time without mixing it with water.

Dry cleaning and cleaning with vacuum equipment. Spread the МА Sem product to approximately 4 m2 part of the area to be cleaned. Wait for 2-3 minutes, then put strong washing rag in the lower part and start cleaning using the equipment. Collect the dirty water formed on the ground using the vacuum equipment. Clean the whole surface on the same way. After completion of the cleaning work, reuse the MA Sem product prepared by being mixed with less water in the areas where dirt remains. Dampen the whole surface with large amount of water, then remove the collected water using the vacuum equipment and wait it to dry.

Recommendations. If in the application of the МА Sem  product the environmental temperature is less than +50C and more than +300C,  required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in hot (more than +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After use all appliances and tools should be cleaned with water.


1 liter of product allows cleaning of 100 m2 surface (at 1/5 product/water ratio).

Shelf Life and storage

The product can be stored during 12 months in unopened sacks in dry conditions


  • Taking into consideration that МА Sem is complex mixture, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • Do not add any substances not indicated in the application procedures;
  • Specifications indicated above were received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the ambient conditions these specifications may be changed.

Warranty and technical support

  • Information indicated in the technical specifications is based on scientific and practical knowledge;
  • “Matanat А" company is responsible only for the product quality;
  • Except for the works carried out under the guidance of the company specialists, “Мatanat  А" company bears no responsibility for any problems that may occur as a result of improper use of the product by other users;
  • The company reserves the right to make changes to its product that may occur due to a scientific and technnological development;
  • For technical support or more information please do not hesitate to contact “Matanat А" company!

"MA Tem" super spot cleaner

Product description

Product containing specific chemical substances, used for cleaning of different stains that are hard to remove.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • Cleaning of facing tiles contaminated with oil stains;
  • Easy cleaning of similar stains remained on the facing tiles while they are bonded;
  • Cleaning of surfaces contaminated with hard-removable stains, such as alcoholic and alcohol-free drinks, coffee, oil, ink, shoe polish, lipstick, rust, Flo-Master, etc.
  • Cleaning of stains on varnished and non-varnished surfaces, granite, normal and uneven ceramics, kotto and acid-resistant facing materials


  • Easily cleans stains on the facing stone surfaces;
  • Easily cleans stains that are hard to remove, such as coffee, oil, ink, shoe polish, lipstick, rust, Flo-Master, etc.

Instruction procedures

Preparation of mixture. Depending on the kind of stain the product can be mixed with water at 1/5 or 1/10 ratios.

Application. The cleaning work using  МА Tem  mixed with water at the above ratios can be conducted in two methods:

Manual cleaning: Spread the МА Sem product to approximately 2 m2 part of the area to be cleaned with a brush. Wait for 2-3 minutes, then clean it rubbing with rag. Fill the dirty water formed on the ground to bucket using sponge. Wash the rag and sponge with clean water. Clean the whole surface on the same way. After completion of the cleaning work, reuse the MA Sem product prepared by being mixed with less water in the areas where dirt remains. Then rub the whole surface damping it with large amount of water, and wait until it is totally dry. To remove hard and heavy stains, use the МА Sem keep the product on the surface for a longer period of time without mixing it with water.

Dry cleaning and cleaning with vacuum equipment:  Spread the МА Sem product to approximately 4 m2 part of the area to be cleaned. Wait for 2-3 minutes, then put strong washing rag in the lower part and start cleaning using the equipment. Collect the dirty water formed on the ground using the vacuum equipment. Clean the whole surface on the same way. After completion of the cleaning work, reuse the MA Sem product prepared by being mixed with less water in the areas where dirt remains. Dampen the whole surface with large amount of water, then remove the collected water using the vacuum equipment and wait it to dry.

Recommendations. If in the application of the МА Sem  product, the environmental temperature is less than +50C and more than +300C,  required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in hot (more than +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After use all appliances and tools should be cleaned with water.


3-5 liter of the cleaner allows cleaning of 100 m2 surface (without mixing with water).

Shelf Life and storage

The product can be stored during 12 months in unopened sacks in dry conditions


  • taking into consideration that МА Tem is a complex mixture, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application procedures;
  • parameters indicated above were received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the ambient conditions these parameters may be changed.

Warranty and technical support

  • Information indicated in the technical specifications is based on scientific and practical knowledge;
  • “Matanat А" company is responsible only for the product quality;
  • Except for the works carried out under the guidance of the company specialists, “Мatanat  А" company bears no responsibility for any problems that may occur as a result of improper use of the product by other users;
  • The company reserves the right to make changes to its product that may occur due to a scientific and technnological development;
  • For technical support or more information please do not hesitate to contact “Matanat А" company!

"PROMATEKTOR" surface protector

Product description

It is a microlevel surface protector that does not form a crust, penetrating the surface it is used, that prevents incrustation, and that does not interfere with breathing.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • increasing of resistance to contamination and occurence of algae on facing tiles and stone compozites made of dry mixtures due to its hydrophobicity;
  • carrying out of subsequent cleaning works and increasing of water-resistance;
  • on ceramics, granite, brick surfaces with low or medium degree water absorption;
  • on the floors subjected to high moisture; and
  • easy cleaning of dirts.


  • increases resistance to contamination and occurence of algae on stone compozites made of dry mixtures;
  • provides easy cleaning of dirts occuring on facing materials before application of mixed substances .

Preparation of surface

The surface should be cleaned with МА Sem or MA Tem products and totally dry.

Application. Apply the PROMATEKTOR product using brush or sponge in the same direction and equal amount for all sides of surface, and wait drying. Apply 2 layers onto external areas. The layers should be applied with 24-hour interval. The surfaces treated with the product can be put into operation in 24 hours. Apply the product onto vertical surfaces by means of spraying. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times depending on state of surfaces to be treated with the product (incrustation, occurence of algae, etc.).

Recommendations. If in the application of the МА Sem product the environmental temperature is less than +50C and more than +300C,  required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in hot (more than +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After use all appliances and tools should be cleaned with water.


10-15 liters of the surface protector should be applied onto 100 m2 surface.

Shelf Life and storage 

The product can be stored during 12 months in unopened sacks in dry conditions.


  • taking into consideration that PROMATEKTOR is a complex mixture, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application procedures;
  • parameters indicated above were received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the ambient conditions these parameters may be changed.

Warranty and technical support

  • Information indicated in the technical specifications is based on scientific and practical knowledge;
  • “Matanat А" company is responsible only for the product quality;
  • Except for the works carried out under the guidance of the company specialists, “Мatanat  А" company bears no responsibility for any problems that may occur as a result of improper use of the product by other users;
  • The company reserves the right to make changes to its product that may occur due to a scientific and technnological development;
  • For technical support or more information please do not hesitate to contact “Matanat А" company!

"STALTOP 500" cement based hardener with quartz additive for concrete surfaces

Product description

Cement based powder mix with quartz additive, containing modified polymers. Ready for application concrete surface hardener to be applied  as powder onto freshly laid concrete surfaces to be used for heavy vehicle and motor truck traffic. The product conforms to the requirements of AZS 039-2000 (TS 11140-1993), GOST 10181-76, GOST 28013-98, and TS AZS 31 43498-05-2005 standards.

Fields of Application

This surface hardener may be applied in the following areas:

  • indoor and outdoor areas, on horizontal surfaces;
  • floorings of industrial facilities;
  • hangars and mechanical shops;
  • garages and car parking areas;
  • concrete roads;
  • storage facilities;
  • loading and unloading areas.


  • easily spread onto freshly laid flooring concrete surfaces;
  • creates a monolithic layer with concrete when forming a uniform surface and absorbing water contained in the spread flooring concrete due to modified polymers and quartz sand of specific fineness in its composition;
  • the surface strewn with this product is 3-4 times harder compared to the standard concrete surfaces;
  • resistant to frost, hot weather, and salts contained in the rain waters;

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. At least one day before laying  fresh concrete onto existing concrete surface the latter should be thoroughly saturated with water, however there should be no free water left on the surface. STALTOP 500 should be strewn onto the freshly-laid concrete surface. Prior to application the floor formwork should be arranged in square sections, cracks control intervals should be defined, and concrete should be laid in accordance with these rules. To prevent formation of cracks in the concrete, the intervening gaps approximately 1 cm wide should be left open along the perimeter of the provided square sections, and foam plastic panels should be places in these gaps. After the concrete is load the foam plastic panels should be removed, and the gaps should be filled with Fugaton elastic joint filling mixture. This will allow free expanding of the concrete without cracks.

To provide even edges of the freshly laid concrete the formwork should be cleaned and lubricated with МА Оil 100 formwork (mould) oil before each application. When laying the concrete the formwork should have the same height with the concrete layer. Installation of reinforcement elements between formwork structures will protect elastic joint filling mixture used to prevent continuous movement of the freshly laid concrete, which in its turn will increase the useful life of the joint filling mixture.

Structure. The metal structure size should not exceed the borders of the formwork. When assembling the structures from ready cut-and-bent reinforcement elements they should be laid one over another and distributed across the surface. To prevent formation of cracks on the concrete due to heavy loads the expansion gaps should be provided. Because of movement in horizontal or any other direction the intermediate structures should not exceed the borders of the formwork and should be attached to the formwork.

Primer. To increase the adhesive force between old concrete and the fresh concrete layer when laying monolithic concrete, epoxide (resin) based adhesives or  primers increasing adhesive force should be applied onto the rough surface of the old concrete before pouring fresh concrete.

Pouring of concrete. Primarily, the formwork should be places in accordance with the guide screeds. Prior to starting concrete pouring procedure the required number of STALTOP 500 sacks should be placed near the formwork. The thickness of the laid concrete should be 7 cm maximum, the water/cement proportion should be at least 0.45, and the concrete grade should be S 25 or higher. When pouring the concrete into the square-sectioned formwork the concrete should be tampered using vibrator tool. Before water occurs on the concrete surface the surface should be finished using screed or wooden trowel, the water from the surface should be removed using long wooden trowel. The composition of concrete or the screed floor subject to the STALTOP 500 application should be prepared in accordance with the loads and soil conditions in the area of application. The surface hardener increases resistance of the concrete top layer to weathering and impacts, but does not impose any influence on the concrete strength, therefore any failures resulting in occurrence of cracks on the concrete surface may cause the same problems in the concrete surface hardener. The required amount of the concrete surface hardener for the operation should be available at the work site.

Before the concrete surface hardener application the lower guide screed edges should be V-cut to form approximately 5х5 mm triangle cutouts along the gaps. The cut areas should be filled with the STALTOP 500 mixed with a small amount of water. This procedure prevents spalling of the edges under loads. In order to prevent segregation of the additive substances in the composition of the concrete surface hardener during application the product should be strewn thickly. The application process may differ depending on the actual ambient or weather conditions.

The strewing works may be started once the concrete hardening has reached such degree when walking on its surface leaves maximum 0.5-1.0 cm deep footprints. The product should not be strewn by portions. As far as possible the surface should be strewn equally and screeded using an appropriate tool. In case the product is applied by portions,  all extra amounts of the product should be immediately removed and the surface should be screeded. The first step of the procedure is to strew 2/3 of the total product amount planned for application onto the concrete surface and to screed it with a float trowel. Once the applied product has changed its color absorbing water from the concrete it should be finished using special equipment (concrete helicopter) in order to facilitate bonding between the surface hardener and the concrete. Then the rest of the product should be strewn onto the concrete surface similar to the above step, and the specified  procedures should be repeated. Prior to finishing the surface with the help of the concrete helicopter, extra amounts of the product strewn earlier onto the concrete surface should be removed with a brush.

After the first step finishing, the second step finishing is performed with concrete grinder blades. Grinding is performed till the required glazing degree is achieved. In order to prevent formation of small cracks, immediately after application of the hardener the moisture retaining МА Кür product should be applied onto the surface. This procedure enhances the effect of the STALTOP 500 application and helps to obtain the best results. The МА Кür product may be used both in summer and in winter.

The hardener application period may vary depending on the quality and grade of the concrete used and on the ambient conditions. In warm weather this period is shorter, while in cold weather it is increased. Prior to application pay attention to the hardening period of the concrete.

Recommendations. At the time of STALTOP 500 product application  the ambient and soil temperatures should be between +50C and +300C. The process of the surface hardening should be controlled by qualified specialists. Application of the concrete surface hardener increases resistance of the surface to wear and impacts, but does not impose any influence on its mechanical strength. On this reason the concrete subject to the surface hardener application should be prepared taking into consideration all the possible effects. When applying STALTOP 500 the thickness of the freshly laid concrete should be at least 7 cm, the water/cement proportion should be at least 0.45, and the concrete used should be grade S 25 or higher. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water. After hardening the STALTOP 500 product can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.

Technical specifications


Red, grey, green

Composition of the product

Powder mix containing modified polymer, cement based, includes quartz sand and additive substances

Strength limits:

  • compression


75-80 N/mm2

Abrasive strength:

  • By Bohme method
  • By Capon method


6-8 g/cm3/50 mm2/2nd class

67 mm3 (at 100 turns)


25 kg sacks made of 2- or 3-layer craft paper and 1 layer of polyethylene


Depending on the purpose and traffic load the product consumption may be within 4-8 kg/m2. In case a light color is selected the minimum consumption shall be 7 kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months in original sacks in dry conditions.


  • taking into consideration that the STALTOP 500 product is a complex composition mixture, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% +5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"STALTOP" 600 cement based concrete surface hardener with metal additives

Product description

Cement based, ready for application, concrete surface hardener with metal additives, contains modified polymers, improves the product quality and expands application areas, to be spread as powder onto freshly laid concrete surfaces subjected to traffic of heavy vehicle and motor truck loads . The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 039-2000 (TS 11140-1993), GOST 10181-76, and GOST 28013-98, standards.

Fields of Application

This surface hardener can be applied in the following areas:

  • indoor and outdoor areas, on horizontal surfaces;
  • areas subject to high weathering and impacts;
  • hangars and mechanical shops;
  • garages and car parking areas;
  • concrete roads;
  • storage facilities;
  • loading and unloading areas;
  • iron and steel equipment storage areas;
  • floors of industrial facilities.


  • easy to apply onto freshly laid concrete floor surfaces;
  • creates hard layer resistant to impacts and weathering on the concrete floor surfaces due to modified polymers and specially sized metal particles in its composition;
  • resistant to mineral oils and fuels;

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. At least one day before laying fresh concrete onto existing concrete surface the latter should be thoroughly saturated with water, however there should be no free water accumulation left on the surface. STALTOP 600 should be strewn onto the freshly laid concrete surface. Before application the floor formworks should be arranged in square sections, cracks control expansion joints should be provided, and concrete should be laid in accordance with these requirements. To prevent formation of cracks in the freshly laid concrete the expansion gaps approximately 1 cm deep should be provided along the perimeter of the square sections once the concrete is laid, and foam plastic panels should be places in the mentioned gaps. After the concrete is laid the foam plastic panels should be removed, and the expansion gaps should be filled with Fugaton elastic joint filling mixture designed for concrete. It allows free expansion of the freshly laid concrete and prevents formation of cracks.

To provide even edges to the freshly laid concrete the floor formwork should be cleaned and lubricated with МА Оil 100 mould oil prior each laying operation. When pouring the concrete the floor formwork top edge should be at the same level with the concrete layer surface. Installation of intermediate reinforcement elements into the formwork will eliminate continuous movement of the concrete thus reducing the stresses on the joints filled with elastic mixtures, and this in its turn will increase the useful life of the joint filling mixture.

Structure. The metal structure size should not exceed the overall dimensions of the formwork. When assembling the structure from ready cut-and-bent reinforcement elements the steel elements should be laid one over another. To prevent the risk of crack formation on the concrete caused by heavy loads the crack-control joints should be provided. Due to movement within the joints in horizontal or any other direction the intermediate structure should not exceed the overall dimensions of the formwork, and should be attached to the formwork reinforcement elements.

Primer. To increase the adhesive force between old concrete and the fresh concrete layer when laying monolithic concrete the epoxide (resin) based adhesive or primer increasing adhesive force should be applied onto the rough surface of old concrete before pouring fresh concrete.

Pouring of concrete. Primarily the formwork should be places in accordance with the guide screeds. Prior to starting concrete pouring procedure the required number of STALTOP 500 sacks should be placed near the framework. The thickness of the laid concrete layer should be maximum 7 cm, the water/cement proportion should be at least 0.45, and the concrete grade should be S 25 or higher. When pouring the concrete into the square-sectioned formwork the concrete should be tampered using a vibrator tool. Before water occurs on the concrete surface the surface should be finished a with a screed or wooden trowel, the water from the surface should be removed using long wooden trowel.

The composition of concrete or the screed floor subject to STALTOP 600 application should be prepared in accordance with the loads and soil conditions in the area of application. The surface hardener increases resistance of the concrete top layer to the weathering and impacts, but does not impose any influence on the concrete strength, therefore any failures resulting in occurrence of cracks on the concrete surface may cause the same problems in the concrete surface hardener.

The required amount of the concrete surface hardener for the operation should be available at the work site.

Before the concrete surface hardener application the lower guide screed edges should be V-cut to form approximately 5х5 mm triangle cutouts along the joints. The cut area should be filled with the STALTOP 500 mixed with a small amount of water. This procedure prevents spalling of the edges under loads. In order to prevent segregation of the additive substances in the composition of the concrete surface hardener during application the product should be strewn thickly. The application process may differ depending on the actual ambient or weather conditions.

The strewing works may be started once the concrete hardening has reached such degree when walking on its surface leaves maximum 0.5-1.0 cm deep footprints.

The product should not be strewn by portions. As far as possible the surface should be strewn equally and screeded using an appropriate tool.

In case the product is applied by portions, all extra amounts of the product should be immediately removed and the surface should be screeded.

The first step of the procedure is to strew 2/3 of the total product amount planned for application onto the concrete surface, and to screed it  with a float trowel.

Once the applied product has changed its color absorbing water from the concrete, it should be finished using special equipment (concrete helicopter) in order to facilitate bonding between the surface hardener and the concrete. Then the rest of the product should be strewn onto the concrete surface similar to the above step, and the specified procedures should be repeated.

Prior to finishing the surface with the help of the concrete helicopter, extra amounts of the product strewn earlier onto the concrete surface should first be removed with a brush

After the first step finishing, the second step finishing is performed with concrete grinder blades. Grinding is performed till the desired degree of glazing is achieved. In order to prevent formation of small cracks, immediately after application of the hardener the moisture retaining МА Кür product should be applied onto the surface. This procedure enhances the effect of the STALTOP 600 application and helps to obtain the best results. The МА Кür product may be used both in summer and in winter.

The hardener application period may vary depending on the quality and grade of the concrete used and on the ambient conditions. In the warm weather this period is shorter, while in the cold weather it is increased. Prior to application pay attention to the hardening period of the concrete.

Recommendations. At the time of STALTOP 600 product application the ambient and soil temperatures should be between +50C and +300C. The process of the surface hardening should be controlled by qualified specialists. Application of the concrete surface hardener increases resistance of the surface to ear and impacts, but does not impose any influence on its mechanical strength. On this reason the concrete subject to the surface hardener application should be prepared taking into consideration all the possible effects.  When applying STALTOP 600 the thickness of the freshly laid concrete should be at least 7 cm, the water/cement proportion should be at least 0.45, and concrete used should be grade S 25 or higher. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water. After hardening the STALTOP 600 product can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.

Technical specifications


Red, grey, green

Composition of the product

Powder mix, containing modified polymer, cement based, includes metal and additive substances

Compression strength limits:

  • in 1 day
  • in 28 days


42 N/mm2

85 N/mm2

Abrasive strength:

  • By Bohme method



2.5-3.0 g/cm3/50 mm2

(on the cubic sample with dimensions 71x71x71 mm)

Elasticity module (28 days)

28 N/mm2


25 kg sacks made of 2- or 3-layer craft paper and 1 layer of polyethylene


Depending on the purpose and traffic loads the product consumption may differ as follows:

  • Light-weight and medium loads:         4.0-6.0 kg/m2
  • Medium and heavy loads:                    6.0-7.5 kg/ m2
  • Heavy loads:                                          7.5-9.0 kg/m2
  • Severe loads:                               9.0-10.0 kg/m2
  • In case light color is selected, the minimum consumption will be 7 kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months in original sacks in dry conditions.


  • taking into consideration that the STALTOP 600 product is a complex composition mixture, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% +5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"STALTOP" 700 cement based concrete surfaces hardener with corundum additive

Product description

Cement based ready for application concrete surface hardener with corundum additive, contains modified polymers improving the product quality and expanding application areas, to be applied as powder onto freshly laid concrete surfaces subject to traffic of heavy vehicle and motor truck loads. The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 039-2000 (TS 11140-1993), GOST 10181-76, and GOST 28013-98, standards.

Fields of Application

This surface hardener can be applied in the following areas:

  • floors in industrial facilities;
  • hangars and mechanical shops;
  • garages and car parking areas;
  • storage facilities;
  • loading and unloading areas;
  • power plants;
  • sea-ports.


  • easy to apply onto freshly  laid concrete floor surfaces;
  • creates monolithic layer with concrete once brought to uniform conditions by absorbed water contained in the laid floor concrete due to modified polymers and specially sized corundum particles in its composition;
  • the surface treated with this product is 4-6 times harder compared to the standard concrete surface;
  • resistant to frost, hot weather, and salts contained in rain waters;

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. At least one day before laying fresh concrete onto the existing concrete surface the latter should be thoroughly saturated with water, however there should be no free water left on the surface. STALTOP 700 should be strewn onto the freshly laid concrete surface. Before application the floor formwork should be arranged in square sections, cracks control expansion joints should be provided, and concrete should be laid in accordance with these requirements. To prevent formation of cracks in the freshly laid concrete the expansion gaps approximately 1 cm deep should be provided along the perimeter of the square sections once the concrete is laid, and foam plastic panels should be places in the mentioned gaps. After the concrete is laid the foam plastic panels should be removed, and the expansion gaps should be filled with Fugaton elastic joint filling mixture designed for concrete. It allows free expansion of the freshly laid concrete and prevents formation of cracks.

To provide even edges to the freshly laid concrete, the floor formwork should be cleaned and lubricated with МА Оil 100 mould oil prior to each laying operation. When pouring the concrete, the floor formwork top edges should be at the same level with the concrete layer surface. Installation of intermediate reinforcement elements into the formwork will eliminate continuous movement of the concrete this reducing the stresses applied to the joints filled with elastic joint filling mixtures, this in its turn will increase the useful life of the joint filling mixture.

Structure. The metal structure size should not exceed the overall dimensions of the formwork. When assembling the structure from ready cut-and-bent reinforcement elements the steel elements should be laid one over another. To prevent the risk of crack formation on the concrete surface caused by heavy loads, the crack-control joints should be provided. Due to movement within the joints in horizontal or any other direction, the intermediate structure should not exceed the overall dimensions of the formwork, and should be attached to the formwork reinforcement elements.

Primer. To increase the adhesive force between old concrete and the fresh concrete layer when laying monolithic concretes, the epoxide (resin) based adhesive or a primer increasing adhesive force should be applied onto the rough surface of old concrete before pouring fresh concrete.

Pouring of concrete. Primarily the formwork should be places in accordance with guide screeds. Prior to starting concrete pouring procedure the required number of STALTOP 700 sacks should be placed near the formwork. The thickness of the laid concrete layer should be maximum 7 cm, the water/cement proportion should be at least 0.45, and the concrete grade should be S 25 or higher. When pouring the concrete into the square-sectioned formwork, the concrete should be tampered using a vibrator tool. Before water occurs on the concrete surface, the surface should be finished using a screed or wooden trowel, and the water from the surface should be removed using a long wooden trowel.

The composition of concrete or the screed floor subject to STALTOP 700 application should be prepared in accordance with the loads and soil conditions in the area of application. The surface hardener increases resistance of the concrete top layer to the weathering and impacts, but does not impose any influence on the concrete strength, therefore any failures resulting in occurrence of cracks on the concrete surface may cause the same problems in the concrete surface hardener.

The required amount of the concrete surface hardener for the operation should be available at the work site.

Before the concrete surface hardener application the lower guide screed edges should be V-cut to form approximately 5х5 mm deep triangle cutouts along the joints. The cut area should be filled with the STALTOP 700 mixed with a small amount of water. This procedure prevents spalling of the edges under loads. In order to prevent segregation of the additive substances in the composition of the concrete surface hardener during application, the product should be strewn thickly. The application process may differ depending on the actual ambient or weather conditions.

The strewing works may start once the concrete hardening has reached such degree when walking on the its surface leaves maximum 0.5-1.0 cm deep footprints.

The product should not be strewn by portions. As far as possible the surface should be strewn equally and screeded using an appropriate tool.

In case the product is applied by portions, all the extra amounts of the product should be immediately removed and the surface should be screeded.

The first step of the procedure is to strew 2/3 of the total product amount planned for application onto the concrete surface, and to screed it with a float trowel.

Once the applied product has changed its color absorbing water from the concrete, it should be finished using special equipment (concrete helicopter) in order to facilitate bonding between the surface hardener and the concrete layer. Then the rest of the product should be strewn onto the concrete surface similar to the above step, and the specified procedures should be repeated.

Prior to finishing the surface with the help of the concrete helicopter, the extra amount of the product strewn earlier onto the concrete surface should first be removed with a brush.

After the first step finishing, the second step finishing is performed  using concrete grinder blades. Grinding is performed till the desired degree of glazing is achieved. In order to prevent formation of small cracks, immediately after application of the hardener, the moisture retaining МА Кür product should be applied onto the surface. This procedure enhances the effect of the STALTOP 700 application and helps to obtain the best results. The МА Кür product may be used both in summer and in winter.

The hardener application period may vary depending on the quality and grade of the concrete used and on the ambient conditions. In warm weather this period is shorter, while in cold weather it is increased. Prior to application pay attention to the hardening period of the concrete.

Recommendations. At the time of the STALTOP 700 product application the ambient and soil temperatures should be between +50C and +300C. The process of the surface hardening should be controlled by qualified specialists. Easily applied the concrete surface hardener increases resistance of the surface to weathering and impacts, but does not impose any influence on its mechanical strength. On this reason the concrete subject to the surface hardener application should be prepared taking into consideration all the possible effects.  When applying STALTOP 700 the thickness of the freshly laid concrete should be at least 7 cm, the water/cement proportion should be at least 0.45, and the concrete used should be grade S 25 or higher. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water. After hardening the STALTOP 700 product can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.

Technical specifications


Red, grey, green

Composition of the product

Cement based powder mix containing modified polymer,  and corundum additive substances

Strength limits:

  • compression


70 N/mm2

Abrasive strength:

  • By Capon method


3 (100 turns)


25 kg sacks made of 2- or 3-layer craft paper and 1 layer of polyethylene


Depending on the purpose and traffic loads the product consumption may be within 4-8 kg/m2. In case light color is selected the minimum consumption will be 7 kg/m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months in original sacks in dry conditions.


  • taking into consideration that the STALTOP 700 product is a complex composition mixture, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% +5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"Staltop EX-50" solvent-free epoxide based two-component surface hardener

Product description

Epoxide based solvent-free two-component surface hardener, transparent or colored.

Fields of Application

This surface hardener can be applied in the following areas:

  • chemical and medical industries;
  • food and beverage industry;
  • sterile rooms;
  • laboratories and hospitals;
  • control rooms;
  • storage facilities;
  • nuclear energy facilities;
  • thermal and hydro power plants.


  • shows high resistance to mechanical and chemical impacts;
  • has anti-bacteria features;
  • perfect material for hygienic conditions;
  • easy cleaning;
  • high adhesive force;
  • dirt-resistant.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. The surfaces to be treated with the Staltop EX-50 product should be primed with suitable Staltop primer before application. Transparent Staltop EX-50 product can also be used as primer. The product should be applied to completely cover the pre-primed surface. When applying the product the surface temperature should be at least +50C.

Preparation of the mixtureThe Staltop EX-50 product is manufactured ready for application taking into consideration the proportion of the mixture. Prior to preparation of the material the ambient temperatures level between +150C and +250C should be provided. Component A of the Staltop EX-50 product has pigment composition. Thoroughly mix Component A using a 300-400 RPM mechanical mixer till the color is entirely homogeneous. Then pour the total amount of Component B into Component A. Mix the received mixture for at least 3 minutes using the 300-400 RPM mechanical mixer till it is entirely homogeneous. The materials on the inside walls and bottom of the mixing container should be thoroughly mixed as well. Wait a little before pouring the mixture from the mixing container into another metal container. Then mix again for 1 minute and then the product is ready for application. Before applying the Staltop EX-50 surface hardener, the mixtures of the product with quartz sand in 1.0/1.5 or 1.0/2.0 proportions may be used.

Mixing ratio

Staltop EX-50

Component A

Component B

Amount of the mixture

6 kg

3 kg

Mixture density

1.10 kg/l

Application. Apply the Staltop EX-50 product onto the surface at required thickness using a toothed trowel. Depending on the conditions of the obtained layer of the required thickness after the product application, it may be necessary to remove the air entrapped in it. Use a roller stitcher for this.

Recommendations. At the time of application the surface temperature should be between +50C and +300C. The product should not be used in rainy or windy weather conditions, and at excessive temperatures. Materials used in the process should be delivered to the construction site at corresponding temperature 1-2 days before the works, placed to storage and kept in accordance with the specified weather conditions. In case the product is applied in very cold weather conditions, the ambient and surface temperatures should be increased with the help of a heater. At the time of application the temperature of the packed product should be between +200C and +250C. Epoxide and polyurethane based surface hardeners should be applied by qualified specialists only. Resin based hardeners at low temperatures reduce the chemical reaction rate depending on the period of work and reaction, surface temperature and ambient humidity. This also increases the hardening period of the surface and the useful life of the product. At the same time the consumption increases as the thickness grows. At high temperatures chemical reactions accelerate, and the mentioned above parameters reduce.

To provide complete drying the ambient and surface temperatures should not fall below the allowed minimum. When using the product the surface should be protected from contact with water within at least 24 hours. In case of contact with water before the 24-hour period expiration, liming and softening of the surface will occur, and as the result the applied product will lose its specified properties. In this case the product should be removed from the surface and replaced with fresh one.

As the Staltop EX-50 product is manufactured ready for application, do not mix it with any solvents, etc, when using. The product should be mixed with a 300-400 RPM mechanical mixer. It is not allowed to mix the product by hands. After the first mixing stage is accomplished the mixture should be mandatory poured into another clean container and mixed again. After use of the product all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with detergent. After hardening the Staltop EX-50 product can be removed from the surface by mechanical means only.

Technical specifications


Transparent and colored

Storage temperature

-200 C - +800 C


1.10 kg/liter

Resistance to:

  • compression
  • flexural
  • peeling off


>60 N/mm2

>25 N/mm2

>2 N/mm2

Useful life

60 minutes

Time to put into operation for traffic loads:

  • at the temperature +100 C
  • at the temperature +200 C
  • at the temperature +300 C


In 7 days

In 3 days

In 2 days

Full hardening period

In 7 days


Staltop EX-50 colored

  • Component A
  • Component B

Staltop EX-50 transparent

  • Component A
  • Component B



6.0 kg iron cans

3.0 kg iron cans


5.54 kg iron cans

3.0 kg iron cans


Depending on the application area the Staltop EX-50 product consumption may differ.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months packed in original sacks in dry and cool conditions, protected from freezing. For short-term storage period the sacks may be placed one upon the other in three layers, and at the time of application the lower layer sacks should be used first. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one upon another.


  • keep away from fire;
  • ventilate the storages and application areas;
  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product may cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% +5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MA Şap" 100 self levelling mortar (up to 1 cm thickness)

Product description

Cement-based monocomponent flooring mixture, rich in chemical mixtures, providing formation of imporous surface. It is levelled in a self-levelling manner. The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 039-2000 (TS 11140-1993) standard.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • Formation of flat surface prior to the application of different materials, such as wood, laminate, parquet, carpet, PVC, ceramics;
  • Formation of strong surface resistant to erosion and dust in storages and similar facilities;


  • Easily prepared and used;
  • Creates flat, imporous surface,  in a self-levelling manner.

Preparation of surface. Please pay attention to the surface to be checked and be strong and removed of residues preventing adhesion. In case the surface has cracks or pores, they should be filled with Filkret repair mortar. The surface should be primed with Binmader primer to reduce the ability of water absorption of the surface and  increase its resistance.

Preparation of mixture.Gently pour out 20 kg dry mixture onto 4,0 liter water, and mix until balls and air bubbles disappear (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use poor circulation mixer).

Application. Pour the prepared liquid mixture onto the surface. To remove air bubbles from the mixture during the application, and facilitate the levelling procedure, use prickly roller. If required, a steel trowel can be used to accelerate levelling. The surface applied with the product should be protected from wind and direct sun for 24-hour period.

Recommendations. In case the MA Şap product ambient temperature is within +50C and +300C, a required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in hot (more than +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After use all appliances and tools should be cleaned with water.

Technical specifications



Operating temperature

+50 C - +300 C

Water /dry mixture ratio

4,0 liter of water /20 kg  powder mix

Useful life

35 minutes

Application thickness

3,0 – 10,0 mm

Hardening period:

  • initial
  • final


In 15-30 minutes

In 60-90 minutes

Compression strength limit:

  • in 7 days
  • in 28 days


23 MPa

35 MPa


1,2 MPa

Period of putting into operation

In 6 hours the surface can be open for movement. After 24 hours carpet, parquet, ceramics, etc. can be applied onto the surface.


20 kg sacks made of 2 or 3-layer kraft paper and 1 layer of polyethilene


The product consumption for 1 msurface area with 1 mm thickness is 1.75 kg.

Shelf Life and storage

The product can be stored during 12 months in dry conditions, with maximum 10 sacks laid one on another.


  • Taking into consideration that the MA Şap product is a cement-based, complex mixture, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • Do not add any substances not indicated in the  application procedures;
  • Specifications indicated above were received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% +5% humidity. Depending on the ambient conditions these specifications may be changed.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MA Şap" 200 self levelling mortar (up to 1-3 cm thickness)

Product description

Cement-based monocomponent flooring mixture, rich in chemical mixtures, providing formation of imporous surface. It is levelled in a self-spreading manner. The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 039-2000 (TS 11140-1993) standard.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • Formation of flat surface before application of different materials, such as wood, laminate, parquet, carpet, PVC, ceramics;
  • Formation of strong surface resistant to erosion and dust in storages and similar facilities;


  • Easily prepared and used;
  • Creates flat, imporous surface in a self-levelling manner.

Preparation of surface. Please pay attention to the surface to be checked and strong and removed of residues preventing adhesion. In case the surface has cracks or pores, they should be filled with Filkret repair mortar. The surface should be primed with Binmader primer to reduce the ability of water absorption of the surface and  increase its resistance.

Preparation of mixture. Gently pour out 20 kg dry mixture onto 4,0 liter water, and mix until balls and air bubbles disappear (to prepare the mixture it is recommended to use poor circulation mixer).

Application. Pour the prepared liquid mixture onto the surface. To remove air bubbles from the mixture during the application, and facilitate the levelling procedure, use prickly roller. If required, a steel trowel can be used to accelerate levelling. In case it is required to obtain 20,0 mm thickness, the MA Şap product should be applied in 2 layers. The period between the layers may be 60-90-minutes depending on the temperature. The surface applied with the product should be protected from wind and direct sun for 24-hour period.

Recommendations. In case the MA Şap product ambient temperature is within +50C and +300C, a required temperature should be provided. The product should not be used in hot (more than +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After use all appliances and tools should be cleaned with water.

Technical specifications



Operating temperature

+50 C - +300 C

Water /dry mixture ratio

4,0 liter of water /20 kg  dry mixture

Useful life

35 minutes

Application thickness

10,0 – 30,0 mm

Hardening period:

  • initial
  • final


In 15-30 minutes

In 60-90 minutes

Compression strength limit:

  • in 2 days
  • in 7 days
  • in 28 days


3,0 MPa

20,0 MPa

30,0 MPa


2,0 MPa

Period of putting into operation

In 6 hours the surface can be open for movement. In 24 hours carpet, parquet, tiles, etc. can be applied onto the surface.


20 kg sacks made of 2 or 3-layer kraft paper and 1 layer of polyethilene


The product consumption for 1 msurface area with 1mm thickness is 1,75 kg.

Shelf Life and storage

The product can be stored during 12 months in dry conditions, with maximum 10 sacks laid one on another.


  • Taking into consideration that the MA Şap product is a cement-based, complex mixture, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • Do not add any substances not indicated in the application procedures;
  • Specifications indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% +5% humidity. Depending on the ambient conditions these specifications may be changed.

Warranty and technical support

  • Information indicated in the technical specifications is based on scientific and practical knowledge;
  • “Matanat А" company is responsible only for the product quality;
  • Except for the works carried out under the guidance of the company specialists, “Мatanat  А" company bears no responsibility for any problems that may occur as a result of improper use of the product by other users;
  • The company reserves the right to make changes to its product that may occur due to a scientific and technnological development;
  • For technical support or more information please do not hesitate to contact “Matanat А" company!

"BEMATON" 3055 the newest generation super plasticizer-concrete admixture

Product description

BEMATON 3055 is a polycarboxylate ether based, high water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing (increasing concrete plastic properties) concrete admixture, which prevents decrease of concrete viscosity, provides high resistance and strength, and is improved for concrete industry.

The product conforms to the requirements of the following standards: AZS 221-2006 (TS EN 934-2), Tables 3.1 and 3.2: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing (increasing concrete plastic properties) concrete admixture”, and ASTM C 494 Type FF: “high water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing concrete admixture”.

Fields of Application

This concrete admixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Production of self-flow and self-compacting concrete;
  • Pouring of concrete using pumps in long and high structures (constructions), does not affect concrete viscosity, provides excellent flow;
  • Production of Rheodynamic concrete of free flow in reinforcement cages;


  • Increases early and ultimate strength of the laid concrete, provides ultimate tension, high adhesion to steel, as well as impermeability and hardness compared to conventional super plasticizers (Naphthalene sulfonate based materials – NSM and Melamine sulfonate based materials – MSM);
  • Improves resistance of concrete to liming and chlorine ions, to aggressive chemical substances, improves such mechanical characteristics of cooled concrete, as compression and tension;
  • Production of Rheoplastic concrete of low risk of disintegration (separation) and spalling, improved operating parameters at low water/cement ratios compared to concrete without admixtures;
  • Provides excellent filling factor of concrete inside formwork; Unlike conventional super plasticizers (NSM and/or MSM) it maintains the concrete viscosity and does not slow down concrete curing at low water/cement ratios, eliminates necessity of repeatedly monitor and adjust  concrete viscosity at the construction sites;
  • concrete with the latest generation super-plasticizing admixtures freely flows in the formwork without vibrator tools operation;
  • Does not contain chlorine.

Application procedures

Preparation of the mixture. Mix the mineral adhesives (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) with concrete filler till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. Add 50-70% of the required water amount and then add the BEMATON 3055 product together with the remained amount of water to the mixture.  To provide homogeneous composition of BEMATON 3055 mixture vigorously mix it during 60 seconds or during time period predefined in the process of laboratory tests.

Chemical mechanism of the latest generation plasticizers reactionDuring the very initial stage of concrete mixing the surfaces of cement particles are covered with conventional melamine and naphthalenesulfonate based super plasticizing polymers. Sulfated groups of polymer chains increase negative loading of cement particles, and these particles are repelled by electrostatic force. This electrostatic mechanism results in disintegration of the cement paste, and enhances usage and preparation of the concrete with smaller amount of water added. Simultaneously the hydration process starts. The fast-growing hydration crystals change the surface mechanism of the particle, therefore preventing free disintegration of the particle surfaces.

The difference between the BEMATON 3055 product and conventional super plasticizers (NSM or MSM) is in this new unique mechanism of influence which improves performance of the cement fraction.

The BEMATON 3055 consists of long-chain carboxylate ether polymers. At the beginning of mixing process the electrostatic repelling mechanism starts similar to that of conventional super plasticizers. This process results in producing the plasticized concrete (with better plastic properties) due to significant reduction of the water demand. However the polymer bound chains stabilize disintegration and repellence properties of cement particles and create a sterile barrier. Due to this feature the smaller amount of water provides the higher plasticity (flow properties).

High alkalinity of cement paste provides unwinding and expansion of additional polymer chains in the structure of the BEMATON 3055 product preventing premature thickening of the concrete. This mechanism, compared to conventional super plasticizers of hardening inhibitor properties, does not inhibit the concrete hardening, but provides conditions for its long-term useful life and significant reduction of intensive water demand.

Compatibility to other admixtures. BEMATON 3055 may be used together with the following materials:

  • All grades of cements;
  • Self-flow mineral adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders and slag) if required in the cement production process;
  • To increase resistance to freezing and melting, it may be used together with the AntiAir 250 air entraining admixtures;
  • To prevent water vaporization from mixtures in the concrete composition, and to increase the concrete strength in hot climate conditions and in the areas of high air velocity the product can be used together with corresponding moisture-retaining products, like MA Kur 100, MA Kur 200 and MA Kur 300;
  • The product cannot be used together with FLOTONseries (based on NSM) admixtures.

Technical specifications

Composition of product

polycarboxylate ether based




1.04-1.05 kg/liter

Chlorine concentration in the composition (EN 480-10)


Alkalies concentration in the composition (EN 480-12)



10 kg cans,

200 kg casks,

1000 kg barrels,

Special transport containers


It is recommended to add the product in proportion of 1.0-2.0% of the cement amount. Depending on the concrete type and characteristics, amount of the admixture should be defined during preliminary laboratory tests.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

BEMATON 3055 should be stored in original packing in the areas with ambient temperature equal to or above +50C. The product stored in unsuitable conditions and exposed to freezing temperatures should be melted at room temperature without adding of water, then should be mixed using mechanical methods till it is entirely homogeneous. When mixing compressed air should not be used.

Under required storage conditions, the product may be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date. The product in open containers may be used during entire storage period provided the cap is kept closed.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food in the areas of the product application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • do not use the product together with FLOTON series admixtures (based on NSM);
  • mix the fine or coarse concrete fillers with mineral adhesives defined upon results of the laboratory tests (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) till the mixture gets completely homogeneous. In case the admixture is added to the dry mixture without water , it will be absorbed by the mixture and will result in forming irregularities. Even if you add water afterwards to such improper mixture, the required type and characteristics of the concrete will not be obtained. In case water is added to the mixture in larger amounts than required this will unbalance the required design factors of the concrete  and the mechanical features of concrete will be deteriorated. Taking into consideration the mentioned above, the concrete admixtures should not be added directly into dry mixture without water;
  • in case the BEMATON 3055 concrete admixture is used at ambient temperatures below +150C, it is necessary to adjust the amount of cement with regard to other required conditions (temperature and time period);
  • in case the BEMATON 3055 product is mixed with admixtures of other categories, the resulting quality will be poorer. On this reason this admixture should be handled with clean tools and devices only.
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% +5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"BEMATON" 3060 the newest generation super plasticizer-concrete admixture

Product description

BEMATON 3060 is polycarboxylate ether based, high water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing (increasing concrete plastic properties) concrete admixture, which provides high resistance and strength, and is improved for concrete industry. The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 221-2006 (TS EN 934-2) standard, Tables 3.1 and 3.2: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing (increasing concrete plastic properties) concrete admixture”, and ASTM C 494 Type F standard: “high water reducing, last generation super plasticizing concrete additive” standards.

Fields of Application

This concrete admixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Production of self-flow and self-compacting concrete;
  • Production of Rheodynamic self-compacting concrete providing easy and free flow in reinforcement structures;
  • Production of concrete which achieves high resistance within 18-24-hour and 28-day periods;
  • Production of pre-cast and prefabricated concrete.


  • Increases early and ultimate strength of the laid concrete, provides ultimate tension, high adhesion to steel, as well as impermeability and hardness compared to the conventional super plasticizers (Naphthalene sulfonate based materials – NSM and Melamine sulfonate based materials – MSM);
  • Improves resistance of concrete to liming and chlorine ions, aggressive chemical substances, improves such mechanical characteristics of cooled concrete, as compression and tension;
  • Production of Rheoplastic concrete of low disintegration (separation) risk and risk of spalling, improved operating parameters at low water/cement ratios compared to concrete without the admixtures;
  • Provides production of high early strength concrete at low temperatures;
  • Reduces to minimum the period of formworks disassembly;
  • Increases deformation strength of concrete reducing separation and sweating effects;
  • Reduces the time of resin based surface plastering systems application onto the freshly laid concrete surfaces due to low water/cement ratio of the concrete mixture, its high early strength and low sweating features;
  • Increases resistance of concrete to freezing and melting;
  • Reduces the hardening period and temperature when producing pre-cast concrete;
  • Any and all grades of cement may be used in similar manner;
  • Shows low sensitivity to application onto different materials;
  • Does not contain chlorine.

Application procedures

Preparation of the mixture. Mix the mineral adhesive substances (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) with concrete filler till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. Add 50-70% of the required water amount and then add the BEMATON 3060 product together with remained amount of water to the mixture.  To provide homogeneous composition of BEMATON 3060 mixture mix it vigorously during 60 seconds or during time period predefined by the laboratory test results.

Chemical mechanism of latest generation plasticizers actionDuring the very initial stages of concrete mixing the surfaces of cement particles are covered with conventional melamine and naphthalene sulfonate based super plasticizing polymers. Sulfated groups of polymer chains increase negative loading of cement particles, and these particles are repelled by electrostatic force. This electrostatic mechanism results in disintegration of cement paste, and enhances usage and preparation of the concrete with smaller amount of water added. Simultaneously the hydration process starts. The fast-growing hydration crystals change the surface mechanism of the particles, therefore preventing free disintegration of the particle surfaces.

The difference between the BEMATON 3060 product and conventional super plasticizers (NSM or MSM) is in this new unique mechanism of influence increasing which improves performance of the cement fraction.

The BEMATON 3060 consists of long-chain carboxylate ether polymers. At the beginning of mixing process the electrostatic repelling mechanism starts similar to that of conventional super plasticizers. This process results in producing the plasticized concrete (with better plastic properties) due to significant reduction of the water demand. However the polymer bound chains stabilize disintegration and repellence properties of cement particles and create a sterile barrier. Due to this feature the smaller amount of water provides the higher plasticity (flow properties).

Compatibility to other admixtures. BEMATON 3060 may be used together with the following materials:

  • All grades of cement;
  • Self-flow mineral adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders and slag) if required in the cement production process;
  • To increase resistance to freezing and melting, it may be used together with the AntiAir 250 air entraining admixture;
  • To prevent water vaporization from mixtures in the concrete composition, and to increase the concrete strength in hot climate conditions and in the areas of high air velocity the product may be used together with corresponding moisture-retaining products, like MA Kur 100, MA Kur 200 and MA Kur 300;
  • The product cannot be used together with FLOTON series (based on NSM) admixtures.

Technical specifications

Composition of product

polycarboxylate ether based




1.082-1.142 kg/liter

Chlorine concentration in the composition (EN 480-10)


Alkalies concentration in the composition (EN 480-12)



10 kg cans, 200 kg casks,

1000 kg barrels,

Special transport containers


It is recommended to add the product in the proportion of 0.7-0.9% of the cement amount. Depending on the concrete type and characteristics, the particular amount of the admixture should be defined during preliminary laboratory tests.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

BEMATON 3060 may be stored in original packing in the areas with ambient temperatures equal to or above +50C. The product stored  unsuitable conditions and exposed to freezing temperatures should be melted at room temperature without adding water to it, then should be mixed using mechanical methods till it gets entirely homogeneous. During mixing compressed air should not be used.

Under required storage conditions, the product may be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date. The product in open containers may be used during entire storage period provided the cap is kept closed.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food in the areas of the product application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • do not use the product together with FLOTON series admixtures (based on NSM);
  • mix the fine or coarse concrete fillers with mineral adhesives as defined upon the results of laboratory tests (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) till the mixture gets completely homogeneous. In case the admixture is added to the dry mix without water, it will be absorbed by the mixture and will result in forming irregularity when prepared and applied. Even if you add water afterwards to such improper mixture, the required type and characteristics of the concrete will not be achieved. In case the water is added to the mixture in larger amounts than required this will unbalance the required design factors of the concrete, and mechanical features of the concrete will be deteriorated. Taking into consideration the mentioned above, the concrete admixtures should not be added directly into dry mixture without water;
  • in case the BEMATON 3060 concrete admixture is used at ambient temperatures below +150C, it will be necessary to adjust the amount of cement with regard to other required conditions (temperature and time period);
  • in case the BEMATON 3060 product is mixed with admixtures of other categories, the resulting quality will be poorer. On this reason this admixture should be handled with clean tools and devices only

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"BEMATON" ZES 3035 the newest generation super plasticizer-concrete admixture

Product description

BEMATON ZES 3035 is polycarboxylate ether based, high water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing (increasing concrete plastic properties) concrete admixture, which provides high resistance and early strength, and is improved for concrete industry. The product conforms to requirements of the AZS 221-2006 (TS EN 934-2) standard, Tables 3.1 and 3.2: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing (increasing concrete plastic properties) concrete admixture”, and ASTM CC 494 Type F standard: “high water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing concrete admixture”.

Fields of Application

This concrete admixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Production of pre-cast and prefabricated concrete;
  • Production of concrete achieving high resistance within 18-24 hours and 28 days;
  • Production of non-disintegrating, Rheodynamic precast (prefabricated, factory manufactured) concrete with fluid viscosity properties.


  • Can be applied in production of prefabricated concrete;
  • Increases early and ultimate strength of the laid concrete, ultimate tension, high adhesion to steel, as well as impermeability and hardness compared to conventional super plasticizers (Naphthalene sulfonate based substances – NSM and Melamine sulfonate based substances – MSM);
  • Improves resistance of concrete to liming and chlorine ions, and to aggressive chemical substances, improves such mechanical characteristics of cooled concrete, as compression and tension;
  • Production of Rheoplastic concrete with low risk of disintegration (separation) and spalling, improved operating parameters at low water/cement ratios compared to concretes without admixtures;
    • Reduces to minimum the required energy consumption and decreases the period of concrete pouring, setting and hardening, and provides production of prefabricated concrete at lower temperatures, thus increasing energy savings;
    • Provides excellent surface of the concrete laid in formwork;
    • Does not contain chlorine.

Zero Energy System

Zero Energy System is a complex of latest generation rheodynamic concrete technologies improving the new BEMATON ZES 3035 admixture. This system improves the product quality and operating conditions during production of prefabricated concrete products, reduces energy expenses and provides cost-effective manufacturing process.

Application procedures

Preparation of the mixture. Mix the mineral adhesives (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) with concrete filler till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. Add 50-70% of the required water amount, and then add the BEMATON ZES 3035 product together with the remained amount of water to the mixture.  To provide homogeneous composition of BEMATON  ZES 3035 mixture, mix it vigorously during 60 seconds or during time period predefined by the  laboratory tests.

Chemical mechanism of the latest generation plasticizers reactionSpecific molecular structure of the BEMATON ZES 3035 product accelerates hydration of cement. Fast absorption of the BEMATON ZES 3035 molecules by cement particles facilitates reaction with water thus enhancing the cement particle surface area, simultaneously providing better flow properties. Due to this effect hydration starts earlier, and the cement early expansion provides higher strength.

Compatibility to other admixtures. BEMATON ZES 3035 may be used together with the following materials:

  • All grades of cement;
  • Self-flow mineral adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders and slag) if required in the cement production process;
  • To increase resistance to freezing and melting, it may be used together with the AntiAir 250 air entraining admixture;
  • To prevent water vaporization from mixtures in the concrete composition, and to increase the concrete strength in hot climate areas and the areas of high air velocity the product may be used together with corresponding moisture-retaining products, likeMA Kur 100, MA Kur 200 and MA Kur 300;
  • The BEMATON ZES 3035 product cannot be used together with FLOTONseries (based on NSM) admixtures.

Technical specifications

Composition of product

polycarboxylate ether based




1.06-1.07 kg/liter

Chlorine concentration in the composition (EN 480-10)


Alkalies concentration in the composition (EN 480-12)



10 kg cans,

200 kg casks,

1000 kg barrels,

Special transport containers


It is recommended to use the product in proportion of 0.8-1.0% of the cement amount. Depending on the concrete type and characteristics, the actual amount of admixture should be defined in based on preliminary laboratory tests.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

BEMATON ZES 3035 should be stored in original packing in the areas with ambient temperature equal to or above +50C. The product stored in unsuitable conditions and exposed to freezing temperatures should be melted at room temperature without adding water, then should be mixed using mechanical methods till it is entirely homogeneous. When mixing compressed air should not be used.

Under required storage conditions, the product may be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date. The product in open containers may be used during entire storage period provided the cap is kept closed.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food in the areas of the product application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • do not use the product together with FLOTON series admixtures (based on NSM);
  • mix the fine or coarse concrete fillers with mineral adhesives as defined by the results of laboratory tests (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) till the mixture gets completely homogeneous. In case the admixture is added to the dry mixture, it will be absorbed by the mixture and will result in forming irregularities. Even if you add water afterwards to such improper mixture, the required type and characteristics of the concrete will not be achieved. In case it the water is added to the mixture in larger amounts than required this will unbalance the required design factors of the concrete, and the mechanical features of concrete will be deteriorated. Taking into consideration the mentioned above, the concrete admixtures should not be added directly to the dry powder mixture without water;
  • in case the BEMATON ZES 3035 concrete admixture is used at ambient temperatures below +150C, it is necessary to adjust the amount of cement with regard to other required conditions (temperature and time period);
  • in case the BEMATON ZES 3035 product is mixed with admixtures of other categories, the resulting quality will be poorer. On this reason this admixture should be handled with clean tools and devices only.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FLOTON" 2100 K concrete admixture for cold weather conditions

Product description

FLOTON 2100 K is a naphthalene sulfonate based, high water reduction, super plasticizing (enhances concrete flow properties) concrete admixture increasing concrete early and ultimate strength, providing rheoplastic features of the concrete. Conformance code: 04.613/1-А3 The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 221-2006 (TS EN 934-2) standard, Tables 3.1 and 3.2: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing (improving concrete flow properties) concrete admixture”, and ASTM CC 494 Type F standard: “high water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing concrete admixture”.

Fields of Application

This concrete admixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Production of concrete designed for application with or without pump;
  • Production of Rheodynamic concrete easily laid in reinforced structures;
  • Pouring of concrete at low temperatures.


  • Reduces amount of water at least by 12% compared to admixture-free concretes;
  • Provides easy pumping and high applicability at lower or the same water/cement ratio and under the same operating conditions compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Increases early and ultimate strength compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Provides easier laying in formwork and reinforcement structures compared to admixture-free concrete; Increases impermeability and hardness of concrete, reduces compression and tension and improves other mechanical properties of concrete;
  • Provides easy placement of concrete in reinforced concrete constructions with lower vibration demand;
  • Does not contain chlorine.

Application procedures

Preparation of the mixture. Mix the mineral adhesives (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) with concrete filler till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. Add 50-70% of the required water amount and then add the FLOTON 2100 K product together with remained amount of water to the mixture.  To provide homogeneous composition of FLOTON 2100 K mixture mix it vigorously during 60 seconds or during time period predefined by the laboratory tests.

Chemical admixtures reaction principleThe admixtures react mainly with adhesives. When the super plasticizer admixture is added to the concrete it is absorbed by the adhesive particles. The adhesive particles are repelled from each other under the effect of electrostatic force. Thus, the smaller amounts of water provide required application conditions of the mixture. The mechanical strength of the concrete increases proportionally to the reduction of water content in the mixture.

Compatibility to other admixtures. FLOTON 2100 K may be used together with the following materials:

  • All grades of cement;
  • Self-flow mineral adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders and slag) if required in the cement production process;
  • To increase resistance to freezing and melting, it may be used together with the AntiAir 250 air entraining admixture;
  • To prevent water vaporization from mixtures in the concrete composition, and to increase the concrete strength in hot climate conditions and in the areas of high air velocity the product may be used together with corresponding moisture-retaining products, like MA Kur 100, MA Kur 200 and MA Kur 300;
  • To increase the concrete viscosity at the construction site the product may be used together with FLOTON 2100 Kconcrete admixture.

Technical specifications

Composition of product

Naphthalene sulfonate based




1.15-1.21 kg/liter

Chlorine concentration in the composition (EN 480-10)


Alkalies concentration in the composition (EN 480-12)



10 kg cans,

200 kg casks,

1000 kg barrels,

Special transport containers

The parameters have been received at the +200C temperature and 50%  humidity.


It is recommended to add the FLOTON 2100 K product in proportion of 0.8-1.4% of the cement amount. Depending on the concrete type and characteristics, the actual amount of admixture should be defined based on preliminary laboratory tests.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

FLOTON 2100 K should be stored in original packing in the areas with ambient temperatures equal to or above +50C. The product stored in unsuitable conditions and exposed to freezing temperatures should be melted at room temperature without adding water, then should be mixed using mechanical methods till it is entirely homogeneous. When  mixing compressed air should not be used.

Under the required storage conditions, the product may be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date. The product in open containers may be used during the entire storage period provided the cap is kept closed.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product may cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food in the areas of the product application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • mix the fine or coarse concrete fillers with mineral adhesives according to the results of laboratory tests (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) till the mixture gets completely homogeneous. In case the admixture is added to the dry mixture without water, it will be absorbed by the mixture and will result in irregularities. Even if you add water afterwards to such improper mixture, the required type and characteristics of the concrete will not be achieved. In case the water is added to the mixture in larger amounts than required, this will unbalance the required design factors of the concrete, and the mechanical features of concrete will be deteriorated. Taking into consideration the mentioned above, the concrete admixtures should not be added directly into the dry powder mixture without water;
  • amount of admixture to be added into the mixture composition is calculated as the sum of weights of cement and adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag)  multiplied by the coefficient equal to 0.8-1.4% of the cement amount;

in case the amount of product added exceeds the recommended value, the mixture hardening period may increase. In these cases it is necessary to provide the required longer curing time for concrete hardening in the reinforcement structures.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FLOTON" 2105 R super plasticizer-concrete admixture

Product description

FLOTON 2105 R is naphthalene sulfonate based, high water reduction, super plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture which provides increased hardening period, higher ultimate strength of the concrete and rheoplastic features of the concrete. Conformance code: 04.613/1-А3 The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 221-2006 (TS EN 934-2) standard, Tables 3.1 and 3.2: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture”, and ASTM C 494 Type F standard: “high water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing concrete admixture”.

Fields of Application

This concrete admixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Production of concrete designed for application with or without pump;
  • Production of Rheodynamic concrete easily laid in reinforced structures;
  • Pouring of concrete prepared in the areas of high temperature and humidity.


  • Reduces amount of water demand at least by 12% compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Provides easy pumping and high application quality at lower or the same water/cement ratios and in the same operating conditions compared to admixture-free concretes;
  • Improves the concrete viscosity features at high temperatures;
  • Increases ultimate strength compared to admixture-free concrete; Increases impermeability and hardness of concrete, reduces compression and tension and improves other mechanical properties of the concrete;
  • Provides easy placement of concrete in reinforced concrete constructions with lower vibration required;
  • Does not contain chlorine.

Application procedures

Preparation of the mixture. Mix the mineral adhesives (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) with concrete filler till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. Add 50-70% of the required water amount and then the FLOTON 2105 R product together with the remained amount of water to the mixture.  To provide homogeneous composition of FLOTON 2105 R mixture, mix it vigorously during 60 seconds or during time period predefined based on the laboratory test results.

Chemical admixtures action principleThe admixtures react mainly with adhesives. When the admixture is added to the concrete it is absorbed by the adhesive particles. The adhesive particles are repelled from each other under the effect of electrostatic force. Thus, the smaller amount of water provides the required application conditions. The concrete mechanical strength increases proportionally to the reduction of water in the mixture.

Compatibility to other admixtures. FLOTON 2105 R may be used together with the following materials:

  • All grades of cement;
  • Self-flow mineral adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders and slag) if required in the cement production process;
  • To increase resistance to freezing and melting, it may be used together with the AntiAir 250 air entraining admixture;
  • To prevent water vaporization from mixtures in the concrete composition, and to increase the concrete strength in the areas of hot climate and high air velocity the product may be used together with corresponding moisture-retaining products, likeMA Kur 100, MA Kur 200 and MA Kur 300;
  • To increase the concrete viscosity at the construction site the product may be used together with FLOTON MOD N MOD N concrete admixture.

Technical specifications

Composition of product

naphthalenesulfonate based




1.12-1.14 kg/liter

Chlorine concentration in the composition (EN 480-10)


Alkalies concentration in the composition (EN 480-12)



10 kg cans,

200 kg casks,

1000 kg barrels,

Special transport containers

The parameters have been received at the +200C temperature and 50%  humidity.


It is recommended to add the FLOTON  2105  R product in proportion of 0.8-1.4% of the cement amount. Depending on the concrete type and characteristics, the actual amount of admixtures should be defined based on preliminary laboratory tests.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

FLOTON 2105 R may be stored in original packing in the areas with ambient temperature equal to or above +50C. The product stored in unsuitable conditions and exposed to freezing temperatures should be melted at room temperature without adding water, then should be mixed using mechanical methods till it is entirely homogeneous. When mixing compressed air should not be used.

Under required storage conditions, the product may be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date. The product in open containers may be used during entire storage period provided the cap is kept closed.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food in the areas of the product application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • mix the fine or coarse concrete fillers with mineral adhesives according to the results of laboratory tests (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) till the mixture is completely homogeneous. In case the admixture is added to the dry mixture without water, it will be absorbed by the mixture and will result in irregularities when applied. Even if you add water afterwards to such improper mixture, the required type and characteristics of the concrete will not be achieved. In case the water is added to the mixture in larger amounts than required, this will unbalance the required design factors of the concrete, and the mechanical features of concrete will be deteriorated relating to required factors. Taking into consideration the mentioned above, the concrete admixtures should not be added directly into dry powder mixtures without water;
  • amount of admixture to be added into the into the mixture composition is calculated as the sum of weights of cement and adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) multiplied by the coefficient equal to 0.8-1.4% of the cement amount;
  • in case the amount of product added exceeds the recommended value, the mixture hardening period may increase. In these cases it is necessary to provide longer curing time as required for concrete hardening in the reinforcement structures.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FLOTON" 2118 super plasticizer-concrete admixture

Product description

FLOTON 2118 is naphthalene sulfonate based, high water reduction, super plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture which provides increased hardening period, increased ultimate strength of concrete and provides rheoplastic features of the concrete. Conformance code: 04.613/1-А3 The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 221-2006 (TS EN 934-2) standard, Tables 3.1 and 3.2: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture”, and ASTM C 494 Type F standard: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing concrete admixture”.

Fields of Application

This concrete admixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Production of concrete designed for application with or without pump;
  • In the areas which require over 1 hour to deliver the concrete to the point of application;
  • Pumping concrete  to over 200 meters distances in horizontal direction, and  to the points of significant height;
  • Laying concrete in the areas of ambient temperatures above +400Cand at low relative humidity;
  • Critical and emergency concrete laying operations which require concrete hydration temperature control (when pouring huge amounts of concrete);
  • Production of Rheodynamic concrete easily laid in reinforcement structures.


  • Reduces amount of water demand at least by 12% compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Provides easy pumping and high application quality at lower or the same water/cement ratios and in the same operating conditions compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Reduces to minimum negative effects of high temperatures on the quality of applied concrete;
  • Provides rheoplastic features of the concrete for long period;
  • Increases ultimate strength of the concrete compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Creates more uniform and smooth surface of formwork concrete compared to admixture-free concrete; Increases impermeability and hardness of the concrete, reduces compression and tension, and improves other mechanical properties of the concrete;
  • Does not contain chlorine.

Application procedures

Preparation of the mixture. Mix the mineral adhesive substances (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) with concrete filler till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. After 50-70% of the required water amount is added, start to add the FLOTON 2118 product together with the remained amount of water to the mixture.  To provide homogeneous composition of FLOTON 2118 mixture, mix it vigorously during 60 seconds or during the time period predefined by the laboratory tests.

Chemical admixtures reaction principleThe admixtures react mainly with adhesives. When the admixtures are added into the concrete they are absorbed by the adhesive particles. The adhesive particles are repelled from each other under the effect of electrostatic force. Thus, the smaller amount of water provides the required application conditions. The concrete mechanical strength increases proportionally to the reduction of water amount in the mixture.

Compatibility to other admixtures. FLOTON 2118 may be used together with the following materials:

  • All grades of cement;
  • Self-flow mineral adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders and slag) if required in the cement production process;
  • To increase resistance to freezing and melting, it may be used together with the AntiAir 250 air entraining admixture;
  • To prevent water vaporization from the mixtures in the concrete composition, and to increase the concrete strength in the areas of hot climate conditions and high air velocity the product may be used together with corresponding moisture-retaining products, like MA Kur 100, MA Kur 200 and MA Kur 300;
  • To increase the concrete viscosity at the construction site the product may be used together with FLOTON MOD N concrete admixture.

Technical specifications

Composition of product

Naphthalene sulfonate based




1.16-1.19 kg/liter

Chlorine concentration in the composition (EN 480-10)


Alkalies concentration in the composition (EN 480-12)



10 kg cans,

200 kg casks,

1000 kg barrels,

Special transport containers

The parameters have been received at the +200C temperature and 50%  humidity.


It is recommended to add the FLOTON 2118 product in proportion of 1.0-2.0% of the cement amount. Depending on the concrete type and characteristics, the actual amount of admixture should be defined based on the preliminary laboratory tests.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

FLOTON 2118 should be stored in original packing in the areas with ambient temperature equal to or above +50C. The product stored in unsuitable conditions and exposed to freezing temperatures should be melted at room temperature without adding water, then it should be mixed using mechanical methods till it is entirely homogeneous. When mixing compressed air should not be used.

Under the required storage conditions, the product may be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date. The product in open containers may be used during the entire storage period provided that the cap is kept closed.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product may cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food in the areas of the product application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • mix the fine or coarse concrete fillers with mineral adhesives according to the results of laboratory tests (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) till the mixture gets completely homogeneous. In case admixture is added to the dry mixture without water, and will result in forming irregularities when applied. Even if you add water afterwards to such improper mixture, the required type and characteristics of concrete will not be achieved. In case water is added to the mixture in larger amounts than it is required, this will unbalance the required design factors, and the mechanical features of the concrete will be deteriorated. Taking into consideration the mentioned above, the concrete admixtures should not be added directly into the dry powder mixture without water;
  • the amount of admixture to be added into the mixture composition is calculated as the sum of weights of cement and adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) multiplied by the coefficient equal to 0.8-1.4% of the cement amount;
  • in case the amount of the product added exceeds the recommended value, the mixture hardening period may increase. In these cases it is necessary to provide the required longer curing time for concrete hardening in the reinforcement structures.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FLOTON" 2161 super plasticizer-concrete admixture

Product description

FLOTON 2161 is naphthalene sulfonate based, high water reduction, super plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture which improves early and ultimate strength of concrete and provides rheoplastic features of the concrete. Conformance code: 04.613/1-А3

The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 221-2006 (TS EN 934-2) standard, Tables 3.1 and 3.2: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture”, and ASTM C 494 Type F standard: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing concrete admixture”.

Fields of Application

This concrete admixture may be applied in the following areas:

  • Production of concrete designed for application with or without pumps;
  • Production of pre-cast and prefabricated concrete (factory manufactured concrete);
  • Production of Rheodynamic concretes easily laid in reinforcement structures;
  • Production of prestressed concrete with low water/cement ratios.


  • Reduces amount of water at least by 12% compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Provides easy pumping and high application quality at lower or the same water/cement ratios and in the same operating conditions compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Increases strength at early and final stages compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Increases compression and flexural strength compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Reduces the period of formwork disassembly compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Increases the resistance to erosion due to reduced separation and sweating features;
  • Increases strength of concrete in case of freezing and melting;
  • Provides easy flow within formwork compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Increases impermeability and hardness of the concrete, reduces compression and tension and improves other mechanical properties of the concrete;
  • Provides easy placement of concrete in reinforcement concrete constructions and requires lower levels of vibration;
  • Does not contain chlorine.

Application procedures

Preparation of the mixture. Mix the mineral adhesives (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) with concrete filler until the mixture is entirely homogeneous. After 50-70% of the required water amount is added, start to add the FLOTON 2161 product together with the remained amount of water to the mixture.  To provide homogeneous composition of FLOTON 2161 mixture mix it vigorously during 60 seconds or during time period predefined by the laboratory tests.

Chemical admixtures reaction principleThe admixtures react mainly with adhesives. When the admixture is added to the concrete it is absorbed by the adhesive particles. The adhesive particles are repelled from each other under the effect of electrostatic force. Thus, the smaller amounts of water provide the required application conditions. The concrete mechanical strength is increased proportionally to the reduction of water amount in the mixture.

Compatibility to other admixtures. FLOTON 2161 may be used together with the following materials:

  • All grades of cement;
  • Self-flow mineral adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders and slag) if required in the cement production process;
  • To increase resistance to freezing and melting, it may be used together with the AntiAir 250 air entraining admixture;
  • To prevent water vaporization from the mixtures in the concrete composition, and to increase the concrete strength in the areas of hot climate and high air velocities the product may be used together with corresponding moisture-retaining products, likeMA Kur 100, MA Kur 200 and MA Kur 300;

Technical specifications

Composition of product

Naphthalene sulfonate based




1.15-1.21 kg/liter

Chlorine concentration in the composition (EN 480-10)


Alkalies concentration in the composition (EN 480-12)



10 kg cans,

200 kg casks,

1000 kg barrels,

Special transport containers

The parameters have been received at the +200C temperature and 50%  humidity.


It is recommended to add the FLOTON 2161 product in proportion of 1.0-2.0% of the cement amount. Depending on the concrete type and characteristics, the actual amount of the admixtures should be defined based on the preliminary laboratory tests.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

FLOTON 2161 may be stored in original packing in the areas with ambient temperature equal to or above +50C. The product stored in unsuitable conditions and exposed to freezing temperatures should be melted at room temperature without adding water, then it should be mixed using mechanical methods till it is entirely homogeneous. When mixing compressed air should not be used.

Under the required storage conditions, the product may be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date. The product in open containers may be used during the entire storage period provided that the cap is kept closed.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food in the areas of the product application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • mix the fine or coarse concrete fillers with mineral adhesives according to the results of laboratory tests (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) till the mixture is completely homogeneous. In case the admixture is added to the dry mixture without water, it will be absorbed by the mixture and will result in forming irregularities when applied. Even if you add water afterwards to such improper mixture, the required type and characteristics of concrete will not be achieved. In case the water is added to the mixture in larger amounts than it is required, this will unbalance the required design factors of the concrete, and the mechanical features of concrete will be deteriorated. Taking into consideration the mentioned above, the concrete admixtures should not be added directly into dry mixture without water;
  • amount of admixture to be added into the mixture composition is calculated as the sum of weights of cement and adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) multiplied by the coefficient equal to 0.8-1.4% of the cement amount;
  • in case the amount of product added exceeds the recommended value, the mixture hardening period may increase. In these cases it is necessary to provide the required longer curing time for concrete hardening in the reinforcement structures.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FLOTON" 2166 T super plasticizer-concrete admixture

Product description

FLOTON 2166 Т is naphthalene sulfonate based, high water reduction, super plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture which increases concrete early and ultimate strength and provides rheoplastic features of the concrete. Conformance code: 04.613/1-А3

The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 221-2006 (TS EN 934-2) standard, Tables 3.1 and 3.2: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture”, and ASTM C 494 Type standard: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing concrete admixture”.

Fields of Application

This concrete admixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Production of concrete designed for application with or without pumps;
  • Production of wet-spraying concrete;
  • Production of pre-cast and prefabricated concrete (factory manufactured concrete);
  • Areas required early removal of formwork;
  • Production of prestressed concrete with low water/cement ratios;
  • Production of rheodynamic concrete easily laid in reinforced structures.


  • Reduces amount of water at least by 12% compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Provides easy pumping and high application quality at lower or the same water/cement ratio and under the same operating conditions compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Increases early and ultimate strength compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Increases compression and flexural strength compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Reduces of period of formwork removal compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Increases the resistance to erosion reducing separation and sweating features;
  • Increases strength of concrete when exposed to freezing and melting temperatures;
  • Provides easy laying on formwork and reinforcement structures compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Increases impermeability and hardness of concrete, reduces compression and tension and improves other mechanical properties of concrete;
  • Provides easy placement of concrete in reinforcement structures and with lower vibration demand;
  • Does not contain chlorine.

Application procedures

Preparation of the mixture. Mix the mineral adhesive substances (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) with concrete filler till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. After 50-70% of the total required water amount is added, start to add the FLOTON 2166 T product together with the remained amount of water to the mixture.  To provide homogeneous composition of FLOTON 2166 T mixture mix it vigorously during 60 seconds or during the time period predefined based on the laboratory tests.

Chemical admixtures reaction principleThe admixtures react mainly with adhesives. When the admixture is added to the concrete it is absorbed by the adhesive particles. The adhesive particles are repelled from each other under the effect of electrostatic force. Thus, the smaller amounts of water provide the required application conditions. The concrete mechanical strength increases proportionally to the reduction of water content in mixture.

Compatibility to other admixtures. FLOTON 2166 Т may be used together with the following materials:

  • All grades of cement;
  • Self-flow mineral adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders and slag) if required in the cement production process;
  • To increase resistance to freezing and melting temperatures, it may be used together with the AntiAir 250 air entraining admixtures;
  • To prevent water vaporization from mixtures in the concrete composition, and to increase the concrete strength in the areas of hot climate conditions and high air velocity the product may be used together with corresponding moisture-retaining products, likeMA Kur 100, MA Kur 200 and MA Kur 300;

Technical specifications

Composition of product

Naphthalene sulfonate based




1.205-1.225 kg/liter

Chlorine concentration in the composition (EN 480-10)


Alkalies concentration in the composition (EN 480-12)



10 kg cans,

200 kg casks,

1000 kg barrels,

Special transport containers

The parameters have been received at the +200C temperature and 50%  humidity.


It is recommended to add the FLOTON 2166 Т product in proportion of 1.0-2.0% of the cement amount. Depending on the concrete type and characteristics, the actual amount of admixtures should be defined based on the preliminary laboratory tests.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

FLOTON 2166 Т may be stored in original packing in the areas with ambient temperature equal to or above +50C. The product stored in unsuitable conditions and exposed to freezing temperatures should be melted at room temperature without adding water, then it should be mixed using mechanical methods till it gets entirely homogeneous. When mixing compressed air should not be used.

Under the required storage conditions, the product may be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date. The product in open containers may be used during the entire storage period provided the cap is kept closed.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product may cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food in the areas of the product application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • mix the fine or coarse concrete fillers with mineral adhesives according to the results of laboratory tests (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) till the mixture is completely homogeneous. In case the admixture is added to the dry mixture without water, it will be absorbed by the mixture and will result in forming irregularities when applied. Even if you add water afterwards to such improper mixture, the required type and characteristics of concrete will not be achieved. In case water is added to the mixture in larger amounts than it is required, this will unbalance the required design factors of the concrete, and the required mechanical features of concrete will be deteriorated. Taking into consideration the mentioned above, the concrete admixtures should not be added directly into dry powder mixtures without water;
  • amount of admixture to be added into the mixture composition is calculated as the sum of the weights of cement and adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) multiplied by the coefficient equal to 0.8-1.4% of the cement amount;
  • in case the amount of product added exceeds the recommended value, the mixture hardening period may increase. In these cases it is necessary to provide the required longer curing time for concrete hardening in the reinforcement structures.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FLOTON" PS 2025 super plasticizer-concrete admixture

Product description

FLOTON PS 2025 is a polycarboxylate ether based, high water reduction, super plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture, improved for production of prefabricated concrete of higher early and ultimate strength and resistance, including the factory manufactured pre-cast concrete. The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 221-2006 (TS EN 934-2) standard, Tables 3.1 and 3.2: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture”, and ASTM C 494 Type F standard: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing concrete admixture”.

Fields of Application

This concrete admixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Production of pre-cast and prefabricated concrete
  • Production of concretes achieving high resistance within 18-24 hours and 28 days;
  • Production of rheoplastic concrete with fluid viscosity properties.


  • Increases early and ultimate strength of applied concrete, provides ultimate tension, high adhesion to steel, as well as impermeability and hardness compared to conventional super plasticizers (Naphthalene sulfonate based materials – NSM and Melamine sulfonate based materials – MSM);
  • Improves resistance of concrete to liming and chlorine ions, and to aggressive chemical substances, improves mechanical characteristics of concrete when cooling, including compression and tension properties;
  • Production of rheoplastic concrete of low disintegration (separation) risk and spalling risk, which enhances operating parameters at low water/cement ratios compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Increases the production efficiency;
  • Provides uniform and smooth surfaces of formwork concrete with no disintegration;
  • Does not contain chlorine.

Application procedures

Preparation of the mixture. Mix the mineral adhesives (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) with concrete filler till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. After 50-70% of the total required water amount is added, start to add the FLOTON PS 2025 product together with the remained amount of water to the mixture.  To provide homogeneous composition of FLOTON PS 2025 mixture mix it vigorously during 60 seconds or during time period predefined by the laboratory tests.

Chemical mechanism of super plasticizers reactionSpecific molecular structure of the FLOTON PS 2025 product accelerates hydration of cement. Fast absorption of the FLOTON PS 2025 molecules by cement particles facilitates reaction with water enhancing the cement particle surface area, simultaneously providing effective disintegration. This effect results in early hydration start, and early expanding of cement provides high strength.

Compatibility to other admixtures. FLOTON PS 2025 may be used together with the following materials:

  • All grades of cement;
  • Self-spreading mineral adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders and slag) if required in the cement production process;
  • To increase resistance to freezing and melting temperatures, it may be used together with the AntiAir 250 air entraining admixtures;
  • To prevent water vaporization from mixtures in the concrete composition, and to increase the concrete strength in the areas of hot climate and high air velocity the product may be used together with corresponding moisture-retaining products, likeMA Kur 100, MA Kur 200 and MA Kur 300;
  • It is not recommended to use the FLOTON PS 2025 product together with super plasticizers of FLOTON series (based on NSM).

Technical specifications

Composition of product

polycarboxylate ether based




1.023-1.063 kg/liter

Chlorine concentration in the composition (EN 480-10)


Alkalies concentration in the composition (EN 480-12)



10 kg cans,

200 kg casks,

1000 kg barrels,

Special transport containers

The parameters have been received at the +200C temperature and 50%  humidity.


It is recommended to add the FLOTON PS 2025 product in proportion of 1.2-1.8% of the cement amount. Depending on the concrete type and characteristics, the actual amount of admixtures should be defined based on the preliminary laboratory tests.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

FLOTON PS 2025 may be stored in original packing in the areas with ambient temperature equal to or above +50C. The product stored in unsuitable conditions and exposed to freezing temperatures should be melted at room temperature without adding water, then it should be mixed using mechanical methods till it is entirely homogeneous. When mixing compressed air should not be used.

Under the required storage conditions, the product may be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date. The product in open containers may be used during the entire storage period provided the cap is kept closed.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food in the areas of the product application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • do not use the product together with FLOTON series admixtures (based on NSM);
  • mix the fine or coarse concrete fillers with mineral adhesives according to the results of laboratory tests (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) till the mixture is completely homogeneous. In case the admixture is added to the dry mixture without water, it will be absorbed by the mixture and will result in forming irregularities when applied. Even if you add water afterwards to such improper mixture, the required type and characteristics of concrete will not be achieved. In case the water is added to the mixture in larger amounts than it is required, this will unbalance the required design factors of the concrete, and the mechanical features of concrete will be deteriorated. Taking into consideration the mentioned above, the concrete admixtures should not be added directly into dry mixture without water;
  • in case the FLOTON PS 2025 concrete admixture is applied at ambient temperatures below +150C, it is necessary to adjust the amount of cement with regard to other required conditions (temperature and time period);
  • in case the FLOTON PS 2025 product is mixed with admixtures of different categories, the resulting quality will be poorer. On this reason this admixture should be handled with clean tools and devices only.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FLOTON" MOD N super plasticizer-concrete admixture

Product description

FLOTON MOD N is modified lignosulfonate based, plasticizing concrete admixture, used to provide fluid viscosity in production of concrete designed for civil works in all types of climatic conditions and different concrete categories. The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 221-2006 (TS EN 934-2) standard, Tables 3.1 and 3.2: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture”, and ASTM C 494 Type F standard: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing concrete admixture”.

Fields of Application

This concrete admixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Production of concrete with required improvement of viscosity properties at the construction sites located at short or long distances (concrete to be transported to short or long distances);
  • In cases prefabricated concrete has low viscosity, while higher viscosity is required at the place of application;
  • In cases faster application of concrete is required at the construction sites and in the areas where faster completion of works is required.


  • Increases the concrete viscosity at the construction sites averagely by 6-8 cm;
  • Increases the concrete viscosity when viscosity adjustment is required due to loss of viscosity during concrete transportation;
  • Increases application quality of concrete without alteration of water/cement ratio;
  • Does not contain chlorine.

Application procedures

Preparation of the mixture. The concrete is loaded in transmixer at the 14±1 cm viscosity (according to the standard the viscosity should be lower in winter). The transmixer operator should also receive from the concrete factory a full can of FLOTON MOD N plasticizing admixture. The can has two marks (lines) indicating 1/3 and 2/3 of the volume. Depending of the number of vehicles waiting in the queue, five minutes before beginning of concrete pouring the transmixer operator should add to the barrel: for 7-9 mof concrete - full 10 kg can; for 4-6 mof the concrete – 2/3 of the can content; and for 2-3 mof concrete – 1/3 of the can content. The barrel should mix the product for three minutes with at highest speed. This period is enough to obtain a homogeneous mixture. At the end of this procedure the concrete viscosity will reach the S-4 index or 6-8 cm increase. In case the delivered concrete meets the required viscosity of the construction site which is S-3 or higher, then the concrete should be unloaded without adding the admixture.

Chemical admixture reaction principle. The admixtures react mainly with adhesives. When the admixture is added to the concrete it is absorbed by the adhesive particles. The adhesive particles are repelled from each other under the effect of electrostatic force. Thus, the smaller amount of water provides the required application conditions. The concrete mechanical strength is increased proportionally to the reduction of water content in the mixture.

Compatibility to other admixtures. FLOTON MOD N may be used together with the following materials:

  • All grades of cement;
  • Quartz sand, volcanic cinders and slag, if required, when large amounts of adhesive substances are required;
  • Admixtures of OKETON and FLOTON series;
  • To increase resistance to freezing and melting temperatures, it may be used together with the AntiAir 250 air entraining admixtures;
  • To prevent water vaporization from mixtures in the concrete composition, and to increase the concrete strength in the areas of hot climate and high air velocity the product may be used together with corresponding moisture-retaining products, likeMA Kur 100, MA Kur 200 and MA Kur 300;
  • It is not recommended to use the FLOTON MOD N product together with other FLOTON series plasticizing admixtures.

Technical specifications

Composition of product

Naphthalene sulfonate based




1.10-1.12 kg/liter

Chlorine concentration in the composition (EN 480-10)


Alkalies concentration in the composition (EN 480-12)



10 kg cans,

200 kg casks,

1000 kg barrels,

Special transport containers

The parameters have been received at the +200C temperature and 50%  humidity.


It is recommended to add the FLOTON MOD N product in proportion of 0.4-0.7% of the cement amount. Depending on the concrete type and characteristics, the actual amount of admixtures should be defined based on preliminary laboratory tests.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

FLOTON MOD N may be stored in original packing in the areas with ambient temperature equal to or above +50C. The product stored in unsuitable conditions and exposed to freezing temperatures should be melted at room temperature without adding water, then it should be mixed using mechanical methods till it is entirely homogeneous. When mixing compressed air should not be used. Under the required storage conditions, the product may be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date. The product in open containers should be used within storage period provided the cap is kept closed.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food in the areas of the product application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • in case admixture the concrete viscosity is higher than S-3 do not add the FLOTON MOD N product to the concrete;
  • amount of admixture in the mixture composition is calculated as the sum of weights of cement and adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) multiplied by the coefficient equal to 0.8-1.4% of the cement amount;
  • in case the amount of product added exceeds the recommended value, the mixture hardening period may increase. In these cases it is necessary to provide the required longer curing time for concrete hardening in the reinforcement structures.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"FLOMEL" S 100 concrete admixture for areas where transportation of liquid super plasticizers is a complicated issue

Product description

FLOMEL S 100 is a melamine sulfonate based powder composition, super plasticizing admixture, used for production of such powder products as cement and gypsum. The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 221-2006 (TS EN 934-2) standard, Tables 3.1 and 3.2: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture”, and ASTM C 494 Type F standard: “High water reduction, latest generation super plasticizing concrete admixture”.

Fields of Application

This concrete admixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • production of chemical substances designated for construction industry;
  • production of cement based powder products;
  • production of gypsum based powder products;
  • areas where transportation of super plasticizers in liquid form is a complicated issue;
  • production of industrial molding plaster.


  • increases strength of powder products reducing amount of mixed water;
  • increases application possibilities of powder products reducing amount of mixed water;
  • does not change the color of powder products;
  • produces liquid super plasticizer easily mixed with water at the construction site;
  • creates transparent mixture with water;

Technical specifications

Composition of product

melamine sulfonate based




1.8-1.9 kg/liter


25 kg sacks made of craft paper strengthened with polyethylene

The parameters have been received at the +200C temperature and 50%  humidity.


Amount of the FLOMEL S 100 product in per cents of the mixed product amount should be as follows:

  • to increase the application quality of the mixture – in the amount of 0.2 -0.4 %;
  • to increase strength of the mixture – in the amount of 0.3-0.6 %;
  • to increase hardness and resistance of the mixture – in the amount of 0.5-0.9 %;
  • for smooth surfaces and factory production of concrete – in the amount of 0.6-1.5 %
  • for plaster molding - 0.5-1.5 %;
  • actual amounts for usage are generally defined during laboratory tests.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored in original sacks in the areas with ambient temperature equal to or above +400C. Under the required storage conditions, the product can be stored in original packing during 24 months from the manufacturing date. The product in open containers should be used during one week provided the required storage conditions are maintained.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food in the areas of the product application;
  • keep the product away from children;

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and/or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"OKETON" 1260 CN normal plasticizer-concrete admixture

Product description

OKETON 1260 CN is polynaphthalene sulfonate and nitrate salt based, standard plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture designed to accelerate concrete hardening by means of acceleration of chemical reaction between water and cement especially at initial hardening, and to provide increase of early strength. The product is suitable for cold weather conditions. Conformance code: 04.613/7 The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 221-2006 (TS EN 934-2) standard, Table 6: “Accelerating hardening, plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixtures”, and ASTM C 494 Type C standard: “Accelerating hardening concrete admixtures”.

Fields of Application

This concrete admixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Production of concrete designated for application with or without pumps;
  • Pouring of concrete when high early strength and protection from freezing are required in cold weather conditions;
  • Production of prefabricated and pre-cast concrete;
  • Production of all grades of concrete, reinforced or non-reinforced for low or standard loads.


  • Reduces initial and final hardening compared to admixtures-free concrete;
  • Provides high early strength of concrete and protection from freezing , especially in cold weather conditions;
  • Does not contain chlorine.

Application procedures

Preparation of the mixture. Mix the mineral adhesives (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) with concrete filler until the mixture is entirely homogeneous. After 50-70% of the total required amount of water is added, start to add the OKETON 1260 CN product together with the remained amount of water to the mixture.  To provide homogeneous composition of OKETON 1260 CN mixture mix it vigorously during 60 seconds or during time period predefined according to the laboratory tests.

Chemical admixtures reaction principal. The OKETON 1260 CN reacts with cement. When the OKETON 1260 CN admixture is added to the mixture it is absorbed by the cement particles. The OKETON 1260 CN accelerates chemical reaction between cement and water in the beginning of hardening, and increases the temperature of hydration. As the result the concrete hardening accelerates, and early strength increases.

Compatibility to other admixtures. OKETON 1260 CN may be used together with the following materials:

  • All grades of cement;
  • Quartz sand, volcanic cinders and slag, when application of large amounts of adhesive substances is required;
  • Admixtures of OKETON and FLOTONseries;
  • To increase resistance to freezing and melting temperatures, it may be used together with the AntiAir 250 air entraining additive;
  • To prevent formation of cracks resulting from plastic compression, it can be used together with synthetic and steel fibers;
  • To prevent water vaporization from mixtures in the concrete composition, and to increase the concrete strength in the areas of hot climate and high air velocity the product can be used together with corresponding moisture-retaining products, like MA Kur 100, MA Kur 200 and MA Kur 300;

Technical specifications

Composition of product

Polynaphthalene sulfonate and nitrate based




1.04-1.05 kg/liter

Chlorine concentration in the composition (EN 480-10)


Alkalies concentration in the composition (EN 480-12)



10 kg cans, 200 kg casks,

1000 kg barrels,

Special transport containers

The parameters have been received at the +200C temperature and 50%  humidity.


It is recommended to add the OKETON 1260 CN product in proportion of 2.5-5.0% of the cement amount. In case of use together with another plasticizer it can be added in proportion of 1.0-2.0% of the cement amount, depending on the other plasticizer type and amount. Depending on the concrete type and characteristics, the actual amount of admixture should be defined based on preliminary laboratory tests.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

OKETON 1260 CN can be stored in original packing in the areas with ambient temperature equal to or above +50C. The product stored in unsuitable conditions and exposed to freezing temperatures should be melted at room temperature without adding water, then it should be mixed using mechanical methods till it is entirely homogeneous. When mixing compressed air should not be used.

Under the required storage conditions, the product can be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date. The product in open containers should be used within storage period provided the cap is kept closed.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food in the areas of the product application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • mix the fine or coarse concrete fillers with mineral adhesives according to the results of laboratory tests (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) till the mixture is completely homogeneous. In case he admixture is added to the dry mixture without water, it will be absorbed by the mixture and will result in forming irregularities when applied. Even if you add water afterwards to such improper mixture, the required type and characteristics of concrete will not be achieved. In case water is added to the mixture in larger amounts than it's required, this will unbalance the required design factors of the concrete, and the required mechanical features of the concrete will be deteriorated. Taking into consideration the mentioned above, the concrete admixtures should not be added directly into dry mixture without water;
  • amount of admixture in the mixture composition is calculated as the sum of weights of cement and adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) multiplied by the coefficient equal to 0/8-1.4% of the cement amount;
  • in case the amount of product added exceeds the recommended value, the mixture hardening time may increase. In these cases it is necessary to provide the required longer curing time for concrete hardening in the reinforcement structures.
  • do not use the OKETON 1260 CN product together with BEMATON series admixtures;
  • in case the concrete temperature is below +50C, the cement hydration stops, and at temperatures below 00C water in the concrete mixture starts freezing. Frozen water increases the concrete volume by approximately 10%. As the result the following events occur:

- the value of adhesive force between cement and concrete fillers drops;

-  the concrete strength is lost;

-  cracks and surface cavities are formed in the concrete;

  • in case of production of concretes at cold weather conditions the following parameters should be taken into consideration:

-       materials used in the concrete production (cement, adhesives, concrete fillers, and water) should be stored at suitable ambient temperatures and protected from freezing;

-       suitable grade of cement should be used;

-       proper amount of cement should be determined (350-400 kg/m3);

-       the concrete should be protected from freezing temperatures by means of any admixture accelerating hardening, and the amount of water in the mixture should be reduced, and thus the required quality of application should be provided by means of any suitable plasticizing admixtures;

-       due to stop of hydration at the temperatures below +50C, the required strength and resistance of the concrete ( 5 MPa in average) during hardening should be provided by corresponding hardening methods;

-       in cold weather special attention should be paid to the concrete pouring procedure, there should be no snow or ice in the formwork;

-       to increase the concrete temperature by 10C, it is required to increase the concrete filler temperature by 20C, the temperature of water for the concrete mixture - by 40C, and the cement temperature - by 80

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"OKETON" 1250 ANTİFRİZ normal plasticizer-concrete admixture

Product description

OKETON 1250 ANTIFRIZ is polynaphthalene sulfonate and nitrate salt based, standard plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture which accelerates concrete hardening by means of acceleration of chemical reaction between water and cement especially during initial hardening, and provides increase of early strength. The product is suitable for cold weather conditions. The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 221-2006 (TS EN 934-2) standard, Table 6: “Accelerating hardening, plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture”, and ASTM C 494 Type C standard: “Accelerating hardening concrete admixture”.

Fields of Application

This concrete admixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Production of concrete designed for application with or without pumps;
  • Pouring of concrete when high early strength and protection from freezing in cold weather conditions is required;
  • Production of prefabricated and pre-cast concrete;
  • Production of all grades of concrete, reinforced or non-reinforced, for low or standard loads.


  • Reduces initial and final hardening periods compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Provides early strength and protection from freezing, especially in cold weather conditions;
  • Does not contain chlorine.

Application procedures

Preparation of surface. Mix the mineral adhesives (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) with concrete filler until the mixture is entirely homogeneous. After 50-70% of the total required amount of water is added, start to add the OKETON 1250 ANTIFRIZ product together with the remained amount of water to the mixture.  To provide homogeneous composition of OKETON 1250 ANTIFRIZ mixture, mix it vigorously during 60 seconds or during the time predefined based on the laboratory test results.

Chemical admixtures reaction principle. The OKETON 1250 ANTIFRIZ reacts with cement. When the OKETON 1250 ANTIFRIZ admixture is added to the mixture it is absorbed by the cement particles. The OKETON 1250 ANTIFRIZ accelerates chemical reaction between cement and water during initial hardening, and increases hydration temperature. As the result the concrete hardening accelerates, and early strength increases.

Compatibility to other admixtures. OKETON 1250 ANTIFRIZ may be used together with the following materials:

  • All grades of cement;
  • Quartz sand, volcanic cinders and slag, when application of large amounts of adhesive substances is required;
  • Admixtures of OKETON and FLOTONseries;
  • To increase resistance to freezing and melting temperatures, it may be used together with the AntiAir 250 air entraining additive;
  • To prevent formation of cracks resulting from plastic compression, it can be used together with synthetic and steel fibers;
  • To prevent water vaporization from mixtures in the concrete composition, and to increase the concrete strength in the areas of hot climate and high air velocity the product may be used together with corresponding moisture-retaining products, like MA Kur 100, MA Kur 200 and MA Kur 300;

Technical specifications

Composition of product

Polynaphthalene sulfonate and nitrate based




1.13-1.14 kg/liter

Chlorine concentration in the composition (EN 480-10)


Alkalies concentration in the composition (EN 480-12)



10 kg cans,

200 kg casks,

1000 kg barrels,

Special transport containers

The parameters have been received at the +200C temperature and 50%  humidity.


In case acceleration of hardening is required, according to requirements of the TS EN 934-2 standard it is recommended to add the OKETON 1250 ANTIFRIZ product in proportion of 2.5-5.0% of the cement amount. Depending on the concrete type and characteristics, the actual amount of admixture should be defined based on preliminary laboratory tests.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

OKETON 1250 ANTIFRIZ can be stored in original packing in the areas with ambient temperature equal to or above +50C. The product stored in unsuitable conditions and exposed to freezing temperatures should be melted at room temperature without adding water, then it should be mixed using mechanical methods till it is entirely homogeneous. When mixing compressed air should not be used.

Under the required storage conditions, the product can be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date. The product in open containers should be used within the storage period provided the cap is kept closed.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food in the areas of the product application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • mix the fine or coarse concrete fillers with mineral adhesives according to the results of laboratory tests (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) till the mixture is completely homogeneous. In case the admixture is added to the dry mixture without water, it will be absorbed by the mixture and will result in forming irregularities when applied. Even if you add water afterwards to such improper mixture, the required type and characteristics of concrete will not be achieved. In case the water is added to the mixture in larger amounts than required this will unbalance the required design factors of the concrete, and mechanical features of concrete will be deteriorated. Taking into consideration the mentioned above, the concrete admixtures should not be added directly into dry mixture without water;
  • amount of admixture in the mixture composition is calculated as the sum of weights of cement and adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) multiplied by the coefficient equal to 0.8-1.4% of the cement amount;
  • in case the amount of the product added exceeds the recommended value, the mixture hardening period may increase. In these cases it is necessary to provide the required longer curing time for concrete hardening in the reinforcement structures.
  • do not use the OKETON 1250 ANTIFRIZ product together with BEMATON series admixtures;
  • in case the concrete temperature is below +50C, the cement hydration stops, and at temperatures below 00C the water in the concrete mixture starts to freeze. Frozen water increases the concrete volume by approximately 10%. As the result the following events occur:

- the value of adhesive force between cement and concrete fillers drops;

-  the concrete strength is lost;

-  cracks and surface cavities are formed in the concrete;

  • in case of production of concretes in cold weather conditions the following parameters should be taken into consideration:

-       materials used in the concrete production (cement, adhesives, concrete fillers, and water) should be stored at suitable ambient temperatures and should be protected from freezing temperatures;

-       suitable grade of cement should be used;

-       proper amount of applied cement should be determined (350-400 kg/m3);

-       the concrete should be protected from freezing by any hardening accelerating admixture, and the reduced amount of water in the mixture should be provided, thus providing the required application quality by any suitable plasticizing admixture;

-       due to stop of hydration at the temperatures below +50C, the required strength and resistance of the concrete (5 MPa in average) during hardening should be provided by corresponding hardening methods;

-       in cold weather special attention should be paid to the concrete pouring procedure, there should be no snow or ice in the formwork;

to increase the concrete temperature by 10C, it is required to increase the concrete filler temperature by 20C, the temperature of water in the concrete mixture - by 40C, and the cement temperature - by 80C

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"OKETON" MOD 1223 K normal plasticizer-concrete admixture

Product description

OKETON MOD 1223 K is modified lignosulfonate based, water reduction, standard plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture designed to provide fast hardening of concrete in cold weather conditions, to improve application quality and mechanical features by decreasing water/cement ratio. Conformance code: 04.613/1-А2 The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 221-2006 (TS EN 934-2) standard, Table 2: “Water reduction, plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture”, and ASTM Type A standard: “Water reduction and plasticizing concrete admixture”.

Fields of Application

This concrete admixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Production of concrete designed for application with or without pumps;
  • Production of all grades of concrete, reinforced or non-reinforced, for low or standard loads;
  • Production of all grades of concrete which requires fluid viscosity.


  • Reduces amount of water at least by 5%-12% compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Increases resulting strength compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Provides easy pumping enhancing the product quality at low water/cement ratios compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • Can be used for different purposes;
  • Due to combination of lower effect of a standard plasticizer, and higher effect of a super plasticizer, it reduces the general necessity of multi-type admixtures;
  • Provides higher strength and lower water penetration due to low water/cement ratio;
  • Provides easy application of concrete and reduces the risk of disintegration;
  • Creates uniform surface of concrete in formwork without disintegration;
  • Facilitates establishing frame type connections;
  • Does not contain chlorine.

Application procedures

Preparation of the mixture. Mix the mineral adhesives (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) with concrete filler until the mixture is entirely homogeneous. After 50-70% of the total required water amount is added, start to add the OKETON MOD 1223 К product together with the remained amount of water to the mixture.  To provide homogeneous composition of OKETON MOD 1223 K mixture mix it vigorously during 60 seconds or during time period predefined based on the laboratory test results.

Chemical admixtures reaction principleThe admixtures react mainly with adhesives. When the admixture is added to the concrete it is absorbed by the adhesive particles. The adhesive particles are repelled from each other under the effect of electrostatic force. Thus, the smaller amounts of water provide the required application conditions. The concrete mechanical strength increases proportionally to the reduction of water content in the mixture.

Compatibility to other admixtures .OKETON MOD 1223 K can be used together with the following materials:

  • All grades of cement;
  • Quartz sand, volcanic cinders and slag, when application of large amounts of adhesive substances is required;
  • To increase resistance to freezing and melting, it can be used together with the AntiAir 250 air entraining additive;
  • To prevent formation of cracks due to plastic compression, it can be used together with synthetic and steel fibers;
  • To prevent water vaporization from mixtures in the concrete composition, and to increase the concrete strength in the areas of hot climate and high air velocity the product may be used together with corresponding moisture-retaining products, like MA Kur 100, MA Kur 200 and MA Kur 300;
  • To accelerate hardening by increasing of the concrete hydration temperature in cold weather conditions it may be used together with the OKETON 1260 CN product;
  • To increase the concrete viscosity at the construction site it may be used together with the OKETON MOD N concrete additive.

 Technical specifications

Composition of product

Polynaphthalene sulfonate and nitrate based




1.11-1.17 kg/liter

Chlorine concentration in the composition (EN 480-10)


Alkalies concentration in the composition (EN 480-12)



10 kg cans,

200 kg casks,

1000 kg barrels,

Special transport containers

The parameters have been received at the +200C temperature and 50%  humidity.


It is recommended to add the OKETON MOD 1223 K product in proportion of 0.4-1.2% to the cement amount. Depending on the concrete type and characteristics, the actual amount of admixtures should be defined based on preliminary laboratory tests.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

OKETON MOD 1223 K may be stored in original packing in the areas with ambient temperature equal to or above +50C. The product stored in unsuitable conditions and exposed to freezing temperatures should be melted at room temperature without adding water, then it should be mixed using mechanical methods till it is entirely homogeneous. When mixing compressed air should not be used.

Under the required storage conditions, the product may be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date. The product in open containers should be used within the storage period provided the cap is kept closed.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food in the areas of the product application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • mix the fine or coarse concrete fillers with mineral adhesives according to the results of laboratory researches (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) till the mixture is completely homogeneous. In case the admixture is added to the dry mixture without water, it will be absorbed by the mixture and will result in forming irregularities when applied. Even if you add water afterwards to such improper mixture, the required type and characteristics of concrete will not be achieved. In case water is added to the mixture in larger amounts than required this will unbalance the required design factors of the concrete, and mechanical features of concrete will be deteriorated. Taking into consideration the mentioned above, the concrete admixtures should not be added directly into dry mixture without water;
  • amount of admixture in the mixture composition is calculated as the sum of weights of cement and adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) multiplied by the coefficient of 0.8-1.4% of the cement amount;
  • in case the amount of product added exceeds the recommended value, the mixture hardening period may increase. In these cases it is necessary to provide the required longer curing time for concrete hardening in the reinforcement structures .

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"OKETON" MOD 1223 S normal plasticizer-concrete admixture

Product description

OKETON MOD 1223 S is modified lignosulfonate based, water reduction, standard plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture designed to prevent fast loss of concrete viscosity in hot weather conditions, improve application quality and mechanical features by decrease of water/cement ratios, and elongate hardening. Conformance code: 04.613/1-А2 The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 221-2006 (TS EN 934-2) standard, Table 10: “Elongating hardening, water reduction, plasticizing (improves concrete flow properties) concrete admixture”, and ASTM Type D standard: “Water reduction,  elongating hardening, concrete admixture”.

Fields of Application

This concrete admixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • production of concrete when elongated hardening at high temperatures is required;
  • Production of concrete designed for application with or without pumps;
  • Production of all grades of concrete, reinforced or non-reinforced, for low or standard loads;
  • Conventional concrete production;
  • Production of all grades of concrete which require fluid viscosity.


  • Reduces amount of water at least by 5%-12% compared to admixture -free concrete;
  • Provides easy pumping which facilitates the product quality at low water/cement ratios compared to saving-free concrete;
  • Increases ultimate strength compared to saving-free concrete;
  • Increases the pouring and application period;
  • Can be used for various purposes;
  • Due to combination of lower effect of a standard plasticizer, and higher effect of a super plasticizer, it reduces the general necessity of multi-type admixtures;
  • Provides higher strength and lower water penetration due to low water/cement ratio;
  • Provides easy application of concrete and reduces the risk of disintegration;
  • Creates uniform surface of formwork concrete without disintegration;
  • Facilitates obtaining smooth surfaces;
  • Low sensitivity to alteration of concrete ingredients;
  • Does not contain chlorine.

Application procedures

Preparation of the mixture. Mix the mineral adhesives (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) with concrete filler until the mixture is entirely homogeneous. After 50-70% of the total required amount of water is added, start to add the OKETON MOD 1223 S product together with the remained amount of water to the mixture.  To provide homogeneous composition of OKETON MOD 1223 S mixture mix it vigorously during 60 seconds or during time period predefined by the laboratory test results.

Chemical admixtures reaction principleThe admixtures react mainly with adhesives. When the admixture is added to the concrete it is absorbed by the adhesive particles. The adhesive particles are repelled from each other under the effect of electrostatic force. Thus, the smaller amount of water provides the required application conditions. The concrete mechanical strength increases proportionally to the reduction of water content in the mixture.

Compatibility to other admixtures. OKETON MOD 1223 S may be used together with the following materials:

  • All grades of cement;
  • Quartz sand, volcanic cinders and slag, when application of large amounts of adhesive substances is required;
  • To increase resistance to freezing and melting, it may be used together with the AntiAir 250 air entraining additive;
  • To prevent formation of cracks resulting from plastic compression, it can be used together with synthetic and steel fibers;
  • To prevent water vaporization from mixtures in the concrete composition, and to increase the concrete strength in the areas of hot climate and high air velocity the product can be used together with corresponding moisture-retaining products, likeMA Kur 100, MA Kur 200 and MA Kur 300;
  • To increase the concrete viscosity at the construction site it may be used together with the FLOTON MODN concrete additive.

Technical specifications

Composition of product

modified lignosulfonate based




1.19-1.23 kg/liter

Chlorine concentration in the composition (EN 480-10)


Alkalies concentration in the composition (EN 480-12)



10 kg cans,

200 kg casks,

1000 kg barrels,

Special transport containers

The parameters have been received at the +200C temperature and 50%  humidity.


It is recommended to add the OKETON MOD 1223 S product in proportion of 0.4-1.2% of the cement amount. Depending on the concrete type and characteristics, the actual amount of admixture should be defined based on the preliminary laboratory test results.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

OKETON MOD 1223 S can be stored in original packing in the areas with ambient temperature equal to or above +50C. The product stored in unsuitable conditions and exposed to freezing temperatures should be melted at room temperature without adding water, then it should be mixed using mechanical methods till it is entirely homogeneous. When mixing compressed air should not be used.

Under the required storage conditions, the product can be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date. The product in open containers should be used within the storage period provided the cap is kept closed.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food in the areas of the product application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • mix the fine or coarse concrete fillers with mineral adhesives according to the results of laboratory tests (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) till the mixture is completely homogeneous. In case the admixture is added to the dry mixture without, it will be absorbed by the mixture and will result in forming irregularities when applied. Even if you add water afterwards to such improper mixture, the required type and characteristics of concrete will not be achieved. In case water is added to the mixture in larger amounts than it is required, this will unbalance the required design factors of the concrete, and mechanical features of concrete will be deteriorated. Taking into consideration the mentioned above, the concrete admixtures should not be added directly into dry mixture without water;
  • amount of admixture in the mixture composition is calculated as the sum of the weights of cement and adhesives (quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) multiplied by the coefficient of 0.8-1.4% of the cement amount;
  • in case the amount of product added exceeds the recommended value, the mixture hardening period may increase. In these cases it is necessary to provide required longer curing time for concrete hardening in the reinforcement structures.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"AntiAir" 250 normal plasticizer-concrete admixture

Product description

AntiAir 250 is an alcohol oils and ammonia salt based, air entraining concrete admixture, designed to form stable micro air bubbles to entrain air inside concrete at optimal intervals and under control, and to increase strength of concrete during freezing and melting periods.

Conformance code: 04.613/1-G. The product conforms to the requirements of the AZS 221-2006 (TS EN 934-2) standard, Table 5: “Air entraining concrete admixture”.

Fields of Application

This concrete admixture can be applied in the following areas:

  • Production of concrete resistant to freezing and melting temperatures;
  • Production of concrete designed for application with or without pump;
  • Production of coarse granular concrete applied with pumps;
  • Production of all grades of concrete, reinforced or non-reinforced, for low or standard loads;
  • Production of road construction concrete;
  • Serial production of concrete.


  • Increases the strength of concrete during freezing and melting due to the improved optimal air entraining features (according to TS EN 206-1 HF2 -HF4 4 % air entrained);
  • Provides the air bubble system with optimal intervals in hardened concrete;
  • Provides high strength due to low water/cement ratios, and low soakage of water compared to additive-free concrete;
  • Reduces disintegration and separation in fresh concrete;
  • Increases the concrete application quality and plasticity compared to admixture-free concrete;
  • When different types of adhesives of low thickness are used (all cement grades, volcanic cinders, slag, quartz sand) it provides air entraining features in fine grained high temperature concretes;
  • Does not contain chlorine.

Application procedures

Preparation of the mixture. When using AntiAir 250 admixture only, mix the mineral adhesives (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) with concrete fillers till the mixture is entirely homogeneous. After 50-70% of the total required amount of water is added, start to add the AntiAir 250 product together with the remained amount of water to the mixture.  Use electronic balance with ±3% accuracy. In case of frequent  use of AntiAir 250 the amount and temperature of the concrete, as well as mixer type, capacity and period of mixing should be kept constant for each mixing. Alteration of these parameters results in change of entrained air volume. To provide required air entraining property the mixing period should be defined preliminary; the data obtained in laboratory tests and during factory concrete production may differ. If necessary, determination of air entraining capacity may be checked again when mixing.

Chemical admixtures reaction principleThe admixtures react mainly with adhesives. When the admixture is added to the concrete it is absorbed by the adhesive particles. The adhesive particles are repelled from each other under the effect of electrostatic force. Thus, the smaller amounts of water provide the required application conditions. The concrete mechanical strength increases proportionally to the reduction of water content in the mixture.

Compatibility to other admixtures. AntiAir 250 may be used together with the following materials:

  • All grades of cement;
  • Quartz sand, volcanic cinders and slag, when application of large amounts of adhesive substances is required;
  • to produce high strength concrete and/or to adjust reduced strength by means of micro air bubbles, the product may be used together with BEMATON, FLOTON and OKETONseries concrete admixtures;
  • To prevent formation of cracks resulting from plastic compression, it may be used together with synthetic and steel fibers;
  • To prevent water vaporization from mixtures in the concrete composition, and to increase the concrete strength in the areas of hot climate and high air velocity the product may be used together with corresponding moisture-retaining products, like MA Kur 100, MA Kur 200 and MA Kur 300;

Technical specifications

Composition of product

alcohol oil and ammonia salt based




1.00-1.02 kg/liter

Chlorine concentration in the composition (EN 480-10)


Alkalies concentration in the composition (EN 480-12)



10 kg cans,

200 kg casks,

1000 kg barrels,

Special transport containers

The parameters have been received at the +200C temperature and 50%  humidity.


It is recommended to add the AntiAir 250 product in proportion of 0.09-0.2% of the cement amount. In case it is used together with other plasticizers and in order to obtain the same air entraining capacity, it should be added in smaller amounts compared to individual use of the product. Depending on the concrete type and characteristics, the actual amount of the admixture should be determined based on preliminary laboratory tests.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

AntiAir 250 can be stored in original packing in the areas with ambient temperature equal to or above +50C. The product stored in unsuitable conditions and exposed to freezing temperatures should be melted at room temperature without adding water, then it should be mixed using mechanical methods till it is entirely homogeneous. When mixing compressed air should not be used.

Under the required storage conditions, the product can be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date. The product in open containers should be used within the storage period provided the cap is kept closed.


  • when using the product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • in case you swallow the product, immediately consult a physician;
  • do not keep food in the areas of the product application;
  • keep the product away from children;
  • mix the fine or coarse concrete fillers with mineral adhesives according to the results of laboratory tests (cement, quartz sand, volcanic cinders, slag) till the mixture is completely homogeneous. In case the admixture is added to the dry mixture without water, it will be absorbed by the mixture and will result in forming irregularities when applied. Even if you add water afterwards to such improper mixture, the required type and characteristics of concrete will not be achieved. In case water is added to the mixture in larger amounts than it is required, this will unbalance the required design factors of the concrete, and mechanical features of concrete will be deteriorated. Taking into consideration the mentioned above, the concrete admixtures should not be added directly into dry mixture without water;
  • all possible changes which can affect the amount of the AntiAir 250 product applied should be regularly checked during the working period;
  • the actual amount to be applied should be determined on site, depending on the amount of the entrained air;
  • tests related to the concrete strength, periods of freezing and melting, and the best protection against negative effects of anti-ice salts should be carried out as follows:

-  entrainment of the required amount  of air entraining by the hardened concrete;

-  required air porosity  due to air bubble size and concrete application areas;

-  collection of durable materials together in a single point, their correct packing, location, hardening technologies and methods.

  • according to the TS EN 206-1 standard the ideal air content should be 4%;
  • in case air content exceeds 6%, regardless of the taken measures, the concrete strength may be reduced compared to the required value;
  • When mixing compressed air should not be used.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"İzoSem" waterproofing admixture

Product description

İzoSem is a cement based, waterproofing high quality white color powder admixture, used in plastering, levelling, and concrete works.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • Plastering and levelling works conducted in various areas of construction sector subject to moisture and water;
  • Plastering and levelling works conducted under tile surfaces being in continuous contact with water, such as bath houses, kitchens and balconies;
  • Masonry plasters being in continuous contact with rain and waste waters;
  • Potable water reservoirs;
  • Swimming pools;
  • Can be used as waterproofing admixture in concretes for foundations, tunnels, groundworks, and other areas.


  • Due to hydrophobic nature of the chemical substances in the composition of İzoSem the solution reacts with cement, and creates waterproof surface preventing formation of imperceptible cracks and cavities inside plasters, pourable self-smoothinglevellers and concretes;
  • The İzoSem product increases quality and strength of freshly poured concrete and plaster mixtures reducing formation of air bubbles;
  • The İzoSem product shows no effect on Portland cement freezing;

Application procedures

Preparation of the mixture. The product contains hydrophobic chemical substances. When  preparing plaster or concrete mixture add one package of the İzoSem product to each sack of cement, and mix them. Then add water to the mixture.

Application. The İzoSem product can be applied using all recommended methods of  mixed plaster, self-smoothingfloor leveller or concrete preparation.

Recommendations. The İzoSem product should be mixed twice after adding to the powder mix. Then water should be poured. Do not add the İzoSem product after pouring water to the mixed solution.

Technical specifications



Operating temperature

+50C - +320C

Specific weight

0.4 kg/l


330 g laminated sealed packages


To prepare 300 kg/mof mixture one package (330 g) of the İzoSem product should be added to each 50 kg sack of Portland cement. In this case cost-effective, waterproof and high-strength surface is formed.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 2 years in dry and cool conditions.


  • taking into consideration that İzoSem product contains chemical additives, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% +5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MA KÜR" 100 paraffin-based concrete curing compound

Product description

Paraffin based solution applied onto freshly poured concrete and Staltop surfaces by means of spraying. The solution creates a layer on the treated surface. This layer retains required degree of moisture providing full hydration of cement. The МА Kur 100 product prevents shrinking of treated concrete surface during the period of hardening, as well as on this reason small cracks do not occur on the surface. As a result an even surface is formed.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • In addition to retaining water and moisture in concrete, the product can be cost-effectively and successfully  applied on any concrete surfaces;
  • Air ports;
  • Vehicle parking areas;
  • Road and water channel concrete;


  • Satisfies demand of concrete in water;
  • Easy applicable;
  • Reduces operating expenses;
  • Creates more uniform and smooth surface without porosity;
  • The product forms waterproof layer;
  • Prevents occurrence of imperceptible cracks resulting from hardening;
  • Reflects sunrays and retains high degree of moisture in freshly poured concrete and Staltop.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Before application of the МА Kur 100 product the surface should be thoroughly cleaned, regardless from its conditions.

Application. Spray the МА Kur 100 product onto freshly poured concrete and Staltop surface to provide as equal thickness as possible. In case the product is applied onto horizontal surfaces start spraying procedure immediately after loss of gloss by the concrete surface. In case the product is sprayed onto the concrete in formworks, the process should be started immediately after removal of the formworks.

Recommendations. If at the time of the МА Kur 100 product application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, the required temperature level should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.

Technical specifications



Appearance of resulting final layer

Transparent, even, waterproof layer


1.0 kg/liter

Hardening period

2 hours 45 minutes


1-, 4-, 10-, 20-liter cans and 200 liter barrels


1 liter of the МА Kur 100 product is enough to treat 5.6 msurface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months in original sacks in dry conditions


  • taking into consideration that the product contains chemical substances, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;

parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MA KÜR" 200 styrol rezin-based concrete curing compound

Product description

Styrene resin based product applied onto freshly poured concrete and Staltop surfaces by means of spraying. The product retains required degree of moisture in concrete, and provides obtaining smooth surfaces preventing shrinkage of concrete treated surface and formation of small cracks by means of elongation of the fast hardening period.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • In addition to retaining of water and moisture in concrete, the product can be cost-effectively and successfully applied on any concrete surfaces;
  • Air ports;
  • Vehicle parking areas;
  • Road and water channel concrete;


  • Can be applied to any required type of concrete surfaces;
  • Creates more uniform and smooth surface, without bubbles and porosity;
  • The product creates waterproof surfaces;
  • Smoother and stronger;
  • Prevents occurrence of small imperceptible cracks resulting from fast hardening;
  • Easy and simple application;
  • Reduces operating expenses, cost-effective.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Before application of the МА Kur 200 product the surface should be thoroughly cleaned.

Application. Spray the МА Kur 200 product onto freshly poured concrete surface to provide as equal thickness as possible, or apply it onto the surface using a roller. In case the МА Kur 200 product is applied onto the concrete in formworks start spraying procedure immediately after loss of gloss by the concrete surface (after removal of the formwork)..

Recommendations. If at the time of the МА Kur 200 product application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C- +300C range, then the required temperature level should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.

Technical specifications



Appearance of resulting final layer

Transparent, smooth, waterproof layer

Operating temperature

+50C - +320C

Hardening period

45 minutes


0.82 kg/liter


1-, 4-, 10-, 20-liter cans and 200 liter barrels


1 liter of the МА Kur 200 product is enough to treat 5.8 msurface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months in original sacks in dry conditions


  • taking into consideration that the product contains chemical substances, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% +5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MA KÜR" 300 epoxide rezin-based concrete curing compound

Product description

Hydrocarbon based product to be applied onto freshly poured concrete and Staltop surfaces by means of spraying. The product retains required degree of moisture in the concrete, and provides obtaining even surface preventing shrinkage of concrete treated surfaces and formation of small cracks, as it elongates the fast hardening period.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • In addition to retaining water and moisture in concrete, the product can be cost-effectively and successfully applied on any concrete surfaces;
  • Air ports;
  • Vehicle parking areas;
  • Road and water channel concrete;


  • Can be applied to all required types of concrete surfaces;
  • Creates more uniform and smooth surface, without bubbles and porosity;
  • The product creates waterproof surfaces;
  • Smoother and stronger;
  • Prevents occurrence of small imperceptible cracks resulting from hardening;
  • Easy and simple application;
  • Reduces operating expenses, cost-effective.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. Before application of the МА Kur 300 product the surface should be thoroughly cleaned.

Application. Spray the МА Kur 300 product onto freshly poured concrete surface to provide as equal thickness as possible, or apply it onto the surface using a roller. In case the МА Kur 300 product is applied onto the concrete in formworks the spraying procedure should be started immediately after loss of gloss by the concrete surface (after removal of the formwork).

Recommendations. If at the time of the МА Kur 300 product application the ambient temperature exceeds the limits of +50C - +300C range, then the required temperature level should be provided. The product should not be used in warm (above +300C), rainy and windy weather conditions. After use all hand tools and devices should be cleaned with water.

Technical specifications


Oily yellow

Appearance of resulting final layer

Transparent, smooth, waterproof layer

Operating temperature

+50C - +320C

Hardening period

45 minutes


0.92 kg/liter


1-, 4-, 10-, 20-liter cans and 200 liter barrels


170 gram of the МА Kur 300 product is enough to treatment 1 msurface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

The product can be stored during 12 months in original sacks in dry conditions


  • taking into consideration that the product contains chemical substances, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application instructions;
  • parameters indicated above have been received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% +5% humidity. Depending on the actual ambient conditions these parameters are subject to change.

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MA OİL" 100 form (mould) oil for concrete moulds

Product description

Mineral oil based product, laid in formwork to create even concrete surface, providing easy removal of wooden and steel formworks. Besides, it provides resistant of the surface to high temperatures which occur during concrete hardening.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • lubrication of different type formworks made from wood, plywood and steel, to provide obtaining high quality, even and defect-free concrete surfaces.


  • provides easy removal of the formwork from concrete;
  • elongates useful life of the formwork;
  • resistant to high temperatures and vapors;
  • provides a smoother concrete surface and reduces the amount of air bubbles in the concrete surfaces;
  • the mould oil is not absorbed by concrete.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. The surface should be clean and dry. The surface should be free of residues deteriorating adhesive force

Application. Apply the МА Oil 100 product to the surface by means of spraying or using roller. Before application of the product the formwork should be totally cleaned from concrete fragments, wooden and steel particles, snow and ice. To provide better result, apply the МА Oil 100 product in thin layer, in homogeneous conditions. Prevent accumulation of the mould oil in one spot, spread it in appropriate manner.

When spraying the distance between the spray applicator gun and the surface should be within 50-100 cm, and spraying pressure within 2-4 bar.

Recommendations. At the time of the МА OIL 100 product application the surface temperature should be between +50C- +300C. The surface treated with the product should be protected from direct sun rays, rain, wind and frost within at least 24 hours.

Technical specifications

Product composition

Mineral oil composition


Oily yellow, brilliant color


0.85 kg/liter

Hydrogen ion exponent

6-7 pH

Ignition temperature

above +950C


1-, 4-, 10- liter cans and 200 liter barrels


Consumption can differ depending on the formwork type. For wooden, plywood, and steel formwork 1 liter of the МА  Oil 100 solution may be applied with a roller onto approximately 25 m2 surface; when spraying with pumps under the pressure of 2 - 4 bar the it may cover the surface of approximately  40 m2.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

For short-term storage periods the product packages may be placed one upon the other in three layers, and at the time of application the lower layer packages should be used first. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one upon another.

The product can be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date in corresponding storage conditions. The product in open cans may be used during entire storage period provided the covers are kept closed.


  • when using the MA OIL 100 product observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product can cause allergic reactions and itch, take care to avoid contact of its components with skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and wash with soap;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"MA OİL" 200 form (mould) oil for concrete moulds

Product description

Mineral oil based product, laid in formworks to create even concrete surface, provides easy removal of wooden and steel formwork. Besides it provides the surface resistance to high temperatures, which occur during concrete hardening, and may be mixed with water.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • lubrication of different type formworks made from wood, plywood and steel.


  • provides easy removal of the formwork from concrete;
  • elongates useful life of the formwork;
  • resistant to high temperatures and vapors;
  • provides high quality, smooth surface;
  • provides smoother concrete surfaces and reduces the amount of air bubbles in the concrete surfaces.

Application procedures

Preparation of the surface. The surface should be clean and dry. The surface should be free of residues deteriorating adhesive force

Application. Apply the МА Oil 200 product into the formwork by means of spraying or using a roller, after thorough mixing with water at 1/7-1/12 proportion. Before application of the product the formwork should be totally cleaned from concrete fragments, wooden and steel particles, snow and ice. To provide better results, apply the МА Oil 200 mixture into the formwork in thin layer, in homogeneous conditions. Prevent accumulation of the mould oil at one spot, spread it in appropriate manner.

When spraying the distance between the spray applicator gun and surface should be within 50-100 cm, and spraying pressure within 2-4 bar.

Recommendations. At the time of the МА OIL 100 product application the surface temperature should be between +50C- +300C. The surface treated with product should be protected from direct sun rays, rain, wind and frost for 24 hours.

Technical specifications


Oily yellow

Product composition

Mineral oil composition


0.83 kg/liter

Hydrogen ion exponent

6-7 pH

Ignition temperature

above +950C


1-, 4-, 10-liter cans and 200 liter barrels


1 liter of the МА Oil 200 product can cover 45-80 m2 surface.

Shelf Life and Storage Method

For short-term storage periods the product packages can be placed one upon the other in three layers, and at the time of application the lower layer product packages should be used first. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one upon another.

The product may be stored during 12 months from the manufacturing date in corresponding storage conditions. The product in open cans may be used during storage period provided the caps are kept closed.


  • when using the MA OIL 200 mould oil observe regulations of operational and personnel safety, wear appropriate protective clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • in case of contact with eyes immediately rinse with water;
  • do not keep food products in the areas of the solution application;
  • keep the product away from children;

Warranty and technical support

  • information indicated in technical specifications is based on scientific and experimental data;
  • Matanat А company is responsible for the product quality only;
  • with the exception of cases of works executed under the supervision of the company specialists, Мatanat А company shall not be liable for any problems occuring due to improper use of the product by other persons;
  • the company reserves the right to make changes in its product in consequence of scientific-and-technical development;
  • for technical support and or more information please do not hesitate to contact the Matanat А company!

"BENAFTON" admixture, intensifying grinding, increasing flowing ability of concrete and hardening time

Product description

BENAFTON is an insoluble, oil refining, brown liquid being formed after the distillation of naphthenic acid. It contains up to 95% naphthenic acid.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • Grinding of clinker and mineral fillers both separately, and in combination with other surface-active substances for the purpose of intensification of grinding process and increase of hydrophobicity of dry mixes prepared of these substances.


  • Increases physical and mechanical properties of gypsum and cement-based dry mixes, including durability;

Application. Use the Benafton admixture after weighing it on a corrected (electronic) weighing scale. Apply this admixture in a recommended amount by means of dripping into the system in the I or II chamber of clinker, limestone or gypsum mills, or directly onto the transporter carrying clinker, limestone and gypsum to the system.

Technical specifications


Brown colored liquid


0,98 kg/liter






10 kg cans, 200 kg casks, 1000 kg barrels, equipment with special tanks



Apply the product in the amount of 0,2-0,6 % of the grinded raw material (limestone, gypsum, clinker).

Shelf Life and storage

The unopened product can be stored during 12 months in dry conditions.


  • When using the product,observe the operational and occupational safety regulations, and wear the corresponding safety clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • Taking into consideration that the product may cause an allergic reaction and itch, avoid a contact of its components with the skin or eyes, otherwise immediately rinse them with large amount of water and soap;
  • In case of swallowing of the product, immediately consult a doctor;
  • Do not keep food products in the areas of its application;
  • Keep the product away from children.

Warranty and technical support

  • Information indicated in the technical specifications is based on scientific and practical knowledge;
  • “Matanat А" company is responsible only for the product quality;
  • Except for the works carried out under the guidance of the company specialists, “Мatanat  А" company bears no responsibility for any problems that may occur as a result of improper use of the product by other users;
  • The company reserves the right to make changes to its product that may occur due to a scientific and technnological development;
  • For technical support or more information please do not hesitate to contact “Matanat А" company!

"TRİNOLA" 1 admixture, intensifying grinding and creating hydrophobicity

Product description

It is a chemical cement admixture intensifying clinker grinding, applied in the production of any type of cement, increasing productivity, and providing the production of high-quality cement.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • production of standard portland cement;
  • production of different sorts of portland cement (plastified,
  • hydrophobic, acid-resistant, colorful, quick-hardening, etc);
  • production of hydraulic adhesive materials (hydraulic lime and Roman cement).


  • Increases productivity;
  • Saves energy consumption, reducing grinding expenses;
  • Increases effectiveness of an air separator;
  • Increases initial and final resistance of cement by 15-20%;
  • Reduces water requirement of cement by 2%.

Application. Use the Trinola admixture after weighing it on a corrected (electronic) weighing scale. Apply this admixture in a recommended amount by means of dripping into the system in the I or II chamber of clinker, limestone or gypsum mills, or directly onto the transporter carrying clinker, limestone and gypsum to the system.

Technical specifications




1,12 kg/liter

Chlorine amount

0,1 %


10 kg cans, 200 kg casks, 1000 kg barrels, equipment with special tanks

Special transport containers


0,4-2,0 kg of the product can be applied for 1 ton cement production. The consumption can change in accordance with preliminary laboratory researches.

Shelf Life and  storage

The product can be stored in unopened packages during 12 months in dry conditions at the temperature within +50C and +300C.


  • When using the product, observe the operational and occupational safety regulations, and wear the corresponding safety clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • in case of contact with skin or eyes, immediately rinse it with water ;
  • in case of swallowing of the product, immediately consult a doctor;

Warranty and technical support

  • Information indicated in the technical specifications is based on scientific and practical knowledge;
  • “Matanat А" company is responsible only for the product quality;
  • Except for the works carried out under the guidance of the company specialists, “Мatanat  А" company bears no responsibility for any problems that may occur as a result of improper use of the product by other users;
  • The company reserves the right to make changes to its product that may occur due to a scientific and technnological development;
  • For technical support or more information please do not hesitate to contact “Matanat А" company!

"TRİNOLA" 2 admixture, intensifying grinding and creating hydrophobicity

Product description

It is a chemical cement admixture intensifying clinker grinding, applied in the production of any type of cement, increasing productivity, and providing the production of high-quality cement.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • production of standard portland cement;
  • production of different sorts of portland cement (plastified, hydrophobic, acid-resistant, colorful, quick-hardening, etc);
  • production of hydraulic adhesive materials (hydraulic lime and Roman cement).


  • Increases productivity;
  • Saves energy consumption, reducing grinding expenses;
  • Increases effectiveness of an air separator;
  • Increases initial and final resistance of cement by 15-20%;
  • Reduces water requirement of cement by 2%.

Application procedure

Application. Use the Trinola 2 admixture after weighing it on a corrected (electronic) weighing scale. Apply this admixture in a recommended amount by means of dripping into the system in the I or II chamber of clinker, limestone or gypsum mills, or directly onto the transporter carrying clinker, limestone and gypsum to the system.

Technical specifications




1,14 kg/liter

Chlorine amount

0,1 %


10 kg cans, 200 kg casks, 1000 kg barrels, equipment with special tanks

Special transport containers


0,4-2,0 kg of the product can be applied for 1 ton cement production. The consumption can change in accordance with preliminary laboratory researches.

Shelf Life and storage

The product can be stored in unopened packages during 12 months in dry conditions at the temperature within +50C and +300C.


  • When using the product,observe the operational and occupational safety regulations, and wear the corresponding safety clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • in case of contact with skin or eyes, immediately rinse it with water ;
  • in case of swallowing of the product, immediately consult a doctor;

Warranty and technical support

  • Information indicated in the technical specifications is based on scientific and practical knowledge;
  • “Matanat А" company is responsible only for the product quality;
  • Except for the works carried out under the guidance of the company specialists, “Мatanat  А" company bears no responsibility for any problems that may occur as a result of improper use of the product by other users;
  • The company reserves the right to make changes to its product that may occur due to a scientific and technnological development;
  • For technical support or more information please do not hesitate to contact “Matanat А" company!

"UnterMix 1580 AL" dry-mixed concrete to dry injection accelerators with high addition

Product description

UnterMix 1580 Al is a product accelerating the hardening of shotcrete.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • Tunnels;
  • Mines;
  • Temporary or long-term hardening of rocky surfaces;
  • In the application of any kind of shotcrete to provide a high initial and final resistance;
  • Repair works.


  • Allows  one-timespray of 10-15 cm layers due to quick hardening;
  • Provides high initial resistance due to its specific formula;

Preparation of surface. The surface should be thoroughly removed of any fat, rust, paraffin, and other residues preventing adhesion, there should not be any residues remained on the surface. To save the adhesion, the surface should be cleaned with high-pressure water, and the product should be applied onto wet surface.

Selection of cement. To prevent negative effect on the period of hardening, fresh cement should be used. It is recommended to apply portland cement or sulfate-resistant cement to provide quick hardening of gunite.

Preparation of mixture. To provide acceleration of hardening in the time of application add the  UnterMix 1580 Al  product to the cement in the amounts preliminary defined in laboratory researches. In case the UnterMix 1580 Al  product is directly added to the mixture contained in the transmixer, cement hydration process will start, and separate balls will be formed in the concrete in the transmixer unless the fractions (cement, quartz sand and etc.) are dry. Optimal water amount determined by the operator during the application eliminates these disadvantages. In case the amount of water is little, the period of hardening of shotcrete is shortened, and vice versa. That is why, water in the amount which is enough for hydration process should be added to dry concrete mixture.

Application. The rotary mixed concrete should be sprayed onto the surface with a spray gun.

Technical specifications


Beige (yellowish light-brown)

Pouring volumetric weight

0,9-1,0 kg/liter

Acidity (ph)


Chlorine amount (EN 480-10)



In 15 kg sacks


Consumption of the UnterMix 1580 Al product depends on concrete, surface and air temperature. Another important factor is compatibility of the product with the cement used. To do this, prior tests should be done for the purpose of determination of corresponding consumption.

Depending on an application area, period of hardening, and resistance, the UnterMix 1580 Al  dry mix can be applied in the amount between 4-8% of the mass of mineral adhesive products (cement, volcanic ash, quartz sand, slag). In case the consumption exceeds the indicated limits, the final hardness limit may fall down.

Shelf Life and storage

The product can be stored during 6 months in unopened original sacks placed one on another in three rows at the temperature within +50C and +400C. In case of long-term storage the product packages should not be laid one on another.  Unpacked sacks should be used within 1 week in the relevant storage conditions.


  • When using the product,observe the operational and occupational safety regulations, and wear the corresponding safety clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • taking into consideration that the product is complex mixture, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • do not add any substances not indicated in the application procedures;
  • The above parameters were received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% +5% humidity. Depending on the ambient conditions these parameters may be changed.

Warranty and technical support

  • Information indicated in the technical specifications is based on scientific and practical knowledge;
  • “Matanat А" company is responsible only for the product quality;
  • Except for the works carried out under the guidance of the company specialists, “Мatanat  А" company bears no responsibility for any problems that may occur as a result of improper use of the product by other users;
  • The company reserves the right to make changes to its product that may occur due to a scientific and technnological development;
  • For technical support or more information please do not hesitate to contact “Matanat А" company!

"UnterMix 1162 AL" new generation hardening speed liquid for wet and dry eruption concrete

Product description

It is a new generation, alcali free, highly effective liquid accelerating the hardening process  for wet and dry shotcrete, , and providing higher resistance at final stages compared to conventional surface hardeners.

Fields of Application

This product can be applied in the following areas:

  • Tunnels;
  • Mines;
  • Temporary or long-term hardening of rocky surfaces;
  • In the use of shotcrete where one-time obtainment of thicker layers is required;
  • In all sorts of shotcrete where high initial and final resistance is required;


  • Allows a one-time use of shotcrete in the form of thick layers by means of spray in hardening tunnel ceilings due to its quick hardening ability ;
  • Compressive strength is 15-20% high in comparison to conventional hardeners;
  • The liquid accelerating the hardening process with spray gun, is easily sprayed by means of air;
  • Dust-free and secure;
  • Increases occupational safety and quality, preventing health problems such as skin burns, lack of vision, because of its being free of alcalies unlike conventional hardening accelerators;
  • The UnterMix 1162 product reduces to minimum the risk of contamination of chemical underground waters emerging during the use of caustic aluminate-based conventional hardening accelerators;
  • Provides high effectiveness and saving even under low doses.

Preparation of surface. The surface should be thoroughly removed of any kind of fat, rust, paraffin, and other residues preventing adhesion, and there should not be any residues remained on the surface. To save the adhesion, the surface should be cleaned with high-pressure water, and the product should be applied onto wet surface.

Selection of cement. To prevent negative effect during the period of hardening, fresh cement should be used. It is recommended to apply portland cement or sulfate-resistant cement to provide quick hardening of shotcrete.

Preparation of mixture. The water/cement ratio of shotcrete should be less than 0,45. This leads to the acceleration of hardening, obtaining of high initial and final strength, formation of thick layers on ceilings in more effective manner using smaller amounts of hardeners.

Application. During the application of wet system shotcrete, UnterMix 1162 is added to the concrete with a separate hose by means of pipe. During the application of dry system shotcrete, UnterMix 1162  is mixedwith water in a corresponding ratio before application. The mixture is added to the dry concrete mixture from a separate hose by means of spray gun.

Compatibility with other admixtures

The UnterMix 1162  product can be used in accordance with the following products:

  • Floton series super plasticizers;
  • Bematon series the newest generation super plasticizers;
  • Together with mineral admixtures, such as quartz sand, volcanic ash, and slag.

Technical specifications


Transparent, brown

Composition of product

Aluminum hydroxide


1,37 kg/liter

Acidity (pH)


Chlorine amount (EN 480-10)



10 kg cans, 200 kg casks,

1000 kg tanks, equipment with special tanks Special transport containers


Consumption of the UnterMix 1162 product depends on concrete, surface and air temperature. Another important factor is compatibility with cement used. For this, prior tests should be done in order to define a corresponding consumption.

Depending on the application area, period of hardening, and resistance, the UnterMix 1162 product can be applied in the amount between 3-8% of the mass of mineral adhesive products (cement, volcanic ash, quartz sand, slag). In case the consumption exceeds the indicated limits, the final hardness limit may fall down.

Shelf Life and  storage

The product should be stored at the temperature of more than +50C. In case of freezing, the product should be mixed with a mechanical mixer until it is totally homogeneous. The storage period is 3 months from the manufacturing date.


  • When using the product,observe the operational and occupational safety regulations, and wear the corresponding safety clothing, safety gloves, glasses, and respirators;
  • Taking into consideration that the product is complex mixture, immediately rinse it with water in case of contact with skin or eyes;
  • Do not add any substances not indicated in the terms of use;
  • The above parameters were received on the basis of laboratory tests conducted in the ambient conditions of +230C±20C temperature and 50% +5% humidity. Depending on the ambient conditions these parameters may be changed.

Warranty and technical support

  • Information indicated in the technical specifications is based on scientific and practical knowledge;
  • “Matanat А" company is responsible only for the product quality;
  • Except for the works carried out under the guidance of the company specialists, “Мatanat  А" company bears no responsibility for any problems that may occur as a result of improper use of the product by other users;
  • The company reserves the right to make changes to its product that may occur due to a scientific and technnological development;
  • For technical support or more information please do not hesitate to contact “Matanat А" company!

Agdag Natural Gypsum Plasterboard - Standard (9.5 mm)

About the product:

NATURAL GYPSUM PLASTERBOARD that is used in the installation of lightweight interfaces between rooms and suspended ceilings, and in covering walls. It is covered with a specific cardboard on both sides and the interior is made of highly resistant natural gypsum.

Areas of application:

  • Interiors and interfaces
  • Suspended ceilings
  • Creating special ornaments on ceilings
  • Leveling walls in interiors



  • Light
  • Environmentally clean
  • Elastic
  • Highly resistant
  • Easily applicable


Technical Indicators

Color: Gray

Length: 2500 mm

Width: 1200 mm

Thickness / weight: 9.5 mm/20-21 kg

Agdag Natural Gypsum Plasterboard - Standard (12.5 mm)

About the product:

NATURAL GYPSUM PLASTERBOARD that is used in the installation of lightweight interfaces between rooms and suspended ceilings, and in covering walls. It is covered with a specific cardboard on both sides and the interior is made of highly resistant natural gypsum.

Areas of application:

  • Interiors and interfaces
  • Suspended ceilings
  • Creating special ornaments on ceilings
  • Leveling walls in interiors



  • Light
  • Environmentally clean
  • Elastic
  • Highly resistant
  • Easily applicable


Technical Indicators

Color: Gray

Length: 2500 mm

Width: 1200 mm

Thickness / weight: 12.5 mm/25-26 kg

Agdag Natural Gypsum Plasterboard – Moısture-Proof (9.5 mm)

About the product:

MOISTURE-PROOF NATURAL GYPSUM PLASTERBOARD that is used in the installation of lightweight interfaces between rooms and suspended ceilings, and in covering walls. It is covered with a specific cardboard on both sides and the interior is made of highly resistant natural gypsum.


Areas of application:

  • Interiors and interfaces
  • Suspended ceilings
  • Wet and moist places
  • Creating special ornaments on ceilings
  • Leveling walls in interiors



  • Light
  • Environmentally clean
  • Elastic
  • Highly resistant
  • Easily applicable
  • Waterproof


Technical Indicators

Color: Green

Length: 2500 mm

Width: 1200 mm

Thickness / weight: 9.5 mm/20-21 kg

Agdag Natural Gypsum Plasterboard – Moısture-Proof (12.5 mm)

About the product:

MOISTURE-PROOF NATURAL GYPSUM PLASTERBOARD that is used in the installation of lightweight interfaces between rooms and suspended ceilings, and in covering walls. It is covered with a specific cardboard on both sides and the interior is made of highly resistant natural gypsum.


Areas of application:

  • Interiors and interfaces
  • Suspended ceilings
  • Wet and moist places
  • Creating special ornaments on ceilings
  • Leveling walls in interiors



  • Light
  • Environmentally clean
  • Elastic
  • Highly resistant
  • Easily applicable
  • Waterproof


Technical Indicators

Color: Green

Length: 2500 mm

Width: 1200 mm

Thickness / weight: 12.5 mm/25-26 kg

Agdag Natural Gypsum Plasterboard –Fıreproof (12.5 mm)

FIREPROOF NATURAL GYPSUM PLASTERBOARD that is used in the installation of lightweight interfaces between rooms and suspended ceilings, and in covering walls. It is covered with a specific cardboard on both sides and the interior is made of highly resistant natural gypsum.


Areas of application:

  • Where fire resistance is required (around ovens, etc.)
  • Interiors and interfaces
  • Suspended ceilings
  • Creating special ornaments on ceilings
  • Leveling walls in interiors



  • Light
  • Environmentally clean
  • Elastic
  • Highly resistant
  • Easily applicable
  • Fireproof


Technical Indicators

Color: Red

Length: 2500 mm

Width: 1200 mm

Thickness / weight: 12.5 mm/25-26 kg

"Ak Deniz" drywall plaster 30 kg


It is a high-quality, environmentally friendly, fine white gypsum obtained by cooking natural gypsum stone at the required temperature. Complies with AZS 046 (TS 370) standard.


From this product:

in the manufacture of sticks and pads;
It is used in the manufacture of gypsum boards and partition gypsum pans.


easily prepared and applied;
does not crack;
is solid;
insulates heat and sound;
temperature resistant and environmentally friendly;
harmless to human body;
has a natural gypsum luster.


Surface preparation. Prior to gluing the plaster and decorative padding, the wall and ceiling surfaces must be inspected and made firm, and the surface must be cleaned of residues that prevent adhesion. After that, to get a smooth and even surface, primer and facing putties should be used for plastering walls and ceilings.

Preparation of the mixture. Sprinkle 10 kg of plasterboard product in 6.5-7.0 liters of water in 30 seconds and mix for 2-3 minutes with a special mixer or hand tool.

Application. Use the prepared plasterboard mixture in the manufacture of decorative gypsum products (plaster and padding), partition gypsum pans and gypsum boards. Work the prepared mixture for 8-12 minutes. Do not use expired plasterboard mixture.

Recommendations. If the ambient temperature of the product is used below + 50C and above + 300C, the required temperature must be maintained. Do not use in hot (above + 300C), rainy and windy weather. The container and equipment from which the mixture is prepared must always be clean. Dirty dishes and utensils shorten the life of the mixture. Equipment and tools should be washed with water immediately after use. It is recommended to use rope or synthetic fibers when making decorative products. It is possible to reduce the risk of breakage and breakage of products by placing rope or special fibers inside the plaster.


Color: White

Operating temperature: +50 C ÷ + 30 0C

Hardening time: beginning son 8-12 minutes, 17-22 minutes

Scale of spread: 140-180 mm

Absorption of water: 34-38%

Water / gypsum ratio 6.5-7.0 liters of water / 10 kg of gypsum

Drying time: about 1 day

Strength limit: bending in compression

4.5-5.5 MPa

10.5 MPa

Bulk density of the product in the dry state
Density of ready-to-use solution
0.64 kg / liter, 1.48 kg / liter

Surface strength: 125-130 Shore D

Packaging: In 30 kg laminated polypropylene bags, in 30 kg bags consisting of 2 or 3 layers of kraft paper and 1 layer of polyethylene



Consumption is variable. Due to the absence of losses, ACDENIS Carton Pierre is more productive and allows to prepare 5% more mortar and padding, as it weighs less per liter of dry compared to other gypsum of the same weight during use. This means a saving of 150 kg for 100 bags of 30 kg ACDENIS Plasterboard.


Packaged bags can be stored for 6 months in closed places, on wooden pallets, in dry warehouses with a maximum of 10 pieces, without touching the floor.


ACDENIZ Pay special attention to the cleanliness of water and utensils when using drywall;
do not add any additives to the product other than water;
The above parameters were obtained as a result of tests conducted at a temperature of + 230C ± 20C and a humidity of 50% + 5%. These indicators may vary depending on the circumstances.


the information specified in the technical indicators is based on scientific and practical knowledge;
Matanat A is solely responsible for the quality of the product;
Matanat A is not responsible for any problems that may arise when other users use it outside of the instructions, except for work performed under the guidance of the company's specialists;
the company reserves the right to make changes to the product in connection with scientific and technical development;
Contact Matanat A for technical support or more information!

Ak Deniz Gypsum plaster 30 kg


Struck with a trowel.
Gypsum-based Mediterranean Gypsum plaster is a economical, universal plaster mixture rich in additives that enhance the use, strengthen heat and sound insulation, replace cement and sand-based plaster and gypsum-based primer plaster layer.

Complies with AZS 052 (TS 6433) standard.


From this product:

bricks, sawdust, briquettes (pressed coal, peat, ore in the form of bricks) in industrial and civil buildings,
It is used for high-quality plastering of walls and ceilings made of concrete and aerated concrete with a plaster trowel.


repairs are cheaper and faster when used on large surfaces;
at the same time simplifies the work of the master and saves time;
works comfortably, does not crack, the rooms breathe;
gives special pleasure to the master during work;
environmentally friendly;
PVA does not join;
reduces the load on buildings compared to cement and sand-based plasters.


Surface preparation. Care should be taken to ensure that the surface is firm and free of impurities (dust, oil, etc.) that prevent the surface from sticking. Containers for Mediterranean Gypsum plaster must be clean. In hot weather, special "corner profiles" (corner profiles) should be placed in the corners of the walls to ensure that there are no cracks in the corners and that the corners are straight and precise. Plastic "plaster mesh" (plaster fillets) is applied to the places where different materials come together and can be moved. If the surface is as smooth as the concrete coming out of the mold, it is necessary to grind the surface to make it uneven, and so on. There is no need to use old and artisanal methods such as In order to prevent future tearing of such surfaces, it is necessary to apply to the surface at least 24 hours before plastering from PARAKONTAKT or other similar product, which creates a two-way contact between the natural surface and the plaster. Before applying Mediterranean Gypsum plaster to metal surfaces, the surface should be protected from rust with ROKOL Antipas mortar or other similar product.

Preparation of the mixture Sprinkle 10 kg of powdered Mediterranean Gypsum plaster in 5.5-6.0 liters of water and after 3-4 minutes mix with a mixer or hand tool until completely dissolved in water. Once the Mediterranean Gypsum plaster is ready, do not add the dry mixture or water to it again. Do not add any additional material or substance to the Mediterranean Gypsum plaster other than water.


Apply ready-made plaster directly to the built wall and ceiling (ie not plastered with sand-cement mixture) (it is possible to apply Mediterranean Gypsum plaster on a wall or ceiling plastered with ordinary sand-cement, but sand-cement plaster is harmful to health and repair costs are high. injection is not recommended). Usually Mediterranean gypsum plaster is applied to the surface at least 0.8-1.0 cm thick. Depending on the type of surface, a mixture made of Mediterranean Gypsum Plaster and Facing Gypsum Plaster can be applied to the surface 24 hours after the end of the application phase of Mediterranean Gypsum plaster, if necessary. When preparing this mixture, it is recommended to contain 85% Mediterranean Gypsum Plaster and 15% Facing Gypsum. Approximately 24 hours after the previous stage, the coating mixture is prepared and applied to the surface. The prepared Mediterranean Gypsum plaster should be applied for 100-120 minutes, and the coating mixture for 130-150 minutes. Expired or peeled mixture should be discarded.



If the temperature of the environment where Mediterranean Gypsum plaster is used is below + 50C and above + 300C, the required temperature must be provided. Do not use in hot (above + 300C), rainy and windy weather. The drum and equipment to be used in the mixing operation must always be kept clean. Contaminated dishes and utensils shorten the life of the mixture. Equipment and tools should be washed with water immediately after use.


Color: White

Working Temperature: + 50С ÷ + 300С

Application thickness: minimum 8-10 mm, maximum 35 mm

Shelf life: 130-150 minutes

Period of freezing (hardening): 280 minutes

Water / gypsum ratio: 5.5-6.0 liters of water / 10 kg

Drying time: about 3-4 days

Limit of strength: bend

at compression 2.0 MPa, 4.1 MPa

Nasal density of the product in dry conditions
The density of the prepared solution is 0.73 kg / l, 1.60 kg / l

Superficial strength 54 Shor D


In laminated polypropylene bags of 30 kg.

In bags of 30 kg, consisting of 2 or 3 layers of kraft paper and 1 layer of polyethylene.


When using Mediterranean Gypsum plaster, the consumption for a minimum thickness of 8-10 mm per 1 m2 is 9 kg. 1 bag of Mediterranean Gypsum plaster (30 kg) is enough to get about 3 m2 of surface.


Packaged bags can be stored indoors, on wooden pallets, in dry warehouses with a maximum of 10 on top of each other for 6 months, provided that they do not touch the floor.


pay special attention to the cleanliness of the water and containers used;
do not add any additives to the primer other than water;
the above indicators are + 230C ± 20C temperature and 50% + 5% humidity